The Bridge Church

The Struggle is Real: Relationships
April 24, 2022
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Because we are new in Christ, we live differently than before we knew Christ.
5 Questions To Build Healthy Relationships:
1. Am I living an honest life?
1. Am I living an honest life?
2. Am I living out of anger?
3. Am I stealing or sharing?
4. Am I building people up with my words?
Luke 6:45b (CSB)
…for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
…for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
5. Am I being kind and forgiving?
Where can I show more kindness in my life?
Where can I show more compassion in my life?
Where can I show more forgiveness in my life?
Where can I show more compassion in my life?
Where can I show more forgiveness in my life?
Forgiveness is giving to others what God has already given me.
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
Dig Deeper:
1. Read Ephesians 4:25-32. What stands out to you from the passage?
2. What four specific behaviors do you see in this passage?
3. Read Ephesians 4:24. How do verses 25-32 relate to putting “on the new self”? Why is it important to put verses 25-32 in context to what we read in verse 24?
4. Give examples of “speaking truth” with another? How is this hard?
5. What should we do instead of lying, and why?
6. What does it mean to be “members of one another”?
7. Some translations use the term “for we are all parts of the same body.” What happens inside the body if one part doesn’t speak truthfully to another?
8. What does it mean to “be angry and do not sin”? Is anger inevitable? What happens when we hold onto anger?
9. What is a thief focused on? What is the outcome of someone doing “honest work with his own hands”?
10. What can be considered “foul language”? Does this go beyond using curse words? What are we supposed to use instead, and why?
11. What does it feel like to be grieved? As believers in Christ, the Spirit is in our lives, renewing us. Ephesians 30 says not to “grieve the Holy Spirit.” Does this mean that we need to just “follow the rules” so we can be a better person or that we will be punished because the Holy Spirit is grieved? (Hint: The answer is No!) Instead, why would the Holy Spirit be sad if we acted out in these “old self” behaviors?
12. What does it mean to be “sealed for the day of redemption”? Read Ephesians 1:14 for more information.
13. Why are we supposed to forgive? (Read Ephesians 4:32 and Matthew 18:21-35). Discuss how and why forgiveness is necessary for our relationships. If comfortable, share a time when you forgave someone even though it was difficult to do so.
Live It Out:
1. Of these behaviors listed, which do you struggle with the most? Instead of just feeling guilty about these behaviors and “trying to do better,” confess them to God and commit to living a life by putting on your “new self,” allowing the Spirit to guide you.
2. How would you evaluate your patterns of communication: at home, at church, and at work? Are you working towards building others up? In what ways could you strengthen your communication?
3. Are you holding on to anger? What can be done today (apologizing, confessing, making peace, praying to God specifically), before you go to bed so that you are no longer feeling angry? You might not solve everything today, but it can be a step towards healing and letting go of anger.
4. Analyze your day-to-day work. Is there more focus on consuming or on giving? Are you including “doing something useful with your hands” in order to “share with anyone in need”? If not, how might you be able to incorporate time in your routine to love others in this way?
5. Is there a trusted Christian friend in your life that can partner with you, and share accountability, to find new ways to put on the “new self” of the Spirit daily?
Reading Plan:
Monday: Ephesians 4
Tuesday: Matthew 18
Wednesday: Colossians 3
Thursday: 1 Kings 8:30-50
Friday:Lev 4:20-35
Saturday: Ephesians 2
Recommended Resources:
The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
Reading Ephesians with John Stott
Ephesians - Teen Bible Study Book: Your Identity In Christ by Tony Merida
Ephesians - Bible Study Book: Your Identity in Christ by Tony Merida
1. Read Ephesians 4:25-32. What stands out to you from the passage?
2. What four specific behaviors do you see in this passage?
3. Read Ephesians 4:24. How do verses 25-32 relate to putting “on the new self”? Why is it important to put verses 25-32 in context to what we read in verse 24?
4. Give examples of “speaking truth” with another? How is this hard?
5. What should we do instead of lying, and why?
6. What does it mean to be “members of one another”?
7. Some translations use the term “for we are all parts of the same body.” What happens inside the body if one part doesn’t speak truthfully to another?
8. What does it mean to “be angry and do not sin”? Is anger inevitable? What happens when we hold onto anger?
9. What is a thief focused on? What is the outcome of someone doing “honest work with his own hands”?
10. What can be considered “foul language”? Does this go beyond using curse words? What are we supposed to use instead, and why?
11. What does it feel like to be grieved? As believers in Christ, the Spirit is in our lives, renewing us. Ephesians 30 says not to “grieve the Holy Spirit.” Does this mean that we need to just “follow the rules” so we can be a better person or that we will be punished because the Holy Spirit is grieved? (Hint: The answer is No!) Instead, why would the Holy Spirit be sad if we acted out in these “old self” behaviors?
12. What does it mean to be “sealed for the day of redemption”? Read Ephesians 1:14 for more information.
13. Why are we supposed to forgive? (Read Ephesians 4:32 and Matthew 18:21-35). Discuss how and why forgiveness is necessary for our relationships. If comfortable, share a time when you forgave someone even though it was difficult to do so.
Live It Out:
1. Of these behaviors listed, which do you struggle with the most? Instead of just feeling guilty about these behaviors and “trying to do better,” confess them to God and commit to living a life by putting on your “new self,” allowing the Spirit to guide you.
2. How would you evaluate your patterns of communication: at home, at church, and at work? Are you working towards building others up? In what ways could you strengthen your communication?
3. Are you holding on to anger? What can be done today (apologizing, confessing, making peace, praying to God specifically), before you go to bed so that you are no longer feeling angry? You might not solve everything today, but it can be a step towards healing and letting go of anger.
4. Analyze your day-to-day work. Is there more focus on consuming or on giving? Are you including “doing something useful with your hands” in order to “share with anyone in need”? If not, how might you be able to incorporate time in your routine to love others in this way?
5. Is there a trusted Christian friend in your life that can partner with you, and share accountability, to find new ways to put on the “new self” of the Spirit daily?
Reading Plan:
Monday: Ephesians 4
Tuesday: Matthew 18
Wednesday: Colossians 3
Thursday: 1 Kings 8:30-50
Friday:Lev 4:20-35
Saturday: Ephesians 2
Recommended Resources:
The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
Reading Ephesians with John Stott
Ephesians - Teen Bible Study Book: Your Identity In Christ by Tony Merida
Ephesians - Bible Study Book: Your Identity in Christ by Tony Merida
Leading "Ephesians" Bible Study Featuring J.D. Greear
Right Now Media