Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con APOCALIPSIS 21:3

Lo que pasa cuando mueres
3 Dias
¿Pueden los espíritus interactuar con los vivos? ¿En realidad existe el purgatorio? ¿Hay mascotas en el cielo? El pastor popular Randy Frazee nos ofrece respuestas con bases Bíblicas a preguntas acerca de la vida y la muerte. Un plan de lectura de 5 días basado en el libro Lo que pasa cuando mueres

Jesus the Creator, Carpenter, Gardener, and King
4 Days
Jesus reveals himself in Scripture as creator (at the beginning of time), carpenter (with his birth into the home of Joseph), gardener (at the resurrection), and king (in the new Jerusalem). This plan will lead you to a deeper appreciation for each of these appearances and what they mean for the work you do each day.

It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way: A 5-Day Challenge By Lysa TerKeurst
5 Days
Do you ever find yourself saying “this isn’t turning out the way I thought it would”? Whether it’s a relationship crisis, the loss of a loved one, an unexplained illness, or a hard life situation, Lysa TerKeurst understands and invites you to join this 5-day reading plan. Together, we’ll learn where disappointment comes from and how to discover the strength you need to face heartbreak in a biblical way.

The Supernatural Life
5 Days
Embracing the supernatural reality of the spiritual world of the Bible is essential for understanding the Bible. Though we can’t see everything, God is working behind the scenes to cause everything promised in the Bible to come to pass. This 5-day plan will challenge you to live intentionally—and believe that His unseen hand is engaged in your circumstances.

Surviving Sorrow: Devotions for Parents in Mourning
5 Days
When Kim's three-year-old son passed away, she found plenty of resources on grieving. She says what she really needed, though, “was someone who would give me advice for living, not just grieving.” In this five-day devotional, Kim will share a raw vulnerability, a deep well of wisdom, and the knowledge of someone who’s been there as she walks grieving parents through the life-after-death process and surviving the sorrow of loss.

Fighting for Unity in a Divided World
5 Days
How do you faithfully follow Jesus in a divided world? In a world where every issue has become a battle between “us” and “them,” it is more important than ever to remember that no matter what, Jesus is still on the throne. Learn how to respond to an increasingly divided world as a disciple of Jesus.

habitación 24.7
5 Dias
Hemos escuchado o leído muchas veces que Dios quiere habitar en nosotros y con nosotro. Pero, ¿entendemos lo que eso significa y cómo esta verdad nos posiciona de otra manera en la realidad espiritual?

One Minute After You Die
6 Days
C.S. Lewis said, “Aim at Heaven and you will get earth ‘thrown in.’ Aim at earth and you get neither.” In other words, what you do today because of what you believe about what happens after you die could change everything, forever. Start this Life.Church Bible Plan today to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s new series, One Minute After You Die.

From Anxiety to Peace
6 Days
If you find yourself constantly struggling with worry and anxiety, this Bible Plan is for you. There will not be a quick formula that guarantees 100% peace nor will everything related to anxiety be addressed. However, the principles contained in this Plan offer pathways toward victory when they are lived out. You’re invited to begin this journey from anxiety to peace.

What Is Easter All About?
6 Days
Once, a man predicted His own death. He also predicted He’d only be dead for three days. And He was right! Jesus’ death and return to life are the amazing truths of the Easter story. Christians still celebrate the day. But what does it all mean for you? This Bible Plan will help you understand the mysteries and the beauty of Easter!

Anxious For Nothing
7 days
What if there’s a better way to fight the endless worries that keep you up at night? Real rest is available—maybe closer than you think. Replace panic with peace through this 7-day Bible Plan from Life.Church, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series Anxious for Nothing.

Missing Peace
7 Days
Is it really possible to experience peace when life is painful? The short answer: yes, but not in our own power. In a year that has left us feeling overwhelmed, many of us are left with questions. In this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, we’ll discover how to find the Missing Peace we all crave.

Y en Paz Me Acostaré.
7 Dias
Este devocional contiene 7 reflexiones esperanzadoras basadas en historias y experiencias con las que nos vamos a identificar y encontrar palabras de esperanza en medio de las crisis y de las diferentes pruebas que la vida pueda traer. Basadas en el libro "Y en paz me acostaré" de Juan Triviño

The Man on the Middle Cross: A 7-Day Easter Reading Plan
7 Days
Nearly everyone agrees that this world is broken. But what if there’s a solution? This seven-day Easter plan begins with the unique experience of the thief on the cross and considers why the only real answer to brokenness is found in the execution of an innocent man: Jesus, the Son of God.

Proyecto Biblia | Lee Apocalipsis sabiamente
7 Dias
Este plan es una introducción a la lectura de la literatura apocalíptica, específicamente al libro de Apocalipsis. Este plan de lectura proporciona videos, pasajes de las Escrituras y consejos útiles para comprender la historia de la Biblia y la literatura apocalíptica. Piensa en esto como en lo "que debes saber" antes de leer Apocalipsis.

La Extraordinaria Morada de Dios
7 Dias
Antes de que el tiempo empezase, Dios ya había decidido restaurar su extraordinaria relación con Adán y Eva. Empezó a darles algunas pistas de cómo Él lo haría. Descubrámoslo juntos.

El Hilo Rojo: La Historia De Redención
7 Dias
El relato de la historia de Dios desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis acerca de Su plan de salvación por medio de Cristo, Su Único Hijo.

Todo Nuevo
7 Dias
En estas fechas tan importantes y memorables para todo creyente, es importantísimo mirar a la cruz, mirar a Jesús, mirar lo que su Palabra tiene que hablar a nuestro corazón y mente. Medita con nosotros durante los próximos siete días en las palabras de Jesús: "El que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: «Mira, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas»".

8 Dias
Devocional de 8 días que nos hablan de nuestra identidad y destino. Este plan sirve de guía para la Semana Universal de Oración (SUO) 2020. Autores: Samuel Alonso, Timoteo Glasscock, Oscar Pérez, Oliver Py, Rosa Barrachina, Edith Vilamajó, Manuel Diaz e Israel Montes; diseñado y supervisado por José Hutter e Israel Montes, presidentes de los Grupos de Teología y Oración de la AEE respectivamente.

The Empowered Church
8 Days
More than ever, people are aware that we are deeply connected. This unique time is an opportunity for us to reflect on how we share in each other’s suffering, center ourselves on God, and rise to a calling that does not expire simply because the world is in trouble, but perhaps is even more important now: to demonstrate the radical love of Christ to the most vulnerable in our world.

Felicidad Y Bienestar
8 Dias
¿Cómo podemos contribuir, como empresarios, a la felicidad y el bienestar de todos los que participan en nuestra empresa? ¿Dónde encontramos nuestra propia felicidad y satisfacción?

From Beginning to Forever: A Study of the Grand Narrative of Scripture
9 Days
This plan guides you through the story of the Bible, showing how all sixty-six books combine to form one unified narrative. Weaving together the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation, this 9-day study shows the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how He invites us to be a part of it.

Proyecto Biblia | Introducción a la fe cristiana
9 Dias
La finalidad de este plan de lectura es dar a conocer las principales creencias del cristianismo mediante el estudio del argumento global y los temas de la Biblia.

Finding God's Truth In The Storms Of Life
10 Days
As Christians, we are not immune to troubles in this world. In fact, John 16:33 promises they will come. If you are facing the storms of life right now, this devotional is for you. It is a reminder of the hope that gets us through life's storms. And if you aren't facing any struggles in this moment, it will give you the foundation that will help you through future trials.

Hacia lo Nuevo
12 Dias
Este plan de 12 días está basado en el EP musical 'Hacia lo Nuevo' con 4 canciones, cada una reflejando una estación del año. Estos representan las etapas en las que Dios nos lleva cuando quiere hacer algo nuevo, y nuestros corazones necesitan ser pulidos para permitir el crecimiento que nos lleva a una mayor madurez y preparación. ¡Qué nuestra adoración a Jesus se mantenga constante ante todos los cambios!