Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con JUECES 6:16
Usted Es El Próximo
5 dias
A veces lo único que se interpone en el camino a su milagro es usted mismo. En este poderoso devocional de cinco días, el Rev. Samuel Rodríguez le demuestra cómo Dios está determinado a bendecirlo. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es creerle.
7 Days
Still haven't made up your mind about God? Not really sure what you believe? Spend the next seven days exploring the Bible and see what God reveals to you about his true nature. This is your opportunity to read the story for yourself and decide what you believe. The idea of God is too important for you to still be undecided.
Kingdom Men Rising: An 8-Day Reading Plan
8 Days
Our culture is confused about what it means to be a man. Notions of masculinity have become misunderstood and maligned. This plan speaks truth about the purpose and future of biblical masculinity. In this plan, men will wrestle honestly with the unique questions and circumstances they face today as they are invited to discover God’s intent for masculinity.