Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con DEUTERONOMIO 6:5
Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 4)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 4 of 12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows.
All Is Calm: Receiving Jesus' Rest This Christmas
5 Days
‘Tis the season to be jolly, but also very busy. Come away for a few moments of rest and worship that will sustain you throughout the merry labors of the season. Based on the book Unwrapping the Names of Jesus: An Advent Devotional , this 5-day devotional reading plan will guide you to receive Jesus’ rest this Christmas by taking moments to remember His goodness, express your neediness, seek His stillness, and trust His faithfulness.
Proyecto Biblia | Shemá
6 Dias
Durante miles de años, el pueblo judío ha orado "El Shemá" diariamente. Es una oración que llama al pueblo de Dios a responder a su amor divino con fidelidad y devoción. Este plan de seis días explorará las palabras hebreas que se encuentran en "El Shemá".
Go Do Say Give: The Freedom Of Surrender To Jesus
7 Days
Surrender to Jesus is a life-defining moment. But what does this decision mean and how do we live it each day? Is this only for the big decisions of life, or the super-spiritual person? Fear, previous failures, and misunderstanding can hold us back. "Go Do Say Give" is a pledge/prayer that unpacks how to take the next steps in your spiritual journey. Experience the freedom that comes with following Jesus.
Mary Was a Mom
7 Days
Mary was a mom, like many women. What can we learn from the heart of the woman chosen to bear the Messiah? Read along as Robin Meadows, author and relationship coach, shares from her experiences of launching seven children and living to tell about it.
Radical Wisdom: A 7-Day Journey For Fathers
7 Days
It’s crazy how much our dads shape us. No one escapes the power and influence of their earthly father. And since most men feel unprepared to be fathers, it’s essential to seek guidance – from Scripture and from other dads. Radical Wisdom is a journey toward wisdom and insight for fathers, combining principles and wisdom from Scripture with the experience of an older, wiser dad who’s learned from his mistakes.
7 Dias
Un cristiano consagrado a Dios reconoce la importancia de seguir los caminos del Señor y buscar su voluntad en todo momento. Esto le permite crecer espiritualmente y ser una luz para el mundo. Me encantaría invitarlos a unirse al plan de ayuno y experimentar los beneficios que trae consigo en cuerpo y espíritu. ¿Te unes?
Come, Corre Y Recuerda
8 Dias
Con toda seguridad, Moisés consideró un gran avance pasar de una zarza ardiente a una caravana de dos millones de israelitas formados detrás de él para salir de Egipto. Moisés simplemente estaba siguiendo la voluntad de Dios un paso a la vez, atreviéndose a seguir a Dios desde lo conocido a lo desconocido. Se atrevió a dar el siguiente paso en obediencia, buscando conocer y seguir la voluntad de Dios.
The Empowered Church
8 Days
More than ever, people are aware that we are deeply connected. This unique time is an opportunity for us to reflect on how we share in each other’s suffering, center ourselves on God, and rise to a calling that does not expire simply because the world is in trouble, but perhaps is even more important now: to demonstrate the radical love of Christ to the most vulnerable in our world.
Cómo Ser Un Buen Padre Cristiano
8 Dias
La crianza de los hijos es una tarea difícil. Sin embargo, es el primer mandamiento que Dios dio a Adán y Eva cuando los creó: ser fructíferos y multiplicarse. Como padres cristianos, se supone que debemos criar a nuestros hijos para honrar al Señor. Hay herramientas que Dios nos dio para hacerlo bien. Este devocional te equipará con el conocimiento necesario para ser un padre piadoso.
What Is True Love?
12 Days
Everyone wants to know what true love is. But few people look at what the Bible says about love. Love is one of the central themes of Scripture and the most essential virtue of the Christian life. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries explores the biblical meaning of love and how to love God better and love others.
21 Ways To Thrive By 45
21 Days
More than a detox, every woman can take intentional steps to be the image bearer God uniquely intended her to be. Each day of this 21-day plan we'll address hang-ups and choose new habits that invite our souls to thrive. No matter if you’re a woman in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s, there’s ample supply of God’s goodness, understanding, and restoration to flourish in your season of life.