Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con SALMOS 130:2
En medio del dolor
4 Dias
¿Estás en una situación difícil, en un momento de dificultad, y sientes que no hay nadie alrededor? Sé lo que se siente, escuchar que vendrán tiempos mejores que parecen no llegar. Soy Gabriela Rodríguez y durante 4 días caminaremos, hombro a hombro, recordando que Dios está contigo en medio del dolor.
Even Silence Is Praise
5 Days
These five daily devotions are based on Rick Hamlin’s book, Silence Is Praise: Quiet Your Mind and Awaken Your Soul with Christian Meditation. Silence speaks volumes and becomes a tool for all Jesus followers.
Grieving With Hope After Miscarriage And Loss By Adriel Booker
7 Days
This devotional is an invitation to feel, to wrestle, to be fully awake in your suffering after miscarriage or other loss. It is also an invitation to be nurtured and understood and to hear from another woman that the pain gets better, even as we long for the day when our tears are wiped away and pain is no more. Wherever you are on your journey of grief after losing a baby—or any kind of personal heartache or suffering—I pray these words will be a gateway for God’s grace. Let’s dive deep together.