Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con LAMENTACIONES 3:22
3 Dias
Lamentaciones es el “muro de las lamentaciones” de la Biblia, una colección de poemas llenos de dolor que se leerán en el funeral de Jerusalén mientras yacía en cenizas después de su derrocamiento. Viaja diariamente a través de Lamentaciones mientras escuchas el estudio de audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
Vencer a La Ansiedad en Su Propio Terreno
4 Dias
La ansiedad en todas sus formas puede ser debilitante, ya que puede desequilibrarnos y mantenernos presos del miedo. Sin embargo, éste no es el final de la historia, ya que en Jesús encontramos la libertad y la gracia para superar esta dificultad. Y no sólo podemos superarla, sino que además podemos acabar siendo mejores personas gracias a la palabra de Dios y a su constante presencia tranquilizadora.
Retoma Tu Relación Con El Espíritu Santo
4 Dias
El Espíritu Santo es la presencia de Dios mismo en la tierra. Esta presencia fue la promesa que nos dio como un compromiso de su regreso y como un sello para apartarnos para la vida eterna. Por eso, como cristianos debemos de asegurarnos el mantener una relación cercana a Él. Te invitamos a conocer, a través de las Escrituras, la emocionante experiencia de estar en comunión con el Espíritu Santo.
Grief Bites: Hope for the Holidays
5 Days
For many, the holidays are a time of great joy...but what happens when the holidays lose their sparkle and become challenging due to deep grief or loss? This special reading plan will help those going through grief to find comfort and hope for the holidays, and shares how to create a meaningful holiday season in spite of deep grief.
Sitting in Grief: A Devotional Journey Towards Standing Again
5 Days
Pain. Sorrow. Anxiety. Anger. Relief. Numbness. Fear. Joy. The emotions that we feel when going through the grieving process are numerous. In this five-day devotional journey, we'll explore some of the every-day practicalities involved in the grieving process, all while helping to see God as present in a time where that may not be easy to see and feel.
Unexpected Homeschooler
5 Days
You probably never dreamed you’d be in this place of having to make such hard decisions about the education of your children. But here you are in this unprecedented time, considering home education. This plan from veteran homeschool mom, Robin Meadows, is written to answer some of your questions, to soothe many of your fears, and to encourage you that with Jesus anything is possible!
Living Changed: Through Grief
5 Days
Losing a loved one is utterly heartbreaking. It’s a terrible pain that no one can understand unless they’ve been in your shoes. This 5-day plan was written by women who have experienced loss and want to help you find comfort and peace in God’s Word. While this plan can’t help you accelerate the grief process, we believe it will help you endure the everyday hurts and give you hope.
Love and Loss
6 Days
Have you lost someone or something you love to death, divorce, or other tragedy? In Love and Loss, Chuck and Ashley Elliott guide participants to reflect upon their journey, identify unseen elements of grief, and illuminate steps to reframe and rebuild their lives, all while pointing to Scripture as a source of hope and direction.
Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward
7 Days
You can have a great marriage. The choices you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel and his wife, Amy, show you how five commitments can help you fail-proof your marriage: Seek God, fight fair, have fun, stay pure, and never give up. Get the marriage you always wanted, starting right now — from this day forward.
Pursuing Peace
7 Days
Tearfund seeks God's leading in how to be an active voice of peace, restored relationships, and cohesion amongst communities around the world. This 7-day study has daily actions for restoring your own relationships and praying for the world we live in, using rich wisdom from African proverbs to help us discover God’s true peace.
Santa la noche
7 Dìas
El grupo RAIN, desea compartir contigo una preciosa Palabra relacionada con la venida del Hijo de Dios a la tierra, y su implicación para tu vida. El tiempo de Navidad se hace verdaderamente especial cuando entiendes lo que realmente significa, y es el mejor pretexto para hablar sobre algo tan profundo y determinante para tu vida.
Grieving With Hope After Miscarriage And Loss By Adriel Booker
7 Days
This devotional is an invitation to feel, to wrestle, to be fully awake in your suffering after miscarriage or other loss. It is also an invitation to be nurtured and understood and to hear from another woman that the pain gets better, even as we long for the day when our tears are wiped away and pain is no more. Wherever you are on your journey of grief after losing a baby—or any kind of personal heartache or suffering—I pray these words will be a gateway for God’s grace. Let’s dive deep together.
7 Days
It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing? Our thoughts are more than a reaction to what’s happening in our lives—they’re a powerful force for shaping who we are and who we can become. Learn from everyday people like you how you can use the powerful truth of Romans 12:2 to unleash the mastermind inside you.
7 Días Para Dejar A Un Lado Tus Problemas.
7 Dias
La vida en ocasiones es complicada. Los problemas nos rodean, y si nos descuidamos, nos roban el gozo, las fuerzas, la salud… Sin embargo, es posible dejar a un lado tus problemas, y no dejarte afectar por ellos. En este plan de lectura de 7 días compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a estar fuerte cuando los problemas llamen a tu puerta. ¿Estás preparad@? Tu vida va a cambiar.
7 Días Para Hacer Frente Al Desánimo.
7 Dias
El desánimo es una realidad que en ocasiones nos alcanza a todos. Sin embargo, ¡tengo buenas noticias para ti! Dios mismo te dice: “¡Ten ánimo!” En este plan de 7 días compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a identificar las fuentes del desánimo en tu vida, y te animarán a vivir una vida plena en el Señor. ¿Estás preparado(a)? Tu vida va a cambiar.
Relationship Goals
7 Days
That perfect relationship you admire one image at a time may not be so picturesque in real life. Right? So, what kind of relationship goals actually work? This Life.Church Bible Plan, written by people ranging from long-married, to single, to newlyweds, will point to the kind of love God can offer for all our relationships.
7 Dias
¿Tienes la sensación de que nadie realmente te entiende, ni siquiera tus amigos? ¿Anhelas relaciones cercanas, pero no has podido encontrarlas? Dios no solo promete estar cerca de nosotros, sino que también nos proporciona compañía, y a través de su iglesia, incluso nos da una familia.
Living Changed: After Divorce
7 Days
Divorce grieves the heart of God. He hates seeing us in pain and holding onto guilt, shame, and fear. Despite our mistakes, He longs for us to accept His grace and know we are valued, cherished, and irreplaceable. No matter your circumstances, this plan will help you find healing from your divorce, so you can live the redeemed life God has for you—one full of hope, joy, and purpose.
Good News: Encouragement for a World in Crisis
7 Days
We’re living in an unprecedented time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Where do we find hope and “good news” in the middle of a continual stream of bad news? For followers of Jesus, there is always Good News. In this 7-day Plan, we’ll dive into some promises we find in our good God and the faith we’ll need to stand on them.
Salvation Rise
10 Days
Salvation Rise takes a closer look at the Scripture that inspired the songs on NewSpring Worship's latest album. Written for new Christians, this 10-day study is a celebration of who God is, what He's done, and all He has in store for us next. Go to to buy the album or to download chord charts and performance tracks.
Lessons From My Garden
12 Days
Plants and vines, water and soil—so many analogies used in God’s Word surround gardening and farming practices, presenting parallels for our life and heart. Come join Robin as she shares some of her thoughts from the combining of two of her greatest passions—gardening and the Bible.
Our Daily Bread: Finding Comfort in Times of Loss
20 Days
It is our hope and prayer that the devotionals that follow will warm your heart and lift your spirit as they lead you to lean on the Lord, our Shepherd and our Guide through the valley of grief.
Un Matrimonio Formado por el Evangelio
20 Dias
En este estudio, vemos la pregunta: ¿Cuál es el propósito de Dios — el Creador del matrimonio — para el matrimonio? Como Él lo creó, entender sus intenciones nos ayudará inmensamente a navegar el camino de nuestro matrimonio para nuestro gozo y su gloria. Te invitamos a descargar el libro completo de Un Matrimonio Formado por el Evangelio completamente gratis en esta página: .
121 Advent
24 Days
The birth of Christ, His advent, marks God's ultimate plan for our redemption. In Christ, we see the fullest picture of God's hope, peace, joy and love. God's Word is the truth by which we know and walk with Him daily. It is our hope that this guide will encourage and facilitate personal time spent in the Word and provide a resource for families with children to do that together.
Rapsodia de Realidades (Noviembre de 2018)
30 Dias
¡Hurra! Tu devocional favorito Rapsodia de Realidades ya está disponible en 1,000 idiomas, y seguimos sumando. Confiamos en que la edición de 2018 del devocional contribuya a mejorar tu crecimiento y desarrollo espiritual, así como a posicionarte para el éxito a lo largo del año. Te invitamos a que disfrutes de la gloriosa presencia y victoria de Dios a lo largo de todo el año, por medio de las dosis diarias de la Palabra. ¡Os queremos! ¡Que Dios os bendiga!