Isaiah 29:1-12
Isaiah 29:1-12 TPT
“Woe to Ariel —Ariel, the town where David encamped! Go ahead—keep your annual feasts, and year after year celebrate your annual festivals. I will bring distress to Ariel and there will be great mourning. Jerusalem will be to me as the meaning of the name Ariel—a burning altar hearth. I will lay siege to you on all sides, encircling you with towers and raising up my siege works against you. Brought low, you will speak from the dust of the earth. Your voice will be heard speaking from the ground, and like the voice of a ghost, you will whisper out of the dust. Then suddenly, in an instant, your ruthless enemies will become nothing more than dust in the wind and your vile tyrants like wind-driven chaff! She will be visited by the Lord YAHWEH, Commander of Angel Armies, with thunder, earthquake, and deafening noise, with whirlwind, tempest, and the blaze of a consuming fire! As quickly as a fading dream or as fleeting as a vision of the night, so will all the vast hordes of all the nations fade away and all who war against Ariel and her fortress disappear. Just as a hungry man dreams that he is eating but wakes up still hungry, or as a thirsty man dreams that he is drinking but wakes up weak and still longing for water, so it will be for the vast hordes of all the nations that fight against Mount Zion.” Be totally shocked and amazed by what I am about to say to you: “Blind yourselves—and be totally blind! (They are drunk but not from wine. They stagger but not from hard liquor.) For YAHWEH has poured out over you the spirit of a deep, deep sleep — putting the covers over your slumbering seers and rocking all your prophets to sleep.” This entire prophetic revelation will become to you like the words of a sealed book. If it’s given to one who can read it with the command “Read this,” he responds, “I can’t because it is sealed.” Or if it’s given to one who is illiterate with the command “Read this,” he responds, “I can’t because I cannot read.”