Ạsuor 33
Ạḍuor oboomiom
1Oomo anyina ạbuo aruukuan phọ,
ịmoogh iboh esi oomo ịpe Ọmoogh-we phọ aḍighi bọ.
Oomo anyina ạbuphe rẹnaghanan ghan bọ nyọdi,
iboom nyọdi,
2Ịsighe rẹne kụ eboomiom Ọmoogh-we phọ,
ẹsighe ogumogum aḍioph ịkala kụ ẹmooraan nyọdi sụor.
3Ịmooraan nyọdi ḍimoom ạḍuor,
ẹmaar eti ogumogum mọ kụ epheghom rꞌoghur.
4Ọghaaph Ọmoogh-we phọ aseleman ni;
oomo iiḍighi phọ ọdi ịlo oḍuom-ologhi ni.
5Ọmoogh-we phọ ạpomoghian ruukuan rꞌelhiom ịiruen;
ẹphomoghian phọ ọdi rémuneen bọ kụ imuza sịen aḅirini phọ.
6Ikpo ọnhu Ọmoogh-we phọ kụ ịlhem bọ kẹ phọ,
kụ ookuugh ọnhu ọdi kụ amiteghom bọ oomo ạraraar phọ edi bọ kꞌạke.
7Ọdi aakpomoghi oomo ạrumuum ọphiiny phọ aseere egina esi,
kụ asighele phọ eḍiku yogh ruutu aruphua.
8Oomo aḅirini phọ ọngo rughuenian Ọmoogh-we phọ!
Oomo anyina ạbuphe erugh bọ sịen aḅirini phọ, igona loor anyina esi ọdi.
9Ịlo ọdi ạḅem, kụ rẹtuugh ghan kemite;
ịlo ọdi ạto, kụ remite ghan.
10Ọmoogh-we phọ mạawalami ookpomoghan ạbuphe nyọdi úlegheri bọ,
ạḅile ạgbaragbarami ịitughian oomo awe phọ.
11Igbiighi Ọmoogh-we phọ rẹtol ghan kꞌagee-pọ;
ịitughian ologhi phọ ọdi edianaan ghan oghiil atum oghiil.
12Ạḍiseph rẹtolonaan ghan eelhe lọ Ọmoogh-we phọ kụ aru Ẹnaan ạbidi;
ạḍiseph rẹtolonaan ghan bụphe ọdi ạsaḅar bọ ạmoogh.
13Ọmoogh-we phọ ạrol ẹpe ạnyu ạke phọ
kụ aphogh kụ ạmiin oomo ạnmuny awe phọ.
14Ạrol ẹpe amarugh phọ ọdi
kụ aphogh oomo ạbuen orugh bọ sịen aḅirini phọ.
15Ọdi mạḅophoghi oomo iloghi phọ ạbidi aḍighi nyoniin,
kụ ọdi alegheri ni oomo iiḍighi phọ ạbidi.
16Ọdaam ólho ghan dị aḍita awe ẹgham ọdi kụ kọpel nyọdi;
ophelegbe ólho ghan dị ogina ọdi bịn kụ kamitiom ḍien iphelegbe ọdi.
17Ạsu pọ oopho ịyaar bịn, kátue ạpel oye atene,
kátue kẹn ạsighe iboom ịnyaam mọ ọdi ạtophoron oye ạsighe.
18Ọmoogh-we phọ agbi riḍien ọdi esi oomo ạbuphe rokueni ghan bọ nyọdi,
rꞌạbuphe oḍuom bọ ologhi ẹphomoghian phọ ọdi rémuneen ghan bọ.
19Ọmoogh-we phọ rạpel ghan uwaloor ạbidi kạsighe esi aḍuugh,
ạḅile raako ghan ghuḍum ạbidi, bịdi rómughanaan ghan ịgbakuro.
20Aruwaloor ayoor rekori ghan Ọmoogh-we phọ.
Ọdi kụ kụlhoghonaan iyoor ḍịghaagh. Ọdi kụ ọsuaram ikpo ayoor.
21Loor ẹmhu ọdi yoor ọmoogh ni ọḅaal ologhi,
ịdi eḍighi bọ yoor oḍuom ḍien iigbia phọ ọdi ologhi.
22Ọmoogh-we, ẹphomoghian phọ ạna rémuneen ghan bọ ịrolonaan iyoor,
ịdipho yoor oḍuom bọ nyịna ologhi.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 33: ẠḌI

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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS