Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con ROMANOS 15:5
5 dias
¿Cómo podemos asegurar estabilidad espiritual cuando la vida nos arroja grandes obstáculos a nuestros pies, como por ejemplo el coronavirus? ¿Cuando nuestro mundo entero está al revés? Este plan te ayuda a mejorar tu estabilidad espiritual para que puedas desarrollarte en todos los sentidos, incluso en los momentos difíciles de tu vida.
Anchored in Hope: Readings From the New Testament
5 Days
We often hope in the world around us—for a promotion, a better relationship, a stronger family, and recovery of the sick. But trusting only in earthly outcomes will fail us. The Bible says we will experience loss and disappointment on earth, but we are held in God’s eternal love. On this plan, you will learn about God’s care for you and see how spiritual hope can bring strength amid life’s storms.
No Te Conformes Con La Copia
5 Dias
Este devocional basado en el libro “No Te Conformes con la Copia”, establece que con la ayuda de Dios, encuentras a tu pareja ideal, identificada como “La Original”. "Las Copias” son personas que no son la opción escogida por Dios. Además, va dirigido a las personas solteras, divorciadas o viudas que tienen la intención de unir sus vidas en matrimonio para darle continuidad al propósito que Dios tiene para ellos.
7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ.
Wild Life—Start Really Living
12 Days
Jesus didn’t give up His perfect life so you could just make it through yours. Seven guys—like you—set aside a few days to slow down, have fun, find answers, and get it all on video. Is life just work and stress? How do we get off the performance treadmill? Can I get free from addiction? How do I start really living? Start this Life.Church Bible Plan with some friends to find out.
Meditaciones Para Estar Más Cerca De Dios Y De Él
18 Dias
Orar por tu esposo cada día demuestra que lo amas y lo cuidas. Él te necesita mucho (aun cuando no lo diga) y una de las maneras más efectivas de ayudarlo es orando por él del diario. Este plan es el pretexto perfecto para orar y poner en práctica intensa el amor que tienes a tu esposo, y durante este periodo hagas tuyo el hábito de orar profundamente por él.
24 Days
A great way to build your prayer life is to learn from the prayers of others. This plan lets us listen in on prayers from Bible heroes in different situations and for different purposes, and is designed to accompany the message series Pray by Craig Groeschel. (You can watch it online at Don't pray alone; study this content together with your small group.
Courageous Kids
28 Days
The Bible is full of examples of amazing people who demonstrated courage. But can a kid live out extraordinary courage in just their ordinary life? This plan includes some kid-friendly videos of some Bible greats and takes us through their stories of courage while also exploring other verses and passages that challenge us to live with courage in our everyday walk with Christ.