Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con MATEO 24:43
Begin Again
7 Days
New Year. A New Day. God created these transitions to remind us that He is the God of New Beginnings. If God can speak the world into existence, He can certainly speak into the darkness of your life, creating for you a new beginning. Don’t you just love fresh starts! Just like this reading plan. Enjoy!
Señales del Fin
10 Dias
Por lo general, pensamos en el tiempo en términos de productividad, llevados por la mentalidad de progresismo. Hemos sido llevados a alcanzar objetivos, a producir y a consumir, y el tiempo se volvió un concepto de dinero, de ahí la popular frase: “El tiempo es oro”. Mateo 16:26 dice: “¿qué aprovechará al hombre, si ganare todo el mundo, y perdiere su alma?”. ¡No podemos ignorar las Señales!
Finding Your Financial Path
28 Days
This reading guide was created by NewSpring staff and volunteers to help you on your financial journey. Read one devotional each day and spend time with God using the Scripture, questions and prayers provided. Need help putting God first in your finances? Download free monthly and/or weekly budget forms, watch sermons, and be encouraged by success stories at