Ezekiel 31:10-14
Ezekiel 31:10-14 TPT
Therefore, Lord YAHWEH says: “Because it towered so high with its top into the clouds and its heart was proud about its height, I have rejected it! I have handed it over to the mightiest of the nations to be punished as its wickedness deserves. The most ruthless of nations cut down the cedar and left it deserted. Its broken branches littered the mountains, the valleys, and every ravine throughout the country. Those who once sat in its shadow have fled and abandoned it. All the birds of heaven settled in the fallen tree, and all the wild animals lay among its branches. “So from now on, let no tree, no matter how well-watered, grow that high again with its top pushing into the clouds. And let no watered tree grow that tall again. For all of them are doomed to death, and they will join those in the depths of the underworld of mortals with those who go down to the pit.”