Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con SALMOS 40:3
Don't Settle For Safe
3 Days
If voices of insecurity, doubt, and fear are not confronted, they will dictate your life. You cannot silence these voices or ignore them. In this 3-day reading plan, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows you how to defy the limitations of your past and embrace the uncomfortable to become unstoppable.
Días Grises
3 dias
Nadie esta exento de tener malos momentos, días grises sin sabor y sin sentido. Aun Jesús tuvo días grises; pero te digo, Dios quiere darle color a tu vida y no ha dejado de decirte que no te rindas, que aunque no lo sientas, Él esta contigo y no te ha dejado
Dios tiene un propósito contigo
4 dias
Las razones por las que fuiste creado jamás podrán ser halladas en ti mismo, sino en el Creador. Nada se trata de ti, sino de Él, pues a fin de cuentas es la fuente, el origen y el principio de todo. Este plan devocional narra la indudable insistencia de Dios en mostrarnos su plan y capacitarnos para entender que «Dios tiene un propósito contigo».
Beneficios De La Espera
4 Dias
Es difícil cuando queremos algo y debemos esperar, aún más difícil cuando vemos que todos los vientos son contrarios. Parece chocante que te diga que hay beneficios en la espera. Pero, ¿cuál espera? Esperar en Dios. Este plan fue hecho con amor para ti.
Everybody Wants To Win But Nobody Wants To Wait
5 Days
Through these comprehensive daily readings, learn how to wait on God's timing in all aspects of life, from healing to relationships. Discover how to make the most of the waiting season and pray according to God's will. This devotional is based on Everybody Wants to Win, But Nobody Wants to Wait by Marcus Gill.
It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way: A 5-Day Challenge By Lysa TerKeurst
5 Days
Do you ever find yourself saying “this isn’t turning out the way I thought it would”? Whether it’s a relationship crisis, the loss of a loved one, an unexplained illness, or a hard life situation, Lysa TerKeurst understands and invites you to join this 5-day reading plan. Together, we’ll learn where disappointment comes from and how to discover the strength you need to face heartbreak in a biblical way.
Hope for the Postpartum Mom
5 Days
The Bible doesn’t talk specifically about the postpartum season, but it does have stories of people going through hard things, showing there is hope in every season. In this 5-day plan, there’s hope for postpartum moms in what can be an unexpectedly dark time. Together, Amanda Taylor, who victoriously walked through PPD, and professional counselor, Jan Kimball, LMSW, LCSW, provide hope for postpartum moms in this encouraging Bible reading plan
El Cuarto De Espera
5 Dias
¿A quién le gusta esperar? Yo creo que a nadie. A través de este devocional quiero compartirte lo que aprendí en mis tiempos de espera.
How To Help Your Millennial Return To Faith
6 Days
Abandoned faith is a painfully deep and prevalent problem among millennials. Even those who grew up in strong Christian families are walking away from their faith. Expert apologist authors Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez address this new reality with compassion to parents who feel burdened and alone. They share statistics, stories, and practical ways parents can impact their children, and help you lead them home.
Lifehacks: Practical Tips For Godly Habits
7 Days
Tips and advice for incorporating valuable spiritual disciplines into your life! Each day’s reading offers scriptural wisdom and practical takeaways on topics such as prayer, wisdom, rest, worship, faithfulness, and character formation. Articles were selected from the 365 articles in the NIV Lifehacks Bible.
Living Changed: When Your Birth Story Didn’t Go As Expected
7 Days
We all have a picture of what we think our pregnancy and birth will look like. When it goes differently, it can be heartbreaking. Whether you had a difficult delivery or your little one needed a NICU stay, your story matters to God. This plan, from a NICU mama, will help you grieve the birth story you didn’t get to experience and find hope and healing for the future.
Todo Nuevo
7 Dias
En estas fechas tan importantes y memorables para todo creyente, es importantísimo mirar a la cruz, mirar a Jesús, mirar lo que su Palabra tiene que hablar a nuestro corazón y mente. Medita con nosotros durante los próximos siete días en las palabras de Jesús: "El que estaba sentado en el trono dijo: «Mira, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas»".
What Is True Love?
12 Days
Everyone wants to know what true love is. But few people look at what the Bible says about love. Love is one of the central themes of Scripture and the most essential virtue of the Christian life. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries explores the biblical meaning of love and how to love God better and love others.
Diario De Una Mujer Estéril Fértil
12 Dias
Hay diagnósticos que desgarran el alma, y "estéril" es uno de ellos. La oración "Ayúdame a disfrutar el proceso" marcó el inicio de un viaje por el desierto. Inspirado en el libro "Diario de una mujer estéril fértil", es un testimonio de cómo hallar consuelo y renovar la esperanza en la adversidad. Aprende a disfrutar el proceso, a encontrar en Dios la plenitud y una luz en la oscuridad.
Timeless Wonder | a Christmas Reading Plan From New Life Church
19 Days
This three week plan walks us through the timeless wonder of how God came to us through His son, Jesus. The plan is designed to begin on a Monday so that each weekend will include shorter content meant for rest and reflection during the holiday season. Join us as we study what the birth of Christ means for our future, present, and past.
Our Daily Bread: Finding Comfort in Times of Loss
20 Days
It is our hope and prayer that the devotionals that follow will warm your heart and lift your spirit as they lead you to lean on the Lord, our Shepherd and our Guide through the valley of grief.
The Heartbeat of God
30 Days
A treasure principal of faith lies within this 30 day devotional, "The Heartbeat of God." Each day begins with a declaration of praise using these words, "O God, You are...". Then, an unfolding of His character and attributes begins (for example: "O God, You are Good"). These scripture-filled devotional prayers guide the reader into a practice of lifting up God's Name, which results in a deeper understanding of His intentional "heartbeat" of love for His people.