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Glencairn Church

Going Deeper

Going Deeper

Discipleship on the Edge: A Cosmic Battle

Locations & Times

Glencairn Church

725 Erinbrook Dr, Kitchener, ON N2E 3E3, Canada

Sunday 10:15 AM

Going Deeper is designed for use with your small group, a friend, or on your own. Its aim is to create time for you to spend with God and his word. Do as much or as little as you like.
1. Pray for each other, our church and leaders, for the not-yet believers in your life, and for opportunities to disciple others. Share a recent entry from your Life Journal with the group.
2. Life is difficult. We all know it to be true. In fact, Jesus told us that in this world we would have trouble (John 16:33). But isn’t the gospel good news? Didn’t Jesus defeat the enemy at the cross? Then why is there so much evil in this world? Why is every day filled with news of violence, abuse, greed, and deceit? And why is it so hard to be a follower of Jesus? The Apostle John provides some answers in Rev 12, the theological center
of the Book of Revelation. It unveils the Cosmic Battle, the war behind all wars. He reveals the truth about our enemy, his tactics, and how to overcome him. What thoughts or questions did the message raise for you? Which ones, encouraged you or posed a challenge to you?
3. What do you think of when you hear the phrase “spiritual warfare”? Do you feel like evil in this world is increasing, or diminishing? How does this impact your understanding of Satan’s influence in the world?
According to C.S. Lewis, we can be guilty of either taking the devil too seriously or not seriously enough. To which error are you most prone? What are the consequences of that error?
4. Read Rev 11:19. What is the significance of the ark of the covenant? What is the importance of this vision in setting up the conflict in the following chapter?
5. Read Rev 12:1-6. The imagery in this passage can be startling and confusing. Some are fascinated with it and try to explain exactly what it means, others throw their hands up in the air and dismiss it. How should we respond to the imagery in this book? Who are the three characters in this text? What do they represent? Which ones are “signs,” and which ones aren’t? Why is that important?
6. We have taken the approach that numbers in this book are symbols, not statistics. To read the book “literally” is to see the powerful symbolism and perfection of Jesus, and not that he literally had seven heads and seven eyes. The numbers used in this text are seven and ten, which both symbolize completeness and perfection. 1,260 days symbolizes the length of time it took for Israel to travel from Egypt to the Promised Land, and the time it takes for the church to travel from the resurrection of Jesus to his return. How does this impact your reading of this text? In addition, consider horns symbolizes strength; the head symbolizes authority; crown symbolizes wealth. What other symbols do you notice?
7. Read Rev 12:7-17. How was the cosmic battle won? If the war is over, why is there still a battle? What are the devil’s strategies for destroying God’s followers? How have you been (un)knowingly complicit in these
strategies? How are we able to overcome the devil’s tactics (v11)?
8. Consider how God is speaking to you about this cosmic battle. Does it encourage or frighten you? What would you like to ask God about the battle you are going through? Where do you see God at work? What are you thankful for? Offer a prayer of praise to Him.