Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con 1 TIMOTEO 6:7
Da Gracias A Dios
3 Dias
En nuestro caminar diario, dejamos que la negatividad entre en ocasiones en nuestra vida. Nos quejamos por lo que no tenemos, o por las cosas que no nos gustan. Sin embargo, ¡Dios quiere que seamos agradecidos! Te propongo este plan de lectura de 3 días, en el cual compartiré contigo claves que te ayudarán a desarrollar un espíritu agradecido. ¿Estás preparado(a)? Tu vida va a cambiar.
Contagiado Por La Alegría
4 Dias
La alegría no efímera, que perdura a pesar de los obstáculos de la vida, es un don de Dios. El Señor otorga un gozo que nadie puede dar, a aquellos que creen en Él y cuyas vidas están ancladas en Su Palabra. Nuestra identidad es gozosa y por eso podemos vivir en un permanente contagio con la alegría. Recibiendo y esparciendo ese gozo, para la gloria de Dios.
Being Generous: With and Without Money
5 Days
You might be a billionaire, or you could be in middle school–either way, you can be generous. Being generous has less to do with your bank account and more to do with your mindset. Jesus lived generously, and He’s inviting you to follow His lead. This 5-day Plan will provide you with simple steps to live generously.
¿Cuál Debe Ser Mi Prioridad Financiera?
5 Dias
Todo el mundo tiene necesidades financieras, aspiraciones y deseos. Los cristianos a menudo se preguntan cuáles son las prioridades financieras correctas para los hijos de Dios. Este devocional enseña a los creyentes cómo priorizar a Dios y tomar decisiones financieras sabias. Como cristianos, podemos tener una vida de paz financiera y contentamiento.
Equilibrio Perfecto Entre Gratitud Y La Fe
6 Dias
Estoy seguro que estás agradecido/a con Dios por todo lo que ha hecho en tu vida, pero debemos reconocer que no es fácil vivir con contentamiento ante toda circunstancia de la vida, la queja o el sentimiento de víctima nos envuelve muchas veces. Durante los próximos días compartiré contigo 6 claves para experimentar el contentamiento profundo, honesto y genuino a Dios ¿Estás listo/a? ¡Eres un Milagro! Christian Misch
Liking Jesus
7 Days
The average person spends 7.4 hours a day staring at screens. We love the incredible benefits of technology, but many of us suspect there are negative consequences of using it. If you feel your digital dependency is becoming unmanageable, this 7-day devotional will help you reclaim a Christ-centered life. Based on the book Liking Jesus: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World, by bestselling author and pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel.
Setting Godly Goals
7 Days
Goals are good... as long as they move us in God’s direction. If you’re considering setting some goals for yourself, use this plan as a guide to make sure what you’re working toward keeps you on mission for Christ.
Creating a Better Normal
7 Days
In the middle of crisis and uncertainty, many of us are itching to get back to normal. But what if it’s time to create a better normal instead? In this 7-day Bible Plan, we’ll discover how to stop seeking control and start seeking God.
The Lord's Prayer
8 Days
Join J.John on an eight-day study on the Lord’s Prayer, that incredibly profound and helpful teaching given by Jesus on how we should pray.
1 Timoteo
12 Dias
La primera carta a Timoteo proporciona indicaciones prácticas de que alguien ha sido cambiado por el evangelio: verdaderos signos de piedad. Viaja diariamente a través de 1 Timoteo mientras escuchas el estudio en audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
14 Dias
En este estudio, veremos algunas de las ideas que son sumamente importantes y esenciales para cualquier líder de la iglesia. Son conceptos que vienen directamente de la Palabra de Dios; principios que deben guiar y moldear al liderazgo espiritual en el Reino de Jesús. Puedes descargar el libro completo de Bloques en esta página: .
New Year, New Mercies
15 Days
Over the course of 15 days, Paul David Tripp will remind you of God’s grace towards you—truths that never grow old. When “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms aren’t enough to make you new, learn to trust in God’s goodness, rely on His grace, and live for His glory each and every day.
21 Ways To Thrive By 45
21 Days
More than a detox, every woman can take intentional steps to be the image bearer God uniquely intended her to be. Each day of this 21-day plan we'll address hang-ups and choose new habits that invite our souls to thrive. No matter if you’re a woman in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s, there’s ample supply of God’s goodness, understanding, and restoration to flourish in your season of life.
Finding Your Financial Path
28 Days
This reading guide was created by NewSpring staff and volunteers to help you on your financial journey. Read one devotional each day and spend time with God using the Scripture, questions and prayers provided. Need help putting God first in your finances? Download free monthly and/or weekly budget forms, watch sermons, and be encouraged by success stories at
The Legacy Journey
31 Days
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. Following his own bankruptcy at age 30, Dave set out to learn God’s ways of handling money. Dave now devotes himself to teaching others how to take control of their money so they can live and give like never before. Over the next 31 days, Dave will guide you through what the Bible has to say about money and wealth and how to live and leave a legacy for generations to come.