Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con GÉNESIS 50:19
Overcomer: Finding Strength in Hard Seasons
4 Days
Overcoming difficult seasons can feel impossible when you’re going through them. But thankfully, God is able to do more than what we ask or imagine. In this 4-day plan, discover how God can redeem your pain and disappointment and give it purpose.
Living Changed: In the New Year
4 Days
With each New Year comes a new chance for a fresh start. Don’t let this be just another year that begins with resolutions you won’t keep. This 4-day plan will guide you in reflection and give you a new perspective so you can make this your best year yet.
Wisdom From Old Testament Stories
5 Days
Sometimes the Old Testament can be confusing to understand, but it’s packed with stories full of applicable wisdom. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll dive into stories from the Old Testament—some more well-known than others—and find new insights that will challenge us and build our faith.
Cómo Perdonar Lo Imperdonable
5 Dias
El perdón es un tema sensible para discutir en la iglesia porque muchas personas vienen de lugares de terrible abuso. Sienten que lo que les hicieron es imperdonable. El perdón es a menudo incomprendido. Sin embargo, uno puede perdonar, estar libre de el deseo de venganza y el enojo que viene con la falta de perdón. Este devocional enseña a perdonar y caminar en la libertad del amor de Dios.
Living Changed: Forgiveness
6 Days
Many of us are walking around, nursing wounds from the things people have said or done. We continuously struggle under the weight of that baggage because we’re unwilling or unsure how to forgive. This plan isn’t about letting someone off the hook or making others feel better. It’s for you. It’s about learning how to forgive so that you can heal, find freedom from your past, and begin living changed.
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
7 Days
Whether we suffer emotional or physical wounds, forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Jesus Christ experience all kinds of unfair and unjust treatment, even to the point of a wrongful death. Yet in his final hour, he forgave the mocking thief on the other cross and his executioners.
Open In Case Of Emergency
14 Days
We've all either been through one of life’s storm, are in the middle of a storm right now, or will face one of life’s storms in the near future. This 14-day devotion will remind you that Jesus is in control of every storm. Because images are the language of the 21st Century”, each devotion uses original photos to explain the devotion and deepen its impact.
Reto Detox Para El Corazón
25 Dias
Constantemente somos bombardeados con pensamientos contrarios a la mentalidad de Cristo, los cuales llenan nuestro interior de toxinas que nos hacen dudar de nuestra identidad como hijos de Dios. En este plan caminaremos hacia el corazón del Padre, exponiéndonos a Su verdad mientras desintoxicamos nuestro interior. Al final podremos declarar la verdad que cita 1 Juan 4:16: “He llegado a saber y creer que Dios me ama” (Énfasis añadido).