Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con EFESIOS 4:26
Enemies Of The Heart
5 Days
Just as a physically unhealthy heart can destroy your body, an emotionally and spiritually unhealthy heart can destroy you and your relationships. For the next five days, let Andy Stanley help you look within yourself for four common enemies of the heart — guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy — and teach you how to remove them.
Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan
5 Days
Through these powerful teachings you will uncover a deeper understanding on how to create a strategy to outsmart and defeat the enemy and thwart his plan to destroy your life.
Cómo nos transformará la voluntad de Dios
5 Dias
En la carta de Pablo a los efesios, dirige muchas preguntas a la iglesia a cerca de la naturaleza de su relación con su Salvador. Esta selección de Efesios 3 y 4, son un reflejo de cómo entender y gozarnos en el amor de Cristo.
Mi próximo paso
5 dias
Este estudio contiene una guía precisa de cómo vivir como un hijo de Dios. Traza el camino de la vida cristiana por exponer y explicar las disciplinas esenciales que juntos nos llevan a caminar fielmente y acercarnos más a la meta de ser como Cristo.
Forgiving What You Can’t Forget: A 5-Day Challenge
5 days
Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like this, but when your heart has been shattered, forgiveness seems like an impossible request. Lysa TerKeurst deeply understands and invites you to join her for this 5-day reading plan from her new book Forgiving What You Can’t Forget and to discover God’s healing gift.
Vibrant: A Life Worth Living
5 Days
Every person can choose to be vibrant, and such a life begins by emulating Jesus. Each character trait that we are called to embrace, every action of kindness or love, and each word of compassion or tenderness is a telling reflection of Christ within us. We are called to be a vibrant show-and-tell of what God is able to accomplish through one ordinary person.
5 Oraciones para enriquecer tu matrimonio
5 Dias
¡La oración tiene poder para enriquecer tu matrimonio! A través de este plan podrás obtener algunos pasos para que tu matrimonio se fortalezca por medio de la oración. Algo que para muchos no es relevante. Pero sin embargo, es la clave para fortalecer ese compromiso con tu cónyuge, porque sabemos que nunca es demasiado pronto ni demasiado tarde para orar por tu matrimonio.
El Amor que Gana Batallas
6 Dias
Muchas veces, en el amor nos encontramos en una lucha que nos desanima. Poner a Dios en medio de nuestra relación es el primer paso para que todo salga bien. En este plan devocional encontrarás seis consejos prácticos para fortalecer la relación con tu pareja dándole a Dios un lugar en tu corazón y en el día a día.
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
7 Days
Whether we suffer emotional or physical wounds, forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Jesus Christ experience all kinds of unfair and unjust treatment, even to the point of a wrongful death. Yet in his final hour, he forgave the mocking thief on the other cross and his executioners.
How To Move Through Suffering And Come Back Stronger
7 Days
Each of us is sure to suffer at some point in our lives. As a counselor, I’ve seen sufferers transformed. I’ve seen those once debilitated by trauma learn to suffer well. In this brief devotional, I pray that you will realize that your story is not over. You may experience suffering, but you can suffer well. You can ask, What’s next? instead of getting stuck asking, Why? You can become resilient.
7 Stages Of Grief After Miscarriage
7 Days
The heartache that follows a miscarriage has the potential to draw us closer to God or away from Him. Our enemy, Satan, wants to take our raw emotions and lure us as far from God as he possibly can. Only God can offer the peace and healing our hearts desire. This plan will identify the seven stages of grief and guide women to find true healing within God’s Word.
The Marriage Course
7 Days
Marriage is designed to be the closest possible relationship of increasing intimacy and growing interdependence. But this is not automatic; we have to keep working at our marriage to stay connected. Adapted from The Marriage Course by Nicky and Sila Lee, this 7-day plan aims to introduce you to tools to build a healthy marriage and strengthen your connection—or to restore your connection if you feel you’ve lost it.
7 Days
Most of us try to avoid or ignore our emotions. We might even wonder if our faith and our feelings are enemies. But during His time on earth, Jesus felt emotions deeply. He wasn’t distant from us. He’s with us—even in our emotions. In this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Emotions, we’ll look at how Jesus lived to discover how our feelings might increase our faith.
No Offense
7 Days
From the latest news headline to social media comments, there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently? In this 7-day Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, No Offense, we’ll discover how to surrender the anger that’s been holding us back and keeping others hostage.
Cinco Peligros Que Debemos Evitar
7 Dias
"Cinco peligros que debemos evitar" es un devocional de 7 días desarrollado por Tavo Campos. Este devocional está diseñado para advertirte acerca de cinco peligros que pueden dañar tu vida.
Sí, Pero
10 Dias
Cuando Jesús nos llama a seguirlo con total dedicación, encontramos fácilmente excusas y razones para no entregarnos por completo. Sí, pero ... Vemos las barreras que nos impiden seguir a Jesús radicalmente, y cómo superarlos.
Meditaciones Para Estar Más Cerca De Dios Y De Él
18 Dias
Orar por tu esposo cada día demuestra que lo amas y lo cuidas. Él te necesita mucho (aun cuando no lo diga) y una de las maneras más efectivas de ayudarlo es orando por él del diario. Este plan es el pretexto perfecto para orar y poner en práctica intensa el amor que tienes a tu esposo, y durante este periodo hagas tuyo el hábito de orar profundamente por él.
Guide Your Mind-Guard Your Heart-Grace Your Tongue
21 Days
Every single one of us has spoken words “under the influence” of warped feelings and slurred thinking. And soon wish we had the magical power to take those words back. It’s our thoughts and emotions that determine what words come out of our mouths. Guide Your Mind, Guard Your Heart, Grace Your Tongue will enable you to take control of your thoughts and feelings in order to grace your tongue.
21 Days in Ephesians
21 Days
Ephesians is rich with truths about God and his saving work in us. This plan is designed to help you dig deeper into this text, while learning more about God and yourself. The daily six step rhythm will help you to establish a habit of reading and engaging with God’s Word. This plan is brought to you by the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). Learn more at
La Fuente de la Vida - Escuchar el libro de Efesios
28 dias
Desde las hermosas alturas de lo que Dios quiere para sus hijos, la carta a los Efesios explica cómo caminar en la gracia, la paz y el amor de Dios. Viaja diariamente a través de Efesios mientras escuchas el estudio en audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
Joy For All Seasons
30 Days
Have you ever wondered, “Is it possible to experience joy in all seasons of life?” Carol McLeod believes that God has an enormous joy for you that is within your reach. In this devotional, you will discover how to trust God when life isn’t fair, how to ponder Scripture that transforms your thinking and how to turn disappointment into a heart that rejoices in the middle of uncertainty.
Liberándote de la Pornografía
30 Dias
Este plan es un camino de 30 días para comenzar a liberarte de la pornografía de forma efectiva. De la mano de Dios, emprenderás el cambio de vida que necesitas para poder liberarte de esta adicción.
Divorce To Healing: 31 Days Of Healing And Wholeness
31 Days
God is the only answer for complete healing and wholeness, especially when it comes to divorce. Through this plan you will draw closer to God while gaining wisdom on how to handle your emotions and feelings during this most difficult time. Choosing to repeat the 31 days will reveal your progress while God continues to bind the wounds and give you greater closure.