Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con 1 TESALONICENSES 4:3
1 Tesalonicenses: Modelos a imitar
6 Dias
Este devocional de 6 días está diseñado para ayudarte a reflexionar sobre tu fe, liderazgo, y relación con la comunidad, basado en el ejemplo de la iglesia de Tesalónica.
A God Who Is Faithful
7 Days
With insights and devotions drawn from The Jesus Bible , this seven-day reading plan provides examples of God staying true to his covenants throughout the Bible. During this week, you will be inspired by the mercy of God and faithfulness of Jesus to remember to uphold your own promises to God.
1 Tesalonicenses
14 Dias
“¿Habéis oído que Jesús va a regresar?”: ese es el recordatorio de esta primera carta a los Tesalonicenses, que desafía a todos a “sobresalir aún más” en la fe, la esperanza y el amor. Viaja diariamente a través de 1 Tesalonicenses mientras escuchas el estudio en audio y lees versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.
God's Design For Sex
5 Days
Money handlers at the Treasury learn to spot counterfeit bills by familiarizing themselves with intricate patterns found in the real thing. Likewise, understanding the brokenness of sexual sin begins with God’s design for authentic sexual intimacy. The sacredness of human sexuality transcends the physical act itself. It reflects God’s holiness, His relationship within the Trinity, and His desire to conform your body, soul, and mind to the image of Christ.