Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con 1 TIMOTEO 1:14
I'm Confident
4 Days
So many of us teeter between insecurity and false confidence. This four-day Bible Plan from Life.Church will lay your new foundation in God confidence. Start reading part six of the six-part Stay Positive series.
Get Out Of Your Head
5 Dias
Do you feel like a victim to your spiraling thoughts? Do you often fall prey to toxic thinking patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction? The enemy of our souls is determined to make us feel helpless, overwhelmed, and incapable of making a difference for God’s kingdom. It doesn’t have to be that way! Get out of your head and into God’s promises in this five-day, thought-changing devotional from Jennie Allen.
Why Jesus Was Born
5 Days
Why was Jesus born? This may seem like a simple question, too familiar to ponder. But as you prepare for Christmas this year, take time to reflect on the deep meaning and purpose of Jesus's birth for your life, and for the whole world. This 5 day series was written by Scott Hoezee, and is an excerpt from the Words of Hope daily devotional.
Camino De Pecadores
5 Dias
Podemos creer que el camino de un pecador es el infierno y no estamos equivocados. Pero, Jesús vino para rescatarnos y darnos un nuevo propósito. Alejarnos y escondernos de Dios no es el verdadero camino de un pecador sino de acercarnos a Él para que nos perdone, enderece nuestro caminar y nos enseñe a conducir a otros nuevamente a Su presencia.
El Lenguaje "Incomprensible" De Dios
7 Dias
El lenguaje de las Escrituras nos resulta muchas veces difícil y misterioso, incluso a los propios cristianos. En medio de todas de esas “palabras incomprensibles”, sin embargo, se encuentran las grandes verdades que el seguidor de Jesús necesita comprender para poder andar como Él anduvo. ¿Cómo haremos para entenderlas?¿Las exploramos juntos en este plan de 7 días?