Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con COLOSENSES 1:9
The Supernatural Life
5 Days
Embracing the supernatural reality of the spiritual world of the Bible is essential for understanding the Bible. Though we can’t see everything, God is working behind the scenes to cause everything promised in the Bible to come to pass. This 5-day plan will challenge you to live intentionally—and believe that His unseen hand is engaged in your circumstances.
5 Dias
Este devocional de 5 días es una pincelada de la verdadera y única esencia de la Iglesia. La misión de la Ekklesía es la expansión, la multiplicación, el mensaje del Evangelio esparcido por todo el mundo. Para ello es fundamental la esencia de ésta, que es Cristo mismo.
How To Help Your Millennial Return To Faith
6 Days
Abandoned faith is a painfully deep and prevalent problem among millennials. Even those who grew up in strong Christian families are walking away from their faith. Expert apologist authors Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez address this new reality with compassion to parents who feel burdened and alone. They share statistics, stories, and practical ways parents can impact their children, and help you lead them home.
Colossians Explained | How to Follow Jesus
7 Days
When the Bible is confusing, Through the Word explains it with clear, concise audio guides for every chapter. Here in Colossians, Kris Langham guides us as we learn who Jesus is and how to follow Him today. We’ll also get great insight on God’s directions for marriage and work, and what it means to be remade in His image. Plus the Bible’s antidote to weird Christianity! Welcome to Colossians Explained.
¡Sabiduría! 7 Claves Para Actuar Sabiamente.
7 dias
A todos nos gustaría ser más sabios, pero a veces no sabemos exactamente qué pasos tenemos que seguir para ello. La buena noticia es que, no solo tú, sino que Dios también anhela darte más de Su sabiduría.Durante los próximos 7 días, voy a compartir contigo claves que te ayudarán a crecer en sabiduría de día en día. ¿Estás listo/a? ¡Eres un Milagro! Christian Misch
¡Fortalécete! 7 Claves Para Cambiar Tu Destino.
7 Dias
En ocasiones nos sentimos abatidos, golpeados por la vida y por las situaciones. En esos momentos, lo único que nos apetece es lamentarnos y no hacer nada, ¡pero ese es el momento para levantarte con fuerza! Durante los próximos 7 días, voy a compartir contigo claves que te ayudarán a fortalecerte en el Señor y levantarte con fuerzas renovadas. ¿Estás listo/a? ¡Eres un Milagro! Christian Misch
11 Dias
“Mantengan a Jesús en primer lugar” es el enfoque de la carta a los Colosenses, que ofrece ayuda sobre cómo caminar en plena identidad con Cristo. Viaja diariamente a través de Colosenses mientras escuchas el estudio en audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
Fruita Fresca
13 Dias
Lo está reforzado de un millón de maneras diferentes. Comprometernos demasiado y llevamos la independencia como una corona, enseñamos a los que nos observa que estar atareado es sinónimo de éxito. ¿No es irónico que de lo que estamos llamadas es la dependencia completa? Este recorrido por los Frutos del Espíritu nos recuerda que solo con sumisión total a Dios, seremos más fuertes y hermosas.
Start Here | First Steps With Jesus
15 Days
If you’re new to Jesus, new to the Bible, or helping a friend who is - Start Here. For the next 15 days, these 5-minute audio guides will walk you step-by-step through two fundamental Bible books: Mark and Colossians. Track Jesus’ story and discover the basics of following Him, with daily questions for individual reflection or group discussion. Follow once to get started, then invite a friend and follow again!
21-Days of Praying for Friends
21 Days
Oftentimes we struggle to share the gospel with our friends. Either we are overcome with fear or don't know what to share. We all need a burden to reach our lost friends for Christ. This is a 21-day Bible reading plan that helps us meditate specifically on passages related to evangelism and is accompanied by a short prayer for each day for our friends.
24 Days
A great way to build your prayer life is to learn from the prayers of others. This plan lets us listen in on prayers from Bible heroes in different situations and for different purposes, and is designed to accompany the message series Pray by Craig Groeschel. (You can watch it online at Don't pray alone; study this content together with your small group.
Joy For All Seasons
30 Days
Have you ever wondered, “Is it possible to experience joy in all seasons of life?” Carol McLeod believes that God has an enormous joy for you that is within your reach. In this devotional, you will discover how to trust God when life isn’t fair, how to ponder Scripture that transforms your thinking and how to turn disappointment into a heart that rejoices in the middle of uncertainty.