The Vine Church

Generosity Revolution Week 2
Generosity Revolution Imagine a world filled with millions of Radically Generous people! Imagine Dunfermline saturated with thousands of people living a life of Radical Generosity! What a Generosity Revolution that would begin.
Locations & Times
The Vine Church
131 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline KY11 4JU, UK
Sunday 11:00 AM
Watch Vine News for 03.06.2018 notes on message:
The Joy of Giving
Narayanan Krishnan (born 1981) is an Indian chef turned social worker. Krishnan was born in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He was an award-winning chef with a five-star hotel group, short-listed for an elite job in Switzerland. But a quick family visit home before heading to Europe changed everything. "I saw a very old man, literally eating his own human waste out of hunger. I went to the nearby hotel and asked them what was available. They had idli, which I bought and gave to the old man. Believe me, I had never seen a person eating so fast, ever. As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness," said N Krishnan. Krishnan founded his nonprofit Akshaya Trust in 2002. Every day, he wakes up at 4 a.m., cooks a simple hot meal and then, along with his team, loads it in a van and travels about 200 kilometers (120 mi) feeding the homeless and mentally-disabled in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to 400 indigent and elderly people in Madurai.“One more revival; only one more is needed; the revival of Christian stewardship; the consecration of the money power of the Church unto God; and when that revival comes the Kingdom of God will come in a day. You can no more prevent it than you can hold back the tides of the ocean.”
“Home Problems of Foreign Missions,” The Baptist Missionary Magazine, American Baptist Missionary Union (1902): 92.
“Home Problems of Foreign Missions,” The Baptist Missionary Magazine, American Baptist Missionary Union (1902): 92.
The Good Samaritan is an example of a good steward who uses his gifts of time, talent and money to serve one in need. Two things stand out from the life of the Good Samaritan:
1. He puts aside his own agenda
2. He goes the extra mile
1. He puts aside his own agenda
2. He goes the extra mile
“I do not give away 10 percent, I surrender 100 percent.”
George Barna
George Barna
“there are three conversions involved in the Christian life: head, heart, and purse (or wallet).”
Martin Luther
Martin Luther
“We come to understand that our perspective on and handling of money is a litmus test of our true character. It is an index of our spiritual life.”
Alcorn, Money, Possessions and Eternity, 21.
Alcorn, Money, Possessions and Eternity, 21.
“If you love Christ and the work of His Kingdom more than anything else, your giving will show that. If you are truly submitted to the lordship of Christ, if you are willing to obey Him completely in every area of your life, your giving will reveal it.”
Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1991), 140.
Donald S. Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1991), 140.
“the life that we all prize, filled with joy and spiritual depth, is closely tied to giving generously and with thankful hearts.”
Donald W. Hinze. To Give and Give Again: A Christian Imperative for Generosity.
Donald W. Hinze. To Give and Give Again: A Christian Imperative for Generosity.
Rosaria Butterfield
“Hospitality is fundamentally an act of missional evangelism.” “If you believe we live in a post-Christian world, and you believe this is a crisis, then let’s act like it. The way we deal with crisis is to understand that hospitality is a form of spiritual warfare. We call down from heaven the power of the gospel to save, and we embrace our unsaved neighbors.”The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post Christian World Spaghetti
It all started back in 2009. We’d just moved from Minnesota to El Cajon. I’d never even been to El Cajon until I moved there to plant a church. My wife was working at Starbucks at the time. One day, I went to visit my wife while she was working. Outside there was a homeless guy sitting and begging for some money, so I invite him in. We sit down at the table. His name’s Delbert, “Del”. And he’s 70-something years old. He’s a Vietnam vet. He’s an African-American guy. He’s got some stories. Read more ...
Prayer Request or Praise Report
If you have a prayer request or want to tell us about answered prayer, please do so here.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
Vine Kids
We are pleased to welcome new children and their families to Vine Church Children’s Gangs.
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Synergie Youth
Synergie – A coming together producing something GREAT!
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Join a Life Group
In an age where people lack community, Life Groups provide the ideal environment for friendship, connection and growth.
Read more about Joining a Life Group
Read more about Joining a Life Group
Join a Team
“Our Church is not built on the talents and gifts of a few but on the sacrifice of many.” –Brian Houston
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team

Summer Holiday Club
This a notice for everyone who has kindly volunteered to help at this year’s Summer Holiday Club, there will be 2 meetings for all helpers, these will be on
Sunday 6 June and
Sunday 31st June
after the service in the Ochil room.
If anyone would like to help at the Holiday club, please contact speak to Claire Fisher or email Claire at
All helpers should have been in attendance at the Vine for 1 year or more and be prepared to go through the PVG process.
We are looking forward to another fun filled holiday week!
Sunday 6 June and
Sunday 31st June
after the service in the Ochil room.
If anyone would like to help at the Holiday club, please contact speak to Claire Fisher or email Claire at
All helpers should have been in attendance at the Vine for 1 year or more and be prepared to go through the PVG process.
We are looking forward to another fun filled holiday week!
Bend the Bow Sundays 8-9pm
We will be gathering together for an hour of Prayer and Worship on Sundays 8-9 pm.
We are focussing on praying for Calum Leask for breakthrough and healing and for his incredible family.
We will also be praying for many other important areas in the life of the church including the approaching Will Graham Celebration of Hope.
Bend the bow signaled to load your weapons. And we are called to use “God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons” as the weapons of our warfare.
See event details:
We are focussing on praying for Calum Leask for breakthrough and healing and for his incredible family.
We will also be praying for many other important areas in the life of the church including the approaching Will Graham Celebration of Hope.
Bend the bow signaled to load your weapons. And we are called to use “God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons” as the weapons of our warfare.
See event details:
Will Graham Celebration of Hope June 15th - 17th
See details of the upcoming Celebration of Hope in June:
Big Team Rally June 19th 2018
rally: VERB: Bring together (forces) again in order to continue fighting. Recover or cause to recover in health, spirits, or poise. Origin: Early 17th century (in the sense ‘bring together again’): from French rallier, from re – ‘again’ + allier ‘to ally’
You are invited to join our Big Team Rally where bringing together all our troops in order to continue fighting the good fight with new health, uplifted spirits and greater poise (balance or equilibrium)
This is intended for all in the Vine Leadership Team, all Life Group Leaders (and their assistants) and everyone who serves in a Vine church team of any sort. It is also open to anyone who is in a Life group or who considers themselves a Vine church member.
These are great nights to connect, be strengthened, enjoy God’s presence through worship and be a part of what God wants to do through you and our church family in our world. See Event details...
You are invited to join our Big Team Rally where bringing together all our troops in order to continue fighting the good fight with new health, uplifted spirits and greater poise (balance or equilibrium)
This is intended for all in the Vine Leadership Team, all Life Group Leaders (and their assistants) and everyone who serves in a Vine church team of any sort. It is also open to anyone who is in a Life group or who considers themselves a Vine church member.
These are great nights to connect, be strengthened, enjoy God’s presence through worship and be a part of what God wants to do through you and our church family in our world. See Event details...
Serve at Surge '18 and get Half Price
Helpers are needed with the kids work and youth programme for Surge 18 and if you can serve, you will get a code for half price.
Please contact Fiona at Vine Office for discount code for serving.
There are discounted rates for those serving for +/- half the
conference. We can provide discount codes for different teams to make
the booking process as streamlined as possible for people wishing to
"We love and appreciate people who are offering up their time and gifts to serve to make Surge18 a success and we hope that as many people as
possible take the opportunity to not only get something from the
conference but to give to it. As such we are offering reduced price
tickets for those who are serving, these tickets are half price – we
would encourage you to serve for only half the conference.
Please contact Fiona at Vine Office for discount code for serving.
There are discounted rates for those serving for +/- half the
conference. We can provide discount codes for different teams to make
the booking process as streamlined as possible for people wishing to
"We love and appreciate people who are offering up their time and gifts to serve to make Surge18 a success and we hope that as many people as
possible take the opportunity to not only get something from the
conference but to give to it. As such we are offering reduced price
tickets for those who are serving, these tickets are half price – we
would encourage you to serve for only half the conference.
Surge18 23rd - 24th June
We are delighted to be joining as a church Surge 18. Our Sunday service on Sunday 24th June will not be on as we will be joining Surge18 in the Usher Hall in Edinburgh that morning.
Noun: a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide
Verb: (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward
Book your tickets soon and join us at Surge18
Event details...
Noun: a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide
Verb: (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward
Book your tickets soon and join us at Surge18
Event details...
THRIVE launching August 2018
We have a vision of thriving people, churches, cities and nations.
This means we see you flourishing, prospering, growing and developing vigorously.
In order to thrive, you need good foundations and good soil to grow and be nurtured in. THRIVE course gets you started on this road.
We want you to THRIVE at the Vine and we would love you to join the Vine family & vision. A great way to do this is to get to know who we are and what we’re about. THRIVE uses According to the Pattern, an 10 week course that aims to equip you with key truths to walk well with God and in the life of the church. You’ll get to meet some of the key leaders at the Vine and make new friends. Please let us know if you plan to come. Please note that no child care is available.
Read more and see Event details ...
This means we see you flourishing, prospering, growing and developing vigorously.
In order to thrive, you need good foundations and good soil to grow and be nurtured in. THRIVE course gets you started on this road.
We want you to THRIVE at the Vine and we would love you to join the Vine family & vision. A great way to do this is to get to know who we are and what we’re about. THRIVE uses According to the Pattern, an 10 week course that aims to equip you with key truths to walk well with God and in the life of the church. You’ll get to meet some of the key leaders at the Vine and make new friends. Please let us know if you plan to come. Please note that no child care is available.
Read more and see Event details ...