Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MARCOS 8:34
When Life Tries to Overwhelm You
3 Days
We live in tumultuous times, and life can come at you relentlessly. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. But God is not surprised by where you find yourself, and He has made a way of escape for you to overcome—every time. The closer you walk to Him, the more you have access to His answers in every situation.
Goliath Must Fall: Winning The Battle Against Your Giants
7 Days
It’s likely you have a giant in your life that is holding you captive, intimidating you, and stealing your joy. Adversaries like fear, rejection, comfort, anger, and addiction stake a claim and gain a foothold in your heart. In this seven-day reading plan, Louie Giglio examines the David and Goliath story to show how those giants can fall: by focusing on the size of our God, not the height of your giants, and by walking in the victory Jesus has already won.
Goliat Debe Caer
7 Dias
Es probable que tengas en tu vida un gigante que te esté manteniendo cautivo, intimidándote y robándote el gozo. Los adversarios como el temor, el rechazo, la comodidad, la ira y la adicción se proclaman con derecho y, antes que te des cuenta, se hacen fuertes en tu corazón. En este plan de lecturas para siete días, Louie Giglio examina la historia de David y Goliat para mostrarnos de qué manera pueden caer esos gigantes: si nosotros nos enfocamos en el tamaño de nuestro Dios, y no en la altura de nuestros gigantes, y caminamos en la victoria que Jesús ya nos ganó.
Kingdom Builders: Cómo Vivir Una Vida "Con Todo"
7 Dias
Da un paso adelante y decide vivir la mayor aventura de todas: poner a Dios primero en cada área de tu vida. En este devocional de siete días, Andrew Denton te ayudará a aplicar las verdades de la Palabra de Dios para capacitarte a dar pasos de fe valientes y sabios al darle permiso a Dios para usarte como un conducto de Su bendición y provisión.
Hiding Place Devotional
10 Days
Aren't there times as a mom that you just want to in the pantry with a chocolate bar? Hidden from the storms of life and the weight of responsibilities. Hidden from the noise. Hidden from the routine. Hidden from our to-do lists. Just hidden and alone with Christ where we can hear Him call us by name and let His songs of victory fill our ears.