Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con GÉNESIS 45:3

Overcomer: Finding Strength in Hard Seasons
4 Days
Overcoming difficult seasons can feel impossible when you’re going through them. But thankfully, God is able to do more than what we ask or imagine. In this 4-day plan, discover how God can redeem your pain and disappointment and give it purpose.

Wisdom From Old Testament Stories
5 Days
Sometimes the Old Testament can be confusing to understand, but it’s packed with stories full of applicable wisdom. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll dive into stories from the Old Testament—some more well-known than others—and find new insights that will challenge us and build our faith.

Why Is It So Hard to Forgive?
5 Days
All of us need forgiveness. But too often we treat forgiveness like it’s optional, when in reality, it’s a prerequisite to grow in our faith. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll discover hope and truth from different biblical accounts about forgiveness as we receive it for ourselves and extend it to others.

Rebuilding A Marriage Better Than New
7 Days
Marriage is hard work. And things don't always go as we hoped they would. Whether your marriage has struggled because of betrayal or years of neglect, you can have a new marriage. This plan is just seven days, but you can read more in Cindy's book, Rebuilding A Marriage Better Than New.