Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con HABACUC 2:1
Being With Jesus: Solitude and Silence
4 Days
Did you know that God created you in His image? And that you have a unique purpose in God’s Kingdom. In this reading plan, we will consider how your unique personality impacts your quiet time with God, how your quiet time with Jesus is a gift to you and your community, and how as a community of Christ followers, we need each other in order to become more like Jesus.
5 dias
Nos hemos acostumbrado a vivir cansados, pero el diseño de Dios es trabajar desde una posición de descanso y deleite en Él, cuando enfocamos nuestros pensamientos a su verdad, encontramos la paz que buscamos en nuestra mente. En éste devocional meditaremos sobre el principio del descanso, modelado por Dios desde el inicio.
5 Days
The slate is clean, it's a new day, and it's time to start fresh. A fresh vision, a fresh fire, fresh manna, and fresh wind! Join David Villa in his newest devotional as he discusses how we can utilize the Word of God to refresh our vision, our fire, our manna, and our wind every day!
10 Dias
Habacuc pregunta con un gran “¿por qué, Dios?” Al comienzo de una serie de preguntas y respuestas con dios sobre cómo trabaja en un mundo malvado. Viaja diariamente a través de Habacuc mientras escuchas el estudio en audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
Daily Devotions with Greg Laurie
30 Days
Thirty days of encouraging devotional thoughts brought to you from God's Word by Pastor Greg Laurie. In his straightforward, conversational style, Pastor Greg brings relevant insight to Scripture, helping you to "know God and make Him known" in your daily Christian walk.