Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con JUAN 8:24

The Book Of John | The 7 "Signs" And The 7 "I AM's" Of Jesus
7 Days
John's gospel can be broken into four parts: an Introduction (John 1:-1:18), the Book of signs (1:19-12:50), the Book of exaltation (13:1-20:31) and an Epilogue (chapter 21). In this Seven Day study we will study the 7 “Signs” of Jesus, and the 7 “I AM" statements of Jesus, to demonstrate that John structured his book in a way that helps the reader see that Jesus fulfills the ministry of Elisha.

La Vida De Jesús. Parte 3 (3/7).
7 Dias
Embárcate en un viaje para aprender más sobre la vida de Jesús. Juntos veremos fragmentos cortos de la película “La vida de Jesús”, y reflexionaremos sobre ellos. Descubre quién es Jesús realmente y qué puede hacer en tu vida. Este plan forma parte de un conjunto de 7 planes: puedes leerlos por separado, pero te animamos/retamos a que los hagas todos en orden.

Christmas Encouragement By Greg Laurie
25 Days
Don’t let the busyness and pressure of this holiday season rob you of the joy and true celebration of our Savior Jesus this December! Receive daily encouragement through Pastor Greg Laurie’s special Christmas devotions, as he reflects on the true meaning of this most celebrated time of the year. Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie