Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Samuel 18:17

Jesus People: Better Together
5 Days
Life isn't meant to live alone. Jesus created us to live in a community. We > Me should be our mentality. No Mavericks fly in this airspace. Collaboration fuels creativity. Everyone contributes and we all have a voice. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. We clear our bench and everyone plays! Life is better together. Written by Ryan R.

The Most Excellent Way To Lead
7 Days
From time to time, every leader needs to take a gut check. Whether you’re leading others at your job, in your church, on your campus, or in your home, none of us want to fail in the leadership opportunities we’ve been given (1 Corinthians 13:8). Use this 7-day reading plan to discover the most excellent way to lead.

Developing A Godly Relationship With Money
7 Days
This is a reading plan on how to develop a healthy relationship with money. Money is a subject that most "good" people don't want to engage because it is associated with a lot of bad things. While others have used money for evil, most money is used for good. We interact with it everyday and yet few people take time to develop a healthy relationship with it. It is wise to develop a good understanding of this important subject.

Success Secrets From The Bible
7 Days
While success can be described in many ways and means different things to different people, whatever you call it and whatever it means to you, God wants you to achieve it. In His word, He has given us principles that make success inevitable. When you follow them, these principles will produce success with mathematical accuracy.

The Book of Samuel
12 Days
This reading plan will introduce you to the book of Samuel, including why and under what circumstances the book was written and how it applies to Christians today.

Influence of God's Glory
24 Days
By the end of this study, we pray that you will know God’s voice better, that you will know when and how he speaks, and feel compelled to obey. As we study Scripture, we will discover that God’s plan cannot be thwarted regardless of who is in power. The point of the original monarchy found in 1 and 2 Samuel, illustrates that from the beginning.

Joseph's Life Story
26 Days
“God loves you, and He has a plan for your life.” This is a popular statement among Christians, and it is true. But God’s ways are not always easy! They may include suffering to transform us; we may go through deep valleys before reaching the heights of God’s promises. Joseph’s life story, as recorded in the book of Genesis, is a good example of this.

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 4
30 Days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Four of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled 'Establishing the Kingdom, 1155 BC–1020 BC'.

1 Samuel - The Coming King
31 Days
1 Samuel charts the rise and fall of several of Israel’s leaders. You’ll meet the notoriously arrogant king Saul and see the ascent of the man after God’s own heart – David. You’ll read of dangerous battles, murder plots, giants and even more surprises in this book. You’ll see that despite turbulence in leadership, seemingly strong enemies and spiritual decay God is very much at work orchestrating the fall of the proud and the rise of the humble. What an encouragement for us today when we are faced with challenges not too dissimilar to these!