KingsGate Community Church

Wellbeing – Part 5
with Dave Smith
Locations & Times
2 Staplee Way, Peterborough PE1 4YT, UK
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Sunday 6:45 PM
Spiritual Wellbeing
– with Dave Smith
– with Dave Smith

“You [Lord] have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you.”
– Saint Augustine
– Saint Augustine
Hunger, Honesty and Hearing
1. An increased HUNGER for God

“God doesn’t hide things from us, but for us.”
– Bill Johnson
– Bill Johnson
House of Prayer – Dave Smith
Go back and listen to Dave's message from our recent series, 'Jesus Is In The House'. An increased HONESTY before God
“Elijah. Talk to me! Throw aside your nice pleasant speech, and just tell me what’s going on in that locked mind of yours.”
– Faith for all Seasons
– Faith for all Seasons
3. An increased HEARING from God
“...a still small voice”
– 1 Kings 19:12, NKJV
– 1 Kings 19:12, NKJV
“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”
– Pensees, Blaise Pascal
– Pensees, Blaise Pascal
“In silence we not only withdraw from the demands of life and the company of others but also allow the noise of our own thoughts, strivings and compulsions to settle down so we can hear a truer and more reliable Voice…In silence we create space for God's activity rather than filling every minute with our own"
– Invitation to Silence and Solitude, Ruth Hailey Barton
– Invitation to Silence and Solitude, Ruth Hailey Barton
"I'm going away to learn the Word of God which I am admittedly very unfamiliar with… I've been brought up by my family to know Christ, but I haven't taken it upon myself to really just read my bible."
– Chance the Rapper
– Chance the Rapper