Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con 1 SAMUEL 16:6

A Los Invisibles Y Olvidados
6 Dias
A pesar de tanta conectividad y medios sociales, estudios revelan que el aislamiento y la soledad se han convertido en una epidemia. Incluso, podemos llegar a pensar que para Dios también somos invisibles. Este devocional se centra en cuatro “invisibles” que fueron visibles para Dios y los consejos que podemos aprender de ellos cuando nos sentimos invisibles y olvidados.

The Blessing of Ordinary
10 Days
What if the nagging sense your spiritual life needs to be more spectacular isn’t from the Holy Spirit? This devotional track reveals that finding peace that passes understanding isn’t in some greener spiritual pasture but is in finding the green in your right-now-life. Join us for the next ten days as we find the blessing in the wonderfully ordinary and learn to be content in our everyday lives.

Go After God's Heart
12 Days
Leading a small group is about leading people to follow Jesus, right? But what does that look like in real life? We believe it starts with following closely after Him—yourself. The LifeGroups team from Life.Church uncovers leadership principles from the life of David, who God Himself called “a man after My own heart.” Start this Bible Plan today, and take a giant step after God’s heart.

1 Samuel
18 Dias
Primero Samuel comienza con Dios como rey de Israel y continúa la historia de cómo Saúl, y luego David, se convirtió en rey. Viaje diariamente a través de Primera de Samuel mientras escucha el estudio de audio y lee versículos seleccionados de la palabra de Dios.

Living a Life That Honors God
23 Days
In the apostle Peter's first letter to Christians, he discusses the right attitude toward other people, the position of husband and wife within marriage, and dealing with suffering. This reading plan covers chapters 2 and 3 of Peter’s letter.

Countdown to Christmas
29 Days
Welcome to Thriving Family's 28-day Advent Activity Calendar! Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the true meaning of Christmas and draw closer together as a family! These parent-child activities have been created to help you keep this Christmas season focused on Christ!