Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con GÉNESIS 39:9
Give Your Work Meaning
4 Days
Most of us will spend about 50 percent of our adult life at work. We want to know our work has meaning – that our work matters. But stress, demands and adversity can cause us to see work as hard – something to get through. This reading plan will help you recognize the power you have to choose a positive meaning for your work that is rooted in faith.
Desbloquea Tus Decisiones
4 Dias
¿Tus decisiones te llevan por el camino correcto? ¡Embárcate en este viaje devocional de 4 días! Descubre el poder de tus elecciones, los obstáculos que enfrentarás y cómo Jesús te guía hacia las mejores decisiones para tu vida. ¡Toma el control de tu futuro! ️💥🛩️🎯
Character Practice
6 Days
Are you ready? Ready for anything? If you want to be ready for more freedom, more trust, and more independence, you’ve got to practice. Practice what, you ask? Practice living with godly character! This six-day Bible Plan with video clips from The Loop Show will help you practice characteristics like honesty, humility, grit—godly character—so you’ll be ready for anything.