Sunday July 7, 2019 - Part 6
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Elements of Circumstance
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Bear - bastazo - To cognitively accept or receive something difficult to understand
Conjunction - A word that functions to connect individual words, phrases and clauses in various ways
Contrastive conjunction - A conjunction that suggests an oppositional thought or relationship to the word, phrase, or clause to which it is connected.
Contrastive conjunction - A conjunction that suggests an oppositional thought or relationship to the word, phrase, or clause to which it is connected.
Truth - aletheia - A reality or actuality that is firm, solid and binding
Actual truth, not the perceived truth or cultural truth but the reality or absolute truth
Actual truth, not the perceived truth or cultural truth but the reality or absolute truth
Eye hasn’t seen, nor ear heard - Natural realm; 5 senses
Nor have entered into the heart of man
Entered - To go up, arise, ascend
Comprehension - To begin to think or come to mind
Nor have entered into the heart of man
Entered - To go up, arise, ascend
Comprehension - To begin to think or come to mind
Prepared - hetoimazo - To make ready or equip in advance for a particular purpose
Revealed - apokalypto - To take off the cover; to reveal, disclose, make known
Through - dia - The channel or means by which something happens
Searches - eraunao - To examine; to attempt to learn something by careful investigation or searching—to try to find out, to seek information
Through - dia - The channel or means by which something happens
Searches - eraunao - To examine; to attempt to learn something by careful investigation or searching—to try to find out, to seek information
Received - lambano - To take, grab, seize or take hold of; to receive or accept an object or benefit for which the initiative rests with the giver, but the focus of attention in the transfer is upon the receiver
Know - oida - To understand and comprehend the meaning of something fully; fullness of knowledge.
Have been freely given - charizomai - To give or grant graciously and generously, with the implication of good will on the part of the giver
Natural - psuchikos - Human, physical, finite
Receive - dechomai - To accept, welcome, believe or hold as true
Foolishness - moria - Absurd, nonsense, silly or folly
Discerned - anakrino - To examine closely, scrutinize and evaluate carefully
Know - oida - To understand and comprehend the meaning of something fully; fullness of knowledge.
Have been freely given - charizomai - To give or grant graciously and generously, with the implication of good will on the part of the giver
Natural - psuchikos - Human, physical, finite
Receive - dechomai - To accept, welcome, believe or hold as true
Foolishness - moria - Absurd, nonsense, silly or folly
Discerned - anakrino - To examine closely, scrutinize and evaluate carefully
3 Truths about the “THINGS” of God
1) God PREPARES the "things"
1) God PREPARES the "things"
We need to know and believe that God is a preparer and nothing takes Him by surprise!
What things in your life do you feel like you are not prepared for?
Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the things that God has prepared for you?
Are you trying to receive the things of God through the natural realm only? Your senses or ability to understand?
We need to know and believe that God is a preparer and nothing takes Him by surprise!
What things in your life do you feel like you are not prepared for?
Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the things that God has prepared for you?
Are you trying to receive the things of God through the natural realm only? Your senses or ability to understand?