Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MATEO 28:19
What Is Baptism? A 3-Day Plan To Prepare Or Decide
3 Days
What is baptism? Should I get baptized? Why is it important? Do I have to get baptized to be a Christian? Whether you have questions about baptism or you’re simply looking for a short devotional to read before or after being baptized, this Life.Church Bible Plan is perfect for starting today.
Hagamos Iglesia Light
3 dias
Necesitamos en el mundo con urgencia más iglesias light. Iglesias que se limiten de juzgar a alguien por su condición, que podamos abrazar y amar a las personas, de la misma manera en que Jesús lo hizo con nosotros que sin importar nuestra condición él se entregó por amor por cada uno de nosotros. Una iglesia que tenga la urgencia de salvar almas.
I'm Confident
4 Days
So many of us teeter between insecurity and false confidence. This four-day Bible Plan from Life.Church will lay your new foundation in God confidence. Start reading part six of the six-part Stay Positive series.
What Is Baptism? A Guide for Parents and Preteens
4 Days
Preteens, you can have great conversations with your family about following Jesus and getting baptized! This plan has videos and questions to help start an open conversation with your family. If you want additional support, invite your youth pastor or another church leader to do this plan with you, too. This plan is modeled to help you and your family process information, ideas, doubts, and beliefs surrounding Jesus.
Estoy Roto
4 Dias
Te ha pasado que muchas veces no expresas lo que estás viviendo en lo privado, en lo que nadie sabe, ni nadie sospecha, porque tienes miedo de lo que piensen. La verdad es que todos tenemos almas, ¡somos vulnerables a sentirnos mal en algún momento, ¡y eso está bien! Es fascinante saber que nos encontramos en las manos del mejor artista que nos perfecciona cada día.
Discípulos Que Trascienden
4 Dias
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez qué es lo que hace un discípulo común de Jesús? Pues bien, permíteme responderlo de forma muy sencilla: un discípulo común de Jesús hace lo que las personas comunes no hacen. ¡Has sido llamado a trascender y a hacer aquello que no todos hacen! Por eso, durante 4 días serás retado a vivir como un discípulo que trasciende en cada área de su vida con el fin de impactar con influencia.
Mujeres De Impacto
4 Dias
Este plan esta dedicado a todas las mujeres que desean marcar un impacto eterno en las vidas de quienes las rodean. Y te muestra la vida de mujeres normales como tú y yo, que con sus actos de fe, marcaron generaciones y son recordadas hasta el día de hoy.
Seeds: What and Why
4 Days
Seeds, they’re everywhere. Your words, your money, your children and even you, yourself, are a seed! How do these seeds work and why should it matter to us? Let’s see what the Bible has to say and discover how it can apply to our lives in order to bring us closer to God and His purpose for us.
Be the Hands And Feet
5 Days
Nick Vujicic is known worldwide as the man without arms and legs who has a contagiously positive attitude. As Nick shares in Be the Hands and Feet, nothing is as rewarding in his life as introducing Jesus to people who haven’t met Him. What does that look like? This five-day devotional gives us a glimpse of the heart of Nick’s message, inspiring us to share our faith in Jesus with a world desperate for hope.
Stop Going To Church
5 Days
There might be a reason you sometimes wonder why Christians go to church. Maybe church was never meant to be just another place to go. Whether you’re worn out by church or wondering where you fit, it’s a great time to see what the Bible says about being the Church. Start this Life.Church Bible Plan to go along with Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Stop Going to Church .
GOD + GOALS: How To Set Goals As A Christian
5 Days
Is it okay to set goals as a Christian? How do you know if a goal is from God or yourself? And what do Christian goals look like, anyway? In this 5-day reading plan, you'll dig into the Word and find clarity and direction on setting grace-fueled goals!
Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
Mi próximo paso
5 dias
Este estudio contiene una guía precisa de cómo vivir como un hijo de Dios. Traza el camino de la vida cristiana por exponer y explicar las disciplinas esenciales que juntos nos llevan a caminar fielmente y acercarnos más a la meta de ser como Cristo.
Sharing Your Faith
5 Days
When we become followers of Jesus, we begin a lifelong journey of growth. A part of growing in our faith is learning how to share the good news about Jesus with other people. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll learn how to share the hope and peace we have in Christ—and how that could change someone's life!
Our God Reigns
5 Days
This five-day reading plan focuses on the promises of Jesus and nature, and the character of God, regardless of who is president, prime minister, or monarch at any time.
Be Still: A Simple Guide To Quiet Times
5 Days
Be still. For some, these two simple words are a welcome invitation to slow down. For others, they feel impossible, out of reach in our increasingly noisy world, or simply just too hard to maintain. Brian Heasley demonstrates how we don’t need to be static for our hearts to be still, and how even in the midst of a full, busy life, we can spend quiet time with God.
Estar Quieto: Una Guía Sencilla Para Tu Tiempo Personal Con Dios
5 Dias
Estar quieto. Para algunas personas estas dos sencillas palabras son una invitación a bajar el ritmo. Para otras parece algo imposible de realizar, fuera de su alcance en nuestro mundo cada vez más ruidoso. Brian Heasley nos demuestra que no tenemos que mantenernos estáticos para que nuestros corazones estén quietos, y cómo, incluso en medio de una vida llena y ocupada, podemos pasar tiempo a solas y tranquilos con Dios.
Practicing the Way
5 Days
Who are you becoming? If you envision yourself at age 70, 80, or 100, what kind of person do you see on the horizon? Does the projection in your mind fill you with hope? Or dread? In this devotional, John Mark Comer shows us how we can be spiritually formed to become more like Jesus day by day.
Proyecto Biblia | ¿Qué es el Pentecostés? ¿Y por qué es importante?
5 Dias
¿El fuego flota sobre una multitud en Pentecostés y la gente empieza a hablar en múltiples lenguas? ¿Qué fue exactamente lo que ocurrió en el evento de Pentecostés en Hechos? Descubre más sobre el significado de Pentecostés y el nacimiento de la Iglesia primitiva.
Cómo Compartir Mi Fe Con Mi Familia Y Amigos
5 Dias
Cristo encomendó a sus discípulos compartir el Evangelio con el resto del mundo. Como cristianos tenemos una pasión especial para que nuestros seres queridos conozcan la gracia salvadora de Dios. Sin embargo, no siempre sabemos cómo compartir nuestra fe con nuestros familiares no cristianos. A través de la oración, la sabiduría y la Palabra de Dios, podemos aprender a compartir el Evangelio de una forma efectiva.
Vida en Comunión
5 Dias
Celebra la vida en unión y el poder del apoyo mutuo. Juntos, llevamos cargas, oramos, servimos y crecemos, reflejando el amor de Cristo en cada acción.
My Big Fat Mouth
6 Days
Words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we need to hear—or what we need to say. Hear from four people just like you who are finding the right words in this new Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, My Big Fat Mouth .
¡La Decisión más Grande de tu Vida!
6 Dias
La mayoría de las decisiones en la vida son importantes por algo. Sin embargo, una sola es la más importante. Si estás buscando una guía sencilla para obtener una comprensión más profunda de esta extraordinaria decisión –el obsequio de Dios de la salvación— entonces comienza aquí. Tomado del libro: “Fuera de este mundo; Una guía cristiana para el crecimiento y el propósito” por David J. Swandt.
Things Jesus Never Said
6 Days
If Jesus were on board with every idea His followers have staked His claim in, then He’d be one incredibly confused Son of God, always at odds with Himself and overly busy leading the charge for both sides of every debate. Thankfully, Jesus speaks for Himself. You can read His words in this new Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Things Jesus Never Said.
Kingdom Disciples With Tony Evans
6 days
Kingdom Disciples calls believers and churches back to our primary responsibility: to be and make disciples. Only when we take this seriously will the world see heaven at work on earth. Tony Evans teaches what it means to be a kingdom disciple—a believer in Christ taking part in the spiritual-development process of progressively learning how to live all of life under Jesus Christ's lordship. Will you answer the call?