The Vine Church

He Restores My Soul
Aaron Dowds
Locations & Times
The Vine Church
131 Garvock Hill, Dunfermline KY11 4JU, UK
Sunday 10:00 AM
General notes on message:

He Restores My Soul

Vine Church Giving
We are so thankful for the generosity of so many people at The Vine Church. Their support enables the vision of this local church to be outworked.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary – Restore [1]
1. (v. t.) To bring back to its former state; to bring back from a state of ruin, decay, disease, or the like; to repair; to renew; to recover.
To restore means "to repair, renovate, or return to a former condition."
1. (v. t.) To bring back to its former state; to bring back from a state of ruin, decay, disease, or the like; to repair; to renew; to recover.
To restore means "to repair, renovate, or return to a former condition."
What is your soul?
“Your soul is YOU. It is Your Self. It is what distinguishes you from everyone else around you. It is your uniqueness, your emotions and your reactions and how you view your life experience. Some may call it your essence. The truth is, you do not HAVE a soul… you ARE a soul.
Think of your soul as the very fibre of your being.” [1]
“When I refer to the soul, I am not talking about some ill-defined, amorphous, soft-around-the-edges sort of thing. I am talking about the part of you that is most real—the very essence of you that God knew before he brought you forth in physical form, the part that will exist after your body goes into the ground.” [1]
[1] Barton, Ruth Haley. Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership (Transforming Resources) (p. 13). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.
Think of your soul as the very fibre of your being.” [1]
“When I refer to the soul, I am not talking about some ill-defined, amorphous, soft-around-the-edges sort of thing. I am talking about the part of you that is most real—the very essence of you that God knew before he brought you forth in physical form, the part that will exist after your body goes into the ground.” [1]
[1] Barton, Ruth Haley. Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership (Transforming Resources) (p. 13). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

1. Our souls are the seats of our emotions. He wants to restore your emotions.
2. Our souls include our thinking and knowing.
3. He wants to restore your sight and perspective.

“On any given day, stillness can be hard. Even awkward, frustrating. We come to each day like a jar of river water that has been shaken. The water is murky, impossible to see through. But as the jar sits still—unmoved—the silt and sediment begin to settle. Clearer waters emerge.
So too, in the stillness that enables solitude and silence, the mud and mire of our souls begin to settle and clarity emerges. In solitude and silence, we become aware of the inner needs and desires that we bring to the day. Then we can talk to God, our good and loving Father, about what it is we actually need for that day, asking for his wisdom, his guidance, his grace to prevail.”[1]
[1] — Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry (Transforming Resources) by Ruth Haley Barton
So too, in the stillness that enables solitude and silence, the mud and mire of our souls begin to settle and clarity emerges. In solitude and silence, we become aware of the inner needs and desires that we bring to the day. Then we can talk to God, our good and loving Father, about what it is we actually need for that day, asking for his wisdom, his guidance, his grace to prevail.”[1]
[1] — Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry (Transforming Resources) by Ruth Haley Barton
1. Lie Down.
David said the Shepherd made him lie down. Like the car in the garage must go on the ramp we must lie down. He doesn’t fix or repair the car when its moving or driving. It has to lie down. It has to STOP. It has to come to the fixer of its soul. It must STOP working and LIE DOWN in green pastures. Now green pastures are fresh, plentiful grazing land which are desperately needed by sheep after a long and weary journey.
David says the place of being restored is when lead to STILL waters. The STILL waters are essential to sheep for life in a dry and challenging land. Still waters is the perfect place for the Shepherd to water and wash his sheep but also the perfect place for the shepherd to clean and mend the wounds the sheep picked up on a tough journey.
David said the Shepherd made him lie down. Like the car in the garage must go on the ramp we must lie down. He doesn’t fix or repair the car when its moving or driving. It has to lie down. It has to STOP. It has to come to the fixer of its soul. It must STOP working and LIE DOWN in green pastures. Now green pastures are fresh, plentiful grazing land which are desperately needed by sheep after a long and weary journey.
David says the place of being restored is when lead to STILL waters. The STILL waters are essential to sheep for life in a dry and challenging land. Still waters is the perfect place for the Shepherd to water and wash his sheep but also the perfect place for the shepherd to clean and mend the wounds the sheep picked up on a tough journey.

“John Eldredge guides you through beautiful morning and evening sessions each day, helping you discover new restoration in your soul and bringing you resilience through deeper experiences with God.”
30 Days To Resilient. Now on the Pause App. Days To Resilient. Now on the Pause App.

Free Christian Bible Study Netflix for you
RightNow Media
RightNow Media is a library of thousands of videos for all ages and stages of life that we are providing to our attenders for free. Think of it as a free subscription to Netflix with content that is designed to help you grow in your faith, family, and relationships. We are providing you with hours of content to encourage, strengthen, grow & challenge you. Use it for entertainment, teaching, small group prep, family time, etc. The content is for you to use as you please.
RightNow Media is a library of thousands of videos for all ages and stages of life that we are providing to our attenders for free. Think of it as a free subscription to Netflix with content that is designed to help you grow in your faith, family, and relationships. We are providing you with hours of content to encourage, strengthen, grow & challenge you. Use it for entertainment, teaching, small group prep, family time, etc. The content is for you to use as you please.
Vine Kids
We are pleased to welcome new children and their families to Vine Church Children’s Gangs.
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Our children’s Gangs are for all children from age 1 to those in Primary 7. Our Gang’s operate during the message part of the service and we enjoy bible stories, games, toys, craft, prayer, worship, snacks and lots of fun together.
Find out more and what ages kids gangs are for...
Prayer Request or Praise Report
If you have a prayer request or want to tell us about answered prayer, please do so here.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
We Value the Power of Prayer
“Supernaturally Transforming Lives and Circumstances”
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 NIV
As a church we have numerous stories of people who have had prayer answered and seen incredible miracles take place. We have stories of; miraculous healings, miraculous protection from danger and harm, children being born when it seemed impossible, hospitals and orphan’s villages being built in Haiti and many, many more examples that God still answers prayer today and miracles do happen.
Join a Life Group
In an age where people lack community, Life Groups provide the ideal environment for friendship, connection and growth.
Read more about Joining a Life Group
Read more about Joining a Life Group
Synergie Youth
Synergie – A coming together producing something GREAT!
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Read about our fantastic Synergie youth that work with high school age youth...
Join a Team
“Our Church is not built on the talents and gifts of a few but on the sacrifice of many.” –Brian Houston
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team
The Vine church is as effective as our people. The greatness of our church relies on the heart of our people and their willingness to serve others. Our church functions because ordinary people give their time, talents and energy willingly and cheerfully to serve others.
Joining a team is an excellent way to get connected into the life of our church, make friends and help the church to grow. In fact the growth in health and size of our church depends on every member serving and “doing their own special work”:
“…as each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is growing and full of love.”
Eph.4:16 NLT
Read more and join a team