Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con SALMOS 51:1
Acts of Repentance
5 Days
Repentance is one of the key actions we all take in coming to know Christ as our personal Savior. Repentance is our action and forgiveness is God's reaction to us out of His perfect love for us. During this 5-day reading plan, you will receive a daily Bible reading and a brief devotional designed to help you better understand the importance of repentance in our walk with Christ. For more content, check out
5 Prayers of Humility
5 Days
Need more of God's grace, favor, and blessing? Then pray these five simple prayers of humility, asking the Lord to favor you and help you. He will answer your prayer; He gives grace to the humble! And if you humble yourself before the Lord, He will lift you up.
Camino De Pecadores
5 Dias
Podemos creer que el camino de un pecador es el infierno y no estamos equivocados. Pero, Jesús vino para rescatarnos y darnos un nuevo propósito. Alejarnos y escondernos de Dios no es el verdadero camino de un pecador sino de acercarnos a Él para que nos perdone, enderece nuestro caminar y nos enseñe a conducir a otros nuevamente a Su presencia.
El Diario De Un Cristiano
6 Dias
¿Te cuesta ser sincero con Dios? ¿No encuentras las palabras correctas para expresarle lo que sientes? El diario del cristiano es un conjunto de oraciones escritas que te ayudarán a hablar con Dios como lo que es, nuestro mejor amigo. No necesitas dirigirte al Padre con formalidad, Él quiere que lo hagas desde el corazón.
How To Move Through Suffering And Come Back Stronger
7 Days
Each of us is sure to suffer at some point in our lives. As a counselor, I’ve seen sufferers transformed. I’ve seen those once debilitated by trauma learn to suffer well. In this brief devotional, I pray that you will realize that your story is not over. You may experience suffering, but you can suffer well. You can ask, What’s next? instead of getting stuck asking, Why? You can become resilient.
Joy For All Seasons
30 Days
Have you ever wondered, “Is it possible to experience joy in all seasons of life?” Carol McLeod believes that God has an enormous joy for you that is within your reach. In this devotional, you will discover how to trust God when life isn’t fair, how to ponder Scripture that transforms your thinking and how to turn disappointment into a heart that rejoices in the middle of uncertainty.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.