Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MARCOS 4:38

El antivirus
3 dias
Un virus miles de veces más pequeño que la cabeza de un alfiler nos está enseñando a valorar la familia, a recuperar ese abrazo seguro entre padres, hijos y hermanos que hace tiempo venimos ignorando. Nos está enseñando a poner los valores de la vida en perspectiva. Por eso he preparado este plan devocional de tres días para que reveamos juntos las prioridades de nuestra vida. Acompáñame en estos días.

Confiando en Jesús en Medio De La Tormenta
3 dias
Al encontramos en medio de la tormenta de la pandemia del Coronavirus, nos embarcamos en un viaje que ninguno de nosotros ha realizado antes. En este devocional de 3 días de duración, el director internacional de Oración 24-7, Brian Heasley, explora cómo podemos encontrar paz confiando en Dios en este tiempo, desmenuzando la historia de Jesús cuando calma la tormenta en Marcos 4.

All Is Calm: Receiving Jesus' Rest This Christmas
5 Days
‘Tis the season to be jolly, but also very busy. Come away for a few moments of rest and worship that will sustain you throughout the merry labors of the season. Based on the book Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional , this 5-day devotional reading plan will guide you to receive Jesus’ rest this Christmas by taking moments to remember His goodness, express your neediness, seek His stillness, and trust His faithfulness.

Not Afraid: How Christians Can Respond to Crises
5 Days
When a crisis happens in our world, it’s easy to question our faith, and it’s hard to replace the panic we face with the peace we’re promised as Jesus-followers. In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Not Afraid, we’ll discover three things we can do as Christians in the face of a crisis.

En Medio De La Tormenta
5 Dias
En medio de la tormenta es un devocional de 5 días desarrollado por Tavo Campos. Este devocional está diseñado para experimentar a Jesús en medio de las dificultades.

Nuestro Lugar Seguro
5 Dias
Nuestro lugar seguro es un devocional de 5 días desarrollado por el Pastor Tavo Campos. Este devocional está diseñado para aprender a confiar en el lugar más seguro que puedes estar, Jesús.

Domadores De Tormentas
6 Dias
Las tormentas surgen cuando 2 masas de aire de diferente temperatura chocan, provocando ambientes inestables, fuertes lluvias y relámpagos. La vida es tan inestable como la atmósfera del planeta. Todo parece tranquilo y de pronto recibimos una mala noticia, un familiar trayendo dolor con sus malas decisiones, una célula en nuestro cuerpo comportándose como loca. Tarde o temprano TODOS vamos a atravesar por una tormenta. ¿Estás listo?

Bendición Multigeneracional
6 Dias
¿Es posible convertirse en un canal de bendición para los hijos y nietos? Sí, es posible. En este plan devocional, Carla Strombeck comparte, a partir de su experiencia familiar, herramientas y principios para transformar las familias, transmitir el evangelio a través de las generaciones y crear vínculos sanos. Comencemos este hermoso tiempo devocional juntos.

7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ.

Addicted to Busy: Recovery for the Rushed Soul
7 Days
For those moving too fast through life, a guide to help you slow down and discover rest. In Addicted to Busy, Brady Boyd shows us how to live a life that embraces stillness and solitude, finding the peace that God wants for us.

Pursuing Peace
7 Days
Tearfund seeks God's leading in how to be an active voice of peace, restored relationships, and cohesion amongst communities around the world. This 7-day study has daily actions for restoring your own relationships and praying for the world we live in, using rich wisdom from African proverbs to help us discover God’s true peace.

Divine Direction
7 Days
Every day, we make choices that shape our life story. What would your life look like if you became an expert at making those choices? In the Divine Direction Bible Plan, New York Times bestselling author and Senior Pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel, encourages you with seven principles from his Divine Direction book to help you find God’s wisdom for your daily decisions. Discover the spiritual direction you need to live a God-honoring story you’ll love to tell.

7 Días Para Entender Que Todo Te Ayuda A Bien
7 Dias
Muchas veces en la vida nos llegan situaciones que no comprendemos. Creemos que Dios nos cuida, pero a la vez tenemos miedo. Sin embargo, ¡Dios dice que todas las cosas ayudan a bien a los que le aman! Te propongo este plan de lectura de 7 días, en el cual compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a vivir confiado en esta promesa ¿Estás preparado(a)? Tu vida va a cambiar.

7 Días Para Entender Que Todo Te Ayuda A Bien.
7 Dias
Muchas veces en la vida nos vienen situaciones que no comprendemos. Creemos que Dios nos cuida, pero a la vez tenemos miedo. Sin embargo, ¡Dios dice que todas las cosas ayudan a bien a los que le aman! Te propongo este plan de lectura de 7 días, en el cual compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a vivir confiado en esta promesa ¿Estás preparado/a? Tu vida va a cambiar.

Anxious For Nothing
7 days
What if there’s a better way to fight the endless worries that keep you up at night? Real rest is available—maybe closer than you think. Replace panic with peace through this 7-day Bible Plan from Life.Church, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series Anxious for Nothing.

Missing Peace
7 Days
Is it really possible to experience peace when life is painful? The short answer: yes, but not in our own power. In a year that has left us feeling overwhelmed, many of us are left with questions. In this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, we’ll discover how to find the Missing Peace we all crave.

Fearless in Battle
7 Days
Are you someone who routinely gives in to fear? Or do you consistently live by faith? In this devotional, learn how to take steps of faith, so that you give God the opportunity to showcase His power in your seemingly impossible situation. Be inspired by a personal testimony about walking fearlessly through the valley of the shadow of death. Learn to live without giving fear a foothold in your life.

The Power of Hope: 7 Days to Hoping in the Lord
7 Days
World headlines and personal struggles can leave you feeling weary and anxious, but nothing is new to God. People in Biblical times often felt the same way. This 7 day Bible reading plan from bestselling author Jack Countryman focuses on seven ways in which God provides the same hope to His children today that He provided countless times to heroes in the Bible.

JESUS THE KING: An Easter Devotional By Timothy Keller
9 Days
New York Times bestselling author and renowned pastor, Timothy Keller shares a series of episodes from the life of Jesus as told in the book of Mark. Taking a closer look at these stories, he brings new insights on the relationship between our lives and the life of the son of God, leading up to Easter. JESUS THE KING is now a book and study guide for small groups, available wherever books are sold.

Un liderazgo transformador
9 Dias
Todo liderazgo piadoso ha de ser transformador. Dios nos ha llamado a ser instrumentos de cambio en sus manos y para su gloria. Si usamos la Biblia como mapa infalible podremos ser eficaces en esta preciosa tarea. Tenemos que actuar, este es nuestro privilegio.

19 روزها
El evangelio más breve de Marcos describe el ministerio terrenal de Jesucristo como el Siervo sufriente y el Hijo del Hombre. Viaja diariamente a través de Marcos mientras escuchas el estudio de audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.

Our Daily Bread: Finding Comfort in Times of Loss
20 Days
It is our hope and prayer that the devotionals that follow will warm your heart and lift your spirit as they lead you to lean on the Lord, our Shepherd and our Guide through the valley of grief.

21 Days
Are you—or is someone you love—suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Rather than being destroyed by this tempest, what if you allowed the disturbance to increase your capacity for rapid growth and fulfilling your destiny in God? After digging deeply into the Word of God, there is a triumphant way to be StormProof!