Redeemer Church Mauritius

God Speaks - Phil Kendon
God speaks. The very existence of the bible is a constant reminder of this fact. Through the bible we have a record of God’s relationship with humankind that covers over 1,500 years and is recorded by more than 40 authors. There are so many different ways that God speaks to people in the bible and also to us. But everything God says is consistent with the message of this primary revelation that we have on the pages of the bible. Christians are people who seek to live their lives in obedience to this book. At the same time, we weigh everything else we believe God may be saying to us through the lens of the bible.
Locations & Times
Redeemer Church Mauritius
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. We all have a personal journey of hearing God’s voice
God speaks in ways that we can hear.
God speaks in ways that we can hear.
2. The bible is accurate
We have extensive historical evidence for the accuracy of the bible.
We have extensive historical evidence for the accuracy of the bible.
3. The bible is beautiful
The bible contains every literary genre and had writers that cross the social divide.
The bible contains every literary genre and had writers that cross the social divide.
4. The bible is accessible
People have laid down their lives to get the bible to the common people in their own language.
People have laid down their lives to get the bible to the common people in their own language.
5. The bible is authoritative
When God speaks, our response should be obedience.
When God speaks, our response should be obedience.
God speaks through the verses of the bible
God speaks through the verses of the bible