Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 1:7

Overcoming Spiritual Attack
3 Days
This is a devotional based on Overcoming Spiritual Attack by Ryan LeStrange. There are occasional bumps in the road of life, but how do we know the difference between a challenging day, a difficult season, or an actual spiritual attack? Ryan LeStrange helps you identify the symptoms of spiritual attack in your life with key practical insights from Scripture to overcome.

The Wisdom of Humility
3 Days
Are you humble? Do you struggle with humility? Why is humility important? These are the questions this series tries to answer.

Golden Repair
3 Days
Life breaks us all so says Earnest Hemingway, but many are made stronger at the broken places. We will journey together through things in life that can break us and what God does in our brokenness to strengthen us and to bring beauty and joy out of our broken places. We will see what James tells us is the reality of trials, the response we are to have and the result of our response to those trials.

When In Doubt
3 Days
Perhaps one of the most debilitating parts of life can be summed up in one word—doubt. Doubt can destroy faith, trust, belief, and confidence when it is left unchecked and unresolved. The disciple Thomas, and even John the Baptist, experienced doubt that could have shattered their faith and trust in Jesus. This plan shares with us how doubt by Jesus can bring about peace, faith, grace, and patience.

3 Days
Who said you can’t flourish in hard times? Not the Bible! Why? Because God expects His children to trust Him as their Provider and Caregiver. Over 3,000 years ago, Ruth, a widowed Moabite refugee, experienced God’s miraculous provision of home and engrafting into the Messianic line. A shining example of how to overcome extreme difficulty, I believe Ruth’s encouragement in our hard times is one decision: “Flourish!”

How to Ignite Your Life
3 Days
What is the purpose behind sharing your faith? What if faith-sharing is out of your comfort zone? In this 3-day devotional, you will gain a practical understanding and application for sharing your faith to those around you. You can bring a snippet of heaven to earth through the power of the Gospel message!

3 Prayers to Ward Off Panic
3 Days
If you are overwhelmed and panicking, pray through these three Bible promises, and the Lord will comfort you. He will take care of you and protect you, no matter what your situation!

3 Prayers for Renewal
3 Days
Do you need the Lord to heal your heart, restore your life, and give you a new song? Then pray these three simple bullet-point prayers for renewal, and believe His promises to renew your strength!

God's Prescription to Overcome Fear, Worry and Anxiety a 3-Day Plan by Alisha Walker
3 Days
Living a life of peace is what God wants for all of His children, so much so that He gave us the perfect prescription. God’s prescription to overcome fear, worry, and anxiety is given to us in scripture. This devotion will help you learn how your fears, worries, and anxiety are stealing your peace of mind and help you discover God’s prescription for mental wellness.

When You're Worried About Loved Ones
3 Days
Have you ever lost sleep worrying about someone you love? Have you thought, “God, I feel so bad for them!” But worrying and feeling bad doesn’t help them, and it’s like saying God isn’t big enough to solve every problem (but He is!). Read this plan to find out how to turn your worry into powerful prayers that actually help.

3 Days of Vino Vacay to Enjoy a Sober Minded Weekend
3 Days
In this 3 day Bible plan, I’ll take you through the importance of the 3 P’s of a sober minded weekend. It all begins with pre-deciding our choices in advance and then we see how God rewards our planning ahead. We can use our past experiences as a helpful tool to “play the movie forward”, make healthy choices, and live fully in the present.

When You're Discouraged
3 Days
Life can be full of trouble, and it’s easy to get discouraged. Look carefully at that word: dis-courage. The troubles and pressures of life come at you to take away your courage… to make you throw down your faith, stop believing God, and quit! But you can’t win if you quit! This plan can help you defeat discouragement and fight with your God-given weapons until you see your answers.

God's Promises For The Hungry Heart, Nine
4 Days
Promises! Who doesn't want certainty. We CAN depend on God! It has been said there are around 1600 promises in the Old and New Testaments. The following verses can help you draw near to the Lord and rest. God's word has promises you want in your heart regarding dating, anger, hope, money, trust, suffering and even sex. Stop relying on empty promises people make. Lean on God's promises.

Room For Doubt
4 Days
What does it look like to let go of certainty and explore your doubts? Room for Doubt encourages us to embrace the beauty of doubt and lean in to faith.

Get Your PRAISE On!
4 Days
What do you do in times of trials and tribulations? Do you become angry at God and ask why or do you praise your way through the storm? Praise is a powerful weapon that the children of God possess and it confuses the enemy of our soul. You have a choice- You can keep quiet in the trials, or you can use your voice to get your praise on and experience victory as the King of glory comes to your defense.

4 Days Of Seeing Is Believing
4 Days
We are all familiar with the phrase, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” It means that a person won’t accept something on blind faith, they need evidence before committing to believing it. But the spiritual life of a Christian reverses that and says, “Believing is seeing.” Tony Evans explains how Christians can see miracles if they commit to believing first.

Don't Second Guess Yourself!
4 Days
When you’ve sought God, spent time in His Word, and listened carefully for His guidance for your life, it’s still going to take faith to move forward. And once you take steps in a certain direction, it’s easy to second guess yourself! Here’s help for staying strong and staying on track to fulfilling God’s good plan for you.

The Fruit of the Spirit
4 Days
From the author of Total Forgiveness, R.T. Kendall will take you on a journey in this four-day devotional plan to help you discover a vibrant relationship with God through the fruit of the Spirit. Be prepared for a refreshed understanding of the fruit of the Spirit unlike ever before.

A God-Honoring Approach to Planning
4 Days
We Christians ought to be set apart in how we make plans for our work and lives. This devotional examines 4 biblical principles to help us approach planning in a God-honoring way. Whether you’re setting goals for your business for the next year or simply trying to plan out the week ahead, my hope is that this devotional will help you plan in a way that brings God joy.

KNOW James
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of James teaches us about growing into maturity in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

James Bible Study
4 Days
This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of James for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: 1) Observing the text of James 2) Interpreting its original message to James’ audience in the first century 3) Applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today

Walk in Faith
4 Days
What does it mean to walk by faith and not by sight? In this 4-day devotional by Phil Hotsenpiller you will discover what it means to walk in faith regardless of the troubles facing you or the world around you. Instead of walking in bondage, now is the chance to learn how to seek God and walk with Him intimately for a life of freedom.

Worship Through Advent: A Seasonal Devotional for Your Worship Ministry
4 Days
Walk through Advent with this 4-day devotional from Worship Together. Created with worship leaders, worship teams, church volunteers, and church staff in mind—this devotion gives you something to read alone or with your worship team each Sunday in December leading up to Christmas with a focus on hope, love, joy, and peace.

Trials: Discipling Your Kids Through Tough Times
5 Days
A 5-part devotional series on how parents can walk their teens through some of life's biggest challenges, centering around the wisdom found in James 1.

She Believes: Embracing The Life You Were Created To Live
5 Days
What you choose to believe about your life affects everything—who you are as a person, your day-to-day decisions, and even your future. In the She Believes Devotional, Debbie Lindell helps you understand how living a faith-filled life will change you, your circumstances, and your relationships, and will make a difference in how you respond to everything that happens around you.