Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con FILIPENSES 4:8
Words To Live By With Craig Groeschel
3 Days
Your thoughts can hold you back, push you down, and feed you lies. But they can also lift you up! So, Craig Groeschel, senior pastor of Life.Church, wrote down some truths he reads every day. Start reading to see how these words changed everything for him, and find three simple steps to discovering your own Words to Live By.
Fe y medicamentos
3 dias
Ante cualquier dolor, enfermedad o malestar lo primero que hacemos es recurrir a los medicamentos, pero ante esa realidad, oramos para que este plan devocional de 3 días tu fe crezca de manera explosiva, para que antes de buscar tus medicamentos busques a Dios.
Buenos días con Jesús
3 Dias
Todos hemos tenido días malos, pero ¿qué pasa cuando tener un mal día se vuelve una costumbre? Que la ansiedad y el estrés no le agobien más. Lea este plan devocional de 3 días y vuelva a tener buenos días con Jesús de su mano.
Fiesta en El Desierto
3 Dias
Atravesamos situaciones difíciles que no comprendemos. Hace 8 años, vimos a nuestra madre enferma y postrada en cama. Fueron 4 años en un desierto inesperado. Pero quiero compartir la importancia de este proceso. No solo hablo de nuestras experiencias, sino de una verdad poderosa que fortalecerá tu vida. Ánimo en las pruebas, pues Santiago 1:2 dice: "Hermanos, considerad un gozo supremo enfrentar diversas pruebas".
3 Dias
La mente es una herramienta muy importante que usamos todos los días; dialogamos, pensamos... y muchas veces, esto es muy intenso ya que determina qué humor vamos a tener un día. Así es que, la mente nos puede causar estrés. ¡Dios quiere que cambiemos nuestras mentes para poder afrontar mejor nuestras batallas! ¿Estás listo?
Cómo Superar La Ansiedad
3 Dias
La ansiedad puede ser debilitante, pero la historia no tiene que terminar así. Dios nos diseñó para que nuestro cerebro pueda ser reconfigurado. Podemos aprender a manejar la ansiedad e incluso superarla. En este plan devocional de tres días, Ben Bennett proporciona consejos prácticos para que las personas puedan enfrentar la ansiedad y el miedo.
4 Dias
En este plan devocional encontrará ese nuevo aire que está buscando para su relación. En el matrimonio, el desafío es encontrar el camino para mantener y sostener la relación, o bien si se halla en peligro, recuperarla. Cuanto mas esfuerzo le dedique a su pareja, más suerte tendrá en el amor.
How to Battle Fear
4 Days
In uncertain times, our go-to mindset is fear. It seems to soothe us when we continually let ourselves go down fear-filled, “what-if” roads. As followers of Jesus, we can battle this. We don’t have to let fear win. This Plan is filled with practical tips as you take steps to win the battle fear is waging.
Vencer a La Ansiedad en Su Propio Terreno
4 Dias
La ansiedad en todas sus formas puede ser debilitante, ya que puede desequilibrarnos y mantenernos presos del miedo. Sin embargo, éste no es el final de la historia, ya que en Jesús encontramos la libertad y la gracia para superar esta dificultad. Y no sólo podemos superarla, sino que además podemos acabar siendo mejores personas gracias a la palabra de Dios y a su constante presencia tranquilizadora.
Chispas De Aquí Y De Allá
4 Dias
Pensando en Voz Alta pretende ser una caja de contenidos que busca compartir pensamientos, sentimientos y argumentos que expresan la fe y las crisis de ella, para que el lector halle asiento donde reposar, pensar y afirmar lo que su boca calla, pero su corazón grita EN VOZ ALTA.
Anxious for Nothing
5 Days
Bestselling author Max Lucado explores God’s treatment plan for anxiety found in Philippians 4:4–8. As you follow this prescription – celebrating God’s goodness, asking for his help, leaving your concerns with him, and meditating on good things – you will experience God’s peace. While anxiety is a part of life, it doesn’t have to dominate your life.
In All Things
5 Days
The letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi has traveled across generations to nourish and challenge our hearts and minds today. This five-day devotional gives you a taste of the book of Philippians, many centuries from when God authored it through Paul. May God fill you with wonder and expectation as you read this letter of joy! Because these are not just Paul’s words to an ancient church—these are God’s words to you.
Finding Freedom From Stress
5 Days
Stress is real, but it doesn’t have to run your life. Through Christ, we can reframe it, refocus it, and redefine it. If you’re struggling with stress, check out this 5-day Bible Plan to learn how to find freedom and peace.
The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry
5 Days
Hurry doesn’t just make you weary. It is the great enemy of your spiritual life. In The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer provides four down-to-earth practices for staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive: 1) Silence and solitude, 2) Sabbath, 3) simplicity, and 4) slowing. It’s the unhurried Way of Jesus.
Peace on Earth: A 5-Day Advent Devotional
5 Days
For some, Christmas time can be full of grief, tragedy, hurt, and division. Yet Christmas celebrates that God became a human and stepped right into the middle of our hurting, angry, chaotic world to bring us peace—peace among people and, even more importantly, peace with God. Join us this Advent season in looking at the peace brought by Christ.
Reset Your Mind: Overhauling Toxic Thoughts
5 Days
Do you ever feel like you have little control over the thoughts in your head? Most of us struggle with negativity, worry, and other toxic thoughts. In this 5-day Bible Plan, we’ll learn how to overhaul toxic thoughts, reset our minds, and focus our thinking on Christ.
Surviving Sorrow: Devotions for Parents in Mourning
5 Days
When Kim's three-year-old son passed away, she found plenty of resources on grieving. She says what she really needed, though, “was someone who would give me advice for living, not just grieving.” In this five-day devotional, Kim will share a raw vulnerability, a deep well of wisdom, and the knowledge of someone who’s been there as she walks grieving parents through the life-after-death process and surviving the sorrow of loss.
Not Afraid: How Christians Can Respond to Crises
5 Days
When a crisis happens in our world, it’s easy to question our faith, and it’s hard to replace the panic we face with the peace we’re promised as Jesus-followers. In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Not Afraid, we’ll discover three things we can do as Christians in the face of a crisis.
Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
Anxious About Money
5 Days
Financial anxiety occurs in our lives when we’re uneasy, nervous, fearful, or distressed about our finances. God doesn’t want us to live financially restless or afraid. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll explore what the Bible has to say about our finances, and discover practical steps for moving forward.
Better Than Normal
5 Days
Normal means that we uphold a popular standard, yet earth is filled with billions of people who are unique and diverse. Often, normal is the preferred place to “live,” but truly, it’s not always healthy. In this Plan, we’ll study God’s Word about how to go beyond normal living and make changes so that we can live better than normal.
Living Changed: At Christmas
5 Days
In all the holiday hustle and bustle, it can be easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. In this 5-day advent plan, we’ll dive into the promises fulfilled by the birth of Jesus and the hope we have for the future. As we learn more about who God is, we’ll discover how to live through the holiday season with hope, faith, joy, and peace.
Infinitum Advent Break Barriers, Week 2
5 Days
We’re filled with anticipation as we lean into this season of celebration with the intention of tuning into the heart of God. Join us for 4 weeks as we: Behold Beauty, Break Barriers, Make Room, and are Surprised by God. Like all the best stuff in life, this journey is best taken with others—so grab a friend or two and your sense of wonder and roll into the Advent Season.
Cómo Organizar Mis Devocionales Diarios
5 Dias
La Biblia está llena de verdades transformadoras. Todo cristiano debe saber cómo leer, meditar y aplicar la Palabra de Dios en su vida diaria. Si bien la Biblia nos enseña a estudiar la Palabra de Dios diariamente, nos da libertad de elegir cómo hacerlo, siempre que sigamos algunos principios básicos. Aplicar la Biblia de manera eficaz puede transformar nuestras vidas y las de nuestras familias.
Cómo Deben Lidiar Los Cristianos Con La Depresión
5 Dias
En su vida cotidiana, cualquier cristiano lucha con el desánimo, la desilusión e incluso la depresión. Lamentablemente, algunos creyentes tienen miedo de compartir con otros sobre tales batallas emocionales. Este devocional explica cómo los héroes bíblicos manejaron los tiempos de agitación emocional que atravesaron. También les dice a los creyentes cómo superar sus luchas internas con la ayuda de la Palabra de Dios y su familia espiritual.