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1 Tuhan nen ane afuni Israel mene yagaisoagaluk ap Maleakhi oba fesikhe re, yi.
Tuhan nen afuni Israel mene endawirinaferek mene faget isikhe wene
2 Tuhan nen afuni At againafuri mene inoba yagaisikhi logolik: ”An nen hit hinoba nendawi hundik hilinghinafu welagi o,” iluk yagaisasikhe. Oba nen he iren onggo ikhi logolik he, ”Nineisena Tuhan Haren he hendawi hundik hilingninafi lagen andi re ebe ninggi'nogo hilingninafi lagen nogo?” iluk aga. A'nogo agama re, At Tuhan nen mel yagaisikhe: ”At Esau re, Yakub oe lek nogo? At Yakub oe aro. A'nogo meneat he, Yakub nendawirati logolik,#Rm. 9:13#Yes. 34:5-17, 63:1-6; Yer. 49:7-22; Yeh. 25:12-14, 35:1-15; Am. 1:11-12; Ob. 1-14 3Esau re nabiret fesigi andi. A'nogo habit oba fesigisik, at Esau werekwe tomkwe omanogo mondogat he An nen wolelenggen tagalogo leget figirik, kweang o leikwe omanogo mondogat he wam maro mene eiserogo logouwageluk it inoba wogisasigi andi,” iluk ikhe.
4Nen it Esau ambisangma mene o Edom mene nen ikhi logolik he, ”Nit ninawi kota mondogat meisalogo potfisaga oba nen, niren hobuk ambotkwe wusugun o,” iluk ili'lagwi oba nen ogo re, At Tuhan nen onggo ikhi logolik he, ”It inawi kota andi hobuk ambotkwe wusugun fano meneat he, an nen meisalogo potfisagain o. A'nogo meisalogo potfisamo, afuni nen he mel ikhi logogun: Afuni weak hilingitu welagaikharek mene inaiba, igik, inebe Tuhan nen a'mage inoba fikhemo werek mene o, igik, ikhi logogun,” iluk ikhe.
5A'nogo ugunem, it afuni inunggulenu Israel mene nen ineilenggen nen tomok haluk he, iren mel ikhi logogun: ”Yago, Tuhan andi re, Omame Mondok Hokho mene o, nit afuni Israel mene inom it ekhe yatkwe welagaikharek mene inom mondogat he, At omame a'ma nek welago higi o,” iluk ikhi logogun.
Tuhan nen ane omameba it imam mene inenggali warogo wenagisasikhe wene
6 Tuhan yi mene ti mene hilingisu hagenek mene a'nogo nen, ap imam omanogo inoba yagaisikhi logolik he, ”Yenggerugwi nen ineisugwi agaugwerinafik, afuni inamingmingengge mene nen inogogwi agaugwerinafik, agarek. An yi re, hineisena aro, nenahalok hiren An agaukhogo hilingnafi lagep lek nogo? An yi re, hinoe, nenahalok hiren An noba hinailo welagep lek nogo? Hiren An nebe weagerogo noba ikhi lagep meneat he, hiren heinok wo'niikhi logolik, ’Nit ninggi'nogo hilingiti lagoba Hat weagerogo fikhi lago nogo?’ iluk ikhi lagep andi. 7’Hiren nunggungge An nobaget nolhuba mezbah wurik mene a'nogo nolu lek mene oba nen nolhi lagep andiba re, lek nogo a? A'nogo hilingiti logoligen hiren ikhi logolik he, ’Niren ninggi'nogo hilingitoba Hat weaget hobagakhi lago nogo?’ iluk ikhi lagep andiba re, ’An mene mezbah andi emeti lagep andi ba o! 8Hiren an nobaget wam ekhe eil puk mene inom, oba ou mene inom, eisok weak mene inom, nobagegep halok he, andi an nobagau higit oba nobagegep nogo? Andi mondok weago. Hiren wam ariginik mene gubernur faget fisogoin halok, at endawimo fano asimbik hinebe fanorogo wokhinabu hak nogo? Mondok elo'lego,” iluk ikhe.#Ul. 15:21
9Andi nen he, hit ap Allah eisewerek mene yi. Yogondak hit Allah oba yagatunem, Aren endawi hundik hilinghinabuakhogo re walhani o. Hit hinonggwarek weak oba hiren samban At oba yagasugun mene onggo yagaisagain lek a'naga. 10Tuhan Omame Mondok Hokho mene a'nogo nen ikhi logolik, ”Hiren wam yi mene ti mene warogo nolneti lagep oba endu tulemat ibilogo kwelafi lagep andi nen he, a'nogo hilingitu welagep hanogoluk, hit ekhe nen An naiba andoma kwe yagatfoumo re! Hit hinebe nabirat, nen an nobaget fikhi lagep mene andi helugu aplere nabit nabi'lago. 11Afuni inunggulenu lombok o kweangma yi awi ti awi welagaikharek mene nen An agaukhogo fogetnafarek andi nen he, iren an fogetnafi logolik, o ekhema-ekhema nen dupa amben fano mene Nenuba nolnetik, wam, yi mene ti mene An nobaget nobagaluk nolnesubaat nolnetik, agarek andi. Andi re, yi afuni ti afuni mondogaren An fogetnafu welagaikharek andi nen o. 12A'nogo meneat he, hiren he, Nineisena Tuhan faget wam, yi mene ti mene noletarek oba yi weak. Ma re, yi mene ti mene weak mene yugunat fisogoin aro, iluk anggikhi lagep andiba nenu weagerogo fikhi lagebo. 13A'nogo anggikhi logolik he mel ikhi lagep: Yi'nogo hilingiti logou re, mondogat ninabit ari'lago, iluk, hinambisang singgin yaganeti lagep andi. A'nogo ikhi logolik An hinendawimo seramet nobagaluk he, wam yi mene ti mene yogot wanhi lagep mene inom, eisok weak mene inom, oba ou werek mene inom, An faget nobagakhi lagep. Ariginik mene nobagakhi lagep andi re, An nen wanigin iluga? 14An Hineisena re, Raja Lego Mondok welagimo re, yi afuni ti afuni inunggulenu lombok o kweangma welagaikharek mene An nenu agaukhogo fogetnafarek andi nen he, ap sa nen anggo ai mene agambut palek lek mene An nobagaikhe mene werek kwelek meneat he, munenogo herakfikhi logolik weak mene nobagaikhe halok, eranenat lalnafe andi nen he, homan ugu logouwago,” iluk ikhe.

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MALEAKHI 1: inohap





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