Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con 1 CORINTIOS 13:4
Matrimonio con visión
3 dias
El matrimonio es un regalo maravilloso cuando tenemos una visión correcta a través de la Palabra de Dios. ¡Acompáñanos a recordar principios eternos que nos permitan disfrutar y mantenernos firmes en todo tiempo!
Conquistando Su Corazón
3 dias
Para todos aquellos que desean como conquistar a esa persona que hace que su corazón palpite al máximo, para todos aquellos que ya no se pueden sacar de la mente a esa persona que se volvió especial. Entonces este devocional es para ti
Amor, Lo Importante Del Asunto
3 Dias
San Valentín o día de los enamorados, al igual que cualquier otra festividad, se disfruta, se celebra y pasa pronto. Las flores se agotan en las floristerías, los restaurantes aman este día, los chocolates o regalos alusivos a esta celebración desaparecen rápidamente de las estanterías en las tiendas de regalos. Para algunas personas, el Día de San Valentín solo será otro día más. Para los solteros, sin embargo, es un día de concientización. Es decir, si no están en una relación, probablemente tendrán una para que importe. Pero ¿Qué es lo realmente importante del asunto? Tendríamos que preguntarnos.
Love and Keep Loving
3 Days
Celebrating love goes beyond a particular date; it is a life that constantly reminds others that God's love came to heal, restore, and give us a life that proclaims his goodness. I invite you to navigate a three-day study of what love represents and what it looks like to love others as God intends us to.
Amor irresistible
4 dias
¿Sientes que las cosas «no son como antes»? ¿La rutina está apagando el fuego de tu matrimonio? En este plan devocional te daré 4 consejos sencillos que debes seguir para avivar el amor en tu matrimonio.
Seeds: What and Why
4 Days
Seeds, they’re everywhere. Your words, your money, your children and even you, yourself, are a seed! How do these seeds work and why should it matter to us? Let’s see what the Bible has to say and discover how it can apply to our lives in order to bring us closer to God and His purpose for us.
Noche De Paz, Noche De Amor
4 Dias
Cuando pensamos en la noche en que Jesús nació, la escena en el pesebre, precisamente “paz” no sea la primera palabra o pensamiento que nos viene a la mente. Pero, es precisamente lo que Dios quiere que entendamos sobre la noche de la Navidad. Paz, porque el Dios del universo, nos estaba mirando con misericordia y porque había enviado a nuestra vida al Príncipe de Paz.
4 Dias
"Si resistimos, también reinaremos con Él". En otras versiones de la Biblia dice: "Si perseveramos, si sufrimos con valor, si soportamos nuestros sufrimientos, si soportamos privaciones". Al final, si resistimos, si eso ocurre, reinaremos. Porque reinar es ese proceso de caminar con nuestro Dios en cada día de nuestro viaje.
Love and Marriage
5 Days
By focusing on our marriage within the context of Scripture, we give God the opportunity to reveal new insights about our relationship and strengthen our bond. This Plan features a focused passage of Scripture and quick thoughts each day to initiate discussion and prayer with your spouse. This five-day plan is a short-term commitment to help you invest in your lifelong relationship. For more content, check out
Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets
5 Days
Your decisions determine the direction and quality of your life. While nobody plans to complicate their life with bad decisions, far too many people have no plan to make good decisions. In this five-day reading plan, you'll discover five game-changing questions to ask every time you make a decision.
Living Changed: In Marriage
5 Days
There’s no such thing as the perfect marriage because marriage is the joining of two imperfect people. But with God’s help, you can have a great marriage–not by asking Him to fix your spouse, but by asking Him to do work in your heart. This 5-day plan will help you find healing, peace, and confidence in Christ so you can love your spouse well and transform your marriage.
Unequally Yoked In Marriage: Challenges And Opportunities
6 Days
Marrying someone who doesn’t share your faith in Jesus Christ is no casual affair. Disagreeing between chocolate and vanilla is a relational speed bump. Disagreeing between worldviews can be a mountain. Whether you became a Christian before or after you got married, or whether you’re single and dating or building a romantic relationship, let’s talk about the challenges and the opportunities that come with being in a spiritual mismatch.
Marriage Crisis
6 days
Most of us know marriage won’t always be a honeymoon, but no one plans for a marriage crisis. Sadly, deep wounds, affairs, addiction, and divorce threaten so many marriages. But there’s good news: no matter what crisis you face, there’s still hope in Christ. Want more of that? Start this hope-filled Bible Plan by
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
7 Days
Whether we suffer emotional or physical wounds, forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Jesus Christ experience all kinds of unfair and unjust treatment, even to the point of a wrongful death. Yet in his final hour, he forgave the mocking thief on the other cross and his executioners.
Relationship Goals
7 Days
That perfect relationship you admire one image at a time may not be so picturesque in real life. Right? So, what kind of relationship goals actually work? This Life.Church Bible Plan, written by people ranging from long-married, to single, to newlyweds, will point to the kind of love God can offer for all our relationships.
Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey
7 Days
Living Lust-Free is our birthright as Christians. The secular world we live in calls on us to lust daily. God calls us to live a life of sexual integrity - free from lust and sexual sin. This devotional is an invitation for you to start a lust-free lifestyle. You will be equipped with biblical principles that can help you fight and be free from the temptations of lust.
En Familia
7 dias
Bienvenidos a una experiencia que puede llevar nuestras vidas a una nueva dimensión. Dedicar tiempo, oración y esfuerzo a la edificación de la vida familiar es una de las cosas más desafiantes y trascendentes a las que estamos llamados. La historia, es una historia familiar.
Seven Effective Prayers for Unsaved Husbands
7 Days
God designed husbands to be the lead servants of their homes/marriages. He is to lead his wife and children in the same manner that Christ led the church. When husbands do not know God as their Lord and Savior, they cannot lead by Christ's example. This devotional will provide seven effective prayers wives can pray for their unsaved husbands so that they may come into the knowledge of God's truth.
Servir Con Pasión.
7 Dias
Todos queremos servir a Dios, pero por desgaste mental o físico en ocasiones se apaga el fuego y la pasión por el servicio pierde significado. Por medio de este plan de siete días volverás a encenderte desde adentro, obtendrás renovación espiritual y tu servicio traerá nuevos resultados en tu vida que te devolverán el gozo.
A Fruitful Life
9 Days
The fruit of the Spirit can only be found when we are walking in the Spirit. This plan will help you delve into the fruit of the Spirit and detail how we, as believers, can enjoy this fruit.
El Fruto Del Espíritu Santo.
11 Dias
Este plan de lectura trata sobre el Fruto del Espíritu Santo mencionado en Gálatas 5 y cómo sólo puede ser producido en nosotros si es que estamos unidos a Jesús. El estudio también incluye un mensaje final de ánimo para seguir perseverando en la unión con Jesús.
Business With God
12 Days
Punch greed in the face with reckless love! God is eager to display his love, goodness, and wisdom for all of heaven and earth to see. Dive into God’s desire to use business to supernaturally touch physical and spiritual poverty and bring the abundance of His kingdom to earth.
121 Advent
24 Days
The birth of Christ, His advent, marks God's ultimate plan for our redemption. In Christ, we see the fullest picture of God's hope, peace, joy and love. God's Word is the truth by which we know and walk with Him daily. It is our hope that this guide will encourage and facilitate personal time spent in the Word and provide a resource for families with children to do that together.
Proyecto Biblia | Reflexiones sobre el Adviento
28 Dias
Proyecto Biblia diseñó el plan Reflexiones sobre el Adviento para inspirar a personas, grupos pequeños y familias a celebrar el Adviento o la llegada de Jesús. Este plan incluye videos, resúmenes cortos y preguntas de reflexión para ayudar a los participantes a explorar el significado bíblico de la esperanza, la paz, la alegría y el amor. Descubre cómo estas cuatro virtudes han llegado al mundo gracias a Jesús.
The Heartbeat of God
30 Days
A treasure principal of faith lies within this 30 day devotional, "The Heartbeat of God." Each day begins with a declaration of praise using these words, "O God, You are...". Then, an unfolding of His character and attributes begins (for example: "O God, You are Good"). These scripture-filled devotional prayers guide the reader into a practice of lifting up God's Name, which results in a deeper understanding of His intentional "heartbeat" of love for His people.