Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 10:29

Belong to You by Iron Bell Music
3 Days
There is an enemy that wants to deceive you into believing lies about your identity and value, but the voice of the Father is the only voice that matters. Through Scripture and the lyrics of their song, “Belong to You,” Iron Bell Music leads you on a journey to learn how your identity and destiny are found in the truth that you belong to God.

To Those Losing a Loved One: The Gradual Goodbye
3 Days
I had no idea how hard it would be to lose someone you love - in stages. It tore me apart when my dear mom was put on hospice. Watching her decline steadily was heartbreaking and the gradual goodbye was physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausting. Here are some helpful and encouraging things I learned as I walked with her through that deep valley, led by our Good Shepherd and Savior.

Overcoming Insomnia - Part 1
3 Days
Overcoming Insomnia: Part 1 from SleepSmartz helps you end the cycle of insomnia that makes you feel terrible each day. This 3 day reading and audio program, based on the popular Beside Quiet Waters sleep session, provides the tools you need to sleep peacefully and wake up feeling refreshed. God designed you to sleep and He can help you get a good night’s rest. Includes audio sleep sessions designed to help you drift off to peaceful sleep.

God's Promises For The Hungry Heart, Part 2
4 Days
Promises! Who doesn't want certainty? We CAN depend on God! It has been said there are around 1600 promises in the Old and New Testaments. The following verses can help you draw near to the Lord and rest. God's word has promises you want in your heart regarding dating, anger, hope, money, trust, suffering, and even sex. Stop relying on empty promises people make. Lean on God's promises.

Releasing His Presence
5 Days
A Devotional Reading Plan based on a sermon by Randy Frazee on the story of Easter as seen through the passages of Genesis 1-3, Exodus 26.31-35, Matthew 27.50-51

Sin: What Is It And Where Does It Come From?
5 Days
Sexual sin is a specific entanglement within the broader problem of sin. So in this study, we’ll answer the question: What is sin? Like a cracked mirror, sin distorts the beauty of God’s image within us. If we downplay the seriousness of that distorted beauty, we minimize the desperateness of the human situation. And if we minimize the desperateness of the human situation, Christ’s death and Resurrection are rendered meaningless.

Who Is Jesus?
5 Days
This five-day reading plan taps into the pivotal question asked and debated for generations: Who Is Jesus? During this devotional journey, Pastor Louie Giglio invites you to meet God in both your intellect and heart by uncovering what history and Scripture have to say about Jesus.

The Doctrines Of Grace
5 Days
This five day plan is an in-depth study of the doctrines of grace. T.U.L.I.P. is a heading of Theology that magnifies the sovereignty of God. Exalting God’s grace is the truth expressed in the doctrines of grace.

Overcoming Insomnia
5 Days
Overcoming Insomnia from SleepSmartz helps you end the cycle of insomnia that makes you feel terrible each day. This 5 day reading and audio program provides the tools you need to sleep peacefully and wake up feeling refreshed. God designed you to sleep and He can help you get a good night’s rest. Includes access to sleep sessions designed to help you drift off to peaceful sleep.

Jesus Revealed Pt. 10 - I AM!
5 Days
A person’s name is his or her first identifier. Have you noticed that a person, more often than not, takes on the characteristics of their name? We see this a lot in the Bible – but have you looked at your own name and its meaning? Plan 10 is the significance of Jesus calling Himself “I AM”. Do we take comfort in knowing Jesus is WHO He says He is?

Confidence in Calling
5 Days
How can I be confident in taking the next steps in my calling? As we move forward in our calling, it will be tested, and even though our circumstances will change, our calling in God remains the same. These five days will apply God’s word to help you understand how God is calling you.

The Right Response
5 Days
It never crossed anyone’s mind to be living in a world that’s fighting a pandemic. Giving the right response will help us not only survive, but also thrive and become a better version of ourselves once this pandemic ends. For the next five days, learn how to guard your faith, focus on God’s goodness, listen to the Holy Spirit, do good, and build yourself as you look up to God.

Real Hope: God's Heart for You
5 Days
The Bible is the greatest love story ever told. God's heart is full of a love for you that defies comprehension. As you explore this plan we pray you see a glimpse of God's heart for you.

Give It to God and Go To Bed
5 Days
When you give it all to God and go to bed, you stress less, sleep better and dream more. God is waiting to help you manage today’s challenges and experience a less stressful, more productive tomorrow. He will help you make the daily divine exchange that empties out the battlefields of your life—your worries for God’s weapons. Your worry does not fight off your enemies. But God’s weapons do.

Grace Bomb
5 Days
Grace Bombing bridges the gap and fills in the missing link by unashamedly citing Jesus as the key motivator of the goodness that is given.

The Grace ~ Worship Song Devotional With KDMusic
5 Days
Use the new hymn ‘The Grace’ to discover how richly God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit transform your life and the life of all believers.

Soul Care Part 3: Silence
5 Days
Self-care has become all the rage. Clean eating, rest, exercise, essential oils, "me time." Yes, all these types of self-care are great, but do you continue to find yourself struggling with stress, anxiety, anger, insecurity, or self-doubt? Maybe there’s some deeper spiritual care needed. This Soul Care series will explore how to take care of your soul … the most important part of you.

How the Work of Christ Sustains the Work of Motherhood
5 Days
Do you ever feel a disconnect as a mother—like you’re doing all the “mom things” you’re supposed to do as you stoop to serve your kids with your hands, but your heart isn’t in it? Kristen Wetherell has been there too. This 5-day plan is an invitation to take in all that Christ is for you. And you’ll find that his heart and posture is changing yours.

Can the Resurrection Change My Life?
5 Days
We live in a crazy world that is drifting farther away from God by the day, but the power of Jesus’ resurrection is life-changing. The same power of God that raised Jesus from the grave is still available to you today. Let’s tap into that living hope so we can serve the Lord in a way that we never could before.

Promises, Peace, & Journal Prompts for Fear & Anxiety
5 Days
We all know fear and anxiety are part of the human experience. But so often fear and anxiety keep us overwhelmed and unable to enjoy the life God has given us. This reading plan focuses on the promises of God, journal prompts, and simple practices to anchor our hearts when waves of anxiety knock us around. Let’s find more peace, joy, and firm ground.

The Need of Every Nation
5 Days
Truth transcends all language, time, and cultural bounds.There are no social, moral, economic or political solutions to a spiritual problem. The hope of any nation is in what God is able to do, and the need of every nation is for praying Christians. We hope this study will challenge you to pray for your country. All scripture quotations are taken from the Authorized Version (KJV).

5 Prayers for Guidance
5 Days
Do you need wisdom from the Lord? If so, claim these five Bible promises in prayer! As you pray these 5 simple prayers for guidance, God will give you wisdom and show you what to do—no matter what your situation.

4 Ways to Be Sure if You Are Really Saved - - Not Everyone Is!
5 Days
Salvation is a free gift of God, and we can accept it just by believing that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to die for our sins and rise again. Salvation is for everyone who believes, but is believing enough? Join us as we uncover 4 checks from the Bible to be sure that your salvation is real, and can never be taken away.

Names of Jesus
5 Days
Are you longing to experience the true meaning of Christmas? This Advent, journey through the names of Jesus, found in Isaiah 9:6. Each day focuses on a different title: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Through these reflections, we are invited to experience Jesus more intimately, finding wonder, guidance, strength, love, and peace in him. Let’s rediscover the power of Jesus's name this Christmas season.