The Vine Church

Resilient Athletes
Aaron Dowds
Locations & Times
The Vine Church
131 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline KY11 4JU, UK
Sunday 11:00 AM
General notes on message:
“Resilience is that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than letting failure overcome them and drain their resolve, they find a way to rise from the ashes.”
In a nutshell, resilience can be defined as the ability – and tendency – to “bounceback.”
“Bouncing back” is what we do when we face disappointment, defeat, and failure, but instead of wallowing or letting things keep us down, we get back up and continue on with our lives.
It is “the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress” (APA, n.d.).

Yusra Madrini
Yusra and her elder sister fled the Syrian war and set off on a perilous journey to find safety in Europe. In summer 2015, they travelled through Lebanon to Turkey before departing for Greece in an overcrowded dinghy. Madrini
A dramatic story with a happy ending, it is a ready recipe for a good movie script. Meet Yusra Mardini, a Syrian swimmer that represented refugees at the Olympics in Rio. Her real story was an inspiration for a book and movie.
Benefits of Resilience
Why is Being Resilient so Important?
Therapist and counselor Joshua Miles lists a few of the wide range of reasons that resilience is a great trait to have:
It leads to improved learning and academic achievement.
Resilience is related to lower absences from work or school due to sickness.
It contributes to reduced risk-taking behaviors including excessive drinking, smoking, and use of drugs.
Those with greater resilience tend to be more involved in the community and/or family activities.
Higher resilience is related to a lower rate of morality and increased physical health (2015).
A recent review of the research on resilience suggested that resilience leads or contributes to many different positive health outcomes, including:
The experience of more positive emotions and better regulation of negative emotions
Less depressive symptoms
Greater resistance to stress
Better coping with stress, through enhanced problem-solving, a positive orientation, and re-evaluation of stressors
Successful aging and improved sense of well-being despite age-related challenges
Better recovery after a spinal cord injury
Better management of PTSD symptoms
Boosts immune system
Better management of negative emotions
Under Armour Yusra Madrini“As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like.”
Aramaic word for command
Aramaic word for command includes:
•Precept: principle, rule, guideline
•Injunction: a warning or order, direction, instruction
•Prescription: authoritative recommendation
•We need to view Christ’s commands as coming from a father to a child
•Precept: principle, rule, guideline
•Injunction: a warning or order, direction, instruction
•Prescription: authoritative recommendation
•We need to view Christ’s commands as coming from a father to a child
“We also found that resilient disciples are highly likely to say that Jesus speaks to them. In the research for You Lost Me, we were struck by the fact that one of the predictors of sticking with faith was the experience of communicating with God, so we explored this further in the new research—and were not surprised to find that agreeing “Jesus speaks to me in a way that is relevant to my life” is highly correlated with resilient disciples. They also say that prayer does not feel like a formal routine but “a vibrant part of my life” and that “listening to God is a big part of my prayer life.”
Kinnaman, David. Faith for Exiles (p. 62). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
“One of the keys to developing resilient faith and experiencing Jesus is growing young people’s belief that a real God really speaks to us—that he has something unique to say to our hearts and destinies. This is a theme that runs throughout our studies among Millennials of the last decade, and it’s certainly a theme that resounds in Scripture. Hearing from God is also one of the defining characteristics of exiles in the Bible. We must help this emerging generation hear and respond to the voice of Jesus in their lives. Let’s commit ourselves to helping young people develop a theology and a practice of hearing from, listening to, and talking with God.”
Kinnaman, David. Faith for Exiles (pp. 64-65). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
The Commands of Christ pdf
Vine Kids
We are pleased to welcome new children and their families to Vine Church Children’s Gangs.
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Prayer Request or Praise Report
If you have a prayer request or want to tell us about answered prayer, please do so here.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
Join a Life Group
In an age where people lack community, Life Groups provide the ideal environment for friendship, connection and growth.
Read more about Joining a Life Group
Read more about Joining a Life Group
Synergie Youth
Synergie – A coming together producing something GREAT!
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Join a Team
“Our Church is not built on the talents and gifts of a few but on the sacrifice of many.” –Brian Houston
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team

Vine Church Events Women's Events
Ladies you’re warmly invited to Adorn, a regular inspirational evening with dynamic teaching, fun and a great place to make new friends and develop your inner beauty as woman after God’s heart.
Adorn more than your appearance and attire, let your adornment be what’s inside
“Let your adornment be what’s inside – the real you, the lasting beauty of a gracious and quiet spirit , in which God delights.” 1 Peter 3:4
Adorn more than your appearance and attire, let your adornment be what’s inside
“Let your adornment be what’s inside – the real you, the lasting beauty of a gracious and quiet spirit , in which God delights.” 1 Peter 3:4
Stronger is a night for the men of the Vine Church to come together.
Life for men can be tough and there are many challenges. Life can feel sometimes like climbing a very high mountain that can be tiring and never ending.
But you were not designed to climb your mountain alone. Climbing alone is dangerous and lonely. To successfully climb higher you need endurance, the right tools and companions.
At Stronger, we will grow stronger together as we grow, learn and share together.
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Life for men can be tough and there are many challenges. Life can feel sometimes like climbing a very high mountain that can be tiring and never ending.
But you were not designed to climb your mountain alone. Climbing alone is dangerous and lonely. To successfully climb higher you need endurance, the right tools and companions.
At Stronger, we will grow stronger together as we grow, learn and share together.
Read more and view dates ...
Fight Club 59
Fight Club
Men, Your hour has come to move from fed up to head up.
Fight Club trains men to fight an excellent fight.
It leads men to win the right battles.
Fight Club trains men;
To fight to discover your identity, purpose and destiny.
To fight the real source of the opposition and resistance you face.
To fight for your life, your marriage, your family, your brothers, your cities and your nation.
Fight Club
Trains men to be
Men, Your hour has come to move from fed up to head up.
Fight Club trains men to fight an excellent fight.
It leads men to win the right battles.
Fight Club trains men;
To fight to discover your identity, purpose and destiny.
To fight the real source of the opposition and resistance you face.
To fight for your life, your marriage, your family, your brothers, your cities and your nation.
Fight Club
Trains men to be
Warrior Worship
There is a great stirring in the worship and it’s time for us all to join the momentum building and get hungry for more. Nothing compares to God’s presence, and nothing can mimic, transform or breakthrough in our lives like His awesome presence.
Details here...
Details here...