Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 27:9

Waiting Well
3 Days
We don’t like to wait. From standing in line at the grocery store to anticipating God to move in our situation, each of us is familiar with the dreaded experience. The question then is not, “Are we going to wait,” but rather, “HOW are we going to wait?” Discover today how to avoid emotional fits of impatience and doubt, and develop a biblical strategy for waiting well.

The Priestly Prayer Of The Blessing
3 Days
This fascinating reading plan will inspire you to proclaim blessings over yourself and your loved ones. It will equip you on how to bring favor, prosperity, healing, wisdom, miracles and bring so much more to your life.

3 Days to Break Free From Worry
3 Days
We live in the age of worry, especially since COVID-19 changed every part of our lives. Worry can dominate our thoughts, influence our emotions, and drain our physical resources. It’s an unwelcome guest and a disruptive intruder. But Christian counselor Dr. H. Norman Wright and Bryn Edwards help remind us how we can know freedom from worry as we center our thoughts on God in this three day reading plan.

Reducing Anxiety
4 Days
These four sessions on overcoming anxiety will include some helpful guides, biblical devotion, and prayer to help you manage through those moments where life seems out of control and you feel you have no way of coping. Cheryl is a psychotherapist and licensed professional counselor in private practice who guides you through these sessions for those times you are feeling the most anxious.

Triumph Over Trauma
4 Days
Have you ever felt like you'll never be able to overcome the trauma you've experienced? Do feelings of despair and hopelessness weigh you down? Through practical tools and spiritual insights, this study will help you rebuild your life and find hope, even in the darkest of times. Join us on a journey of healing and discover the power of faith in overcoming despair.

Grab the Red Phone!
5 Days
When trials seem beyond what we can bear, where do we run? Who do we call when we are under attack? This five-day devotion from Thistlebend will help learn how to use the red phone - to run, cling, and hold fast to God, regardless of the circumstances.

A Woman Of Purpose And Power
5 Days
Our culture encourages women to seek purpose and identity in all the wrong places. This devotional will help you live according to your unique, God-given purpose, based on your identity in Christ and using the unique gifts He has given you. Each day includes a passage from both the Old and New Testaments and a takeaway thought to draw you closer to God and His plans for your life.

The Power Of Love
5 Days
Instead of focusing on all our issues and our inability to overcome them, what if we learned how to stand in the power of God's perfect love? There is no fear in love. Go on this five day journey to learn how the power of God's love can completely transform your life.

Asking God Why
5 Days
Why do bad things happen to good people? Why there is so much suffering in life? When life feels unfair, and the world feels broken, you need to know there’s a God who understands and wants to restore all things. In this plan, you will learn how grieving, hoping, and gratitude can help you make sense of your suffering.

The Lord's Prayer Explained
5 Days
The Lord’s prayer is not a magic mantra Christians should repeat mindlessly. It is a treasure that Christ left His disciples to teach us how to pray. The Lord’s prayer is a model prayer that is born out of faith in omniscience, omnipotence, and goodness of our Heavenly Father. This devotional explores truths hidden in the Lord’s prayer that can help each believer grow stronger in their relationship with God.

Everyday Prayers for Joy
5 Days
What is joy? We can receive fleeting moments of it from time to time, but there is only one source of true, lasting joy—and that’s our Savior, Jesus. When everyday life fills us with uncertainties, we can learn to count it all joy by turning to God and His Word.

Feasting on the Psalms: A Five-Day Devotional Featuring Insights From Charles Spurgeon
5 Days
For generations, the Psalms have been a source of comfort and hope, giving voice to our desire to love God faithfully, our need for his strength, and our longing to see His kingdom come. They are, as C.H. Spurgeon said, a banquet for the soul. In this five-day plan, adapted from "Spurgeon and the Psalms," feast upon select psalms alongside devotional wisdom from "the prince of preachers."

Raw Prayers: Praying Through Our Doubt
5 Days
Life is not easy, and along with the hard days come many negative emotions. Generally, we deal with them by venting, stewing, or hiding. Did you know that many of the Psalms are prayers born out of these strong emotions? These reading plans will explore the raw and honest prayers of fear, pain, guilt, and doubt found in the Psalms, teaching us how to share these feelings with the Lord.

Fear: Experiencing Peace in Dark Moments
5 Days
This 5-day plan offers hope for when you find yourself in difficult spaces and places. Whatever your story is, the One who is all-knowing and all-powerful is also the One who knows your name, wants to hold you, longs to comfort you, and to be near you.

IN the LIGHT - Learning to Live in the Light
5 Days
IN THE LIGHT is a 5-day Bible Plan for believers who want to learn what “living in the light” means as followers of Jesus. Each day focuses on Jesus being our light and salvation with biblical encouragement and a daily worship song from AMEN Music’s latest album, IN THE LIGHT, featuring songwriters and singers including Grammy-award winning artist, Dante Bowe, Aaron Moses, Lizzie Morgan, Nate Diaz, and Tianna.

The Joy of the In-Between
5 Days
The greatest test of our faith is when we pray for something and God does not answer. Will we still believe in Him and put our faith in Him? Will we still trust Him and choose Him, even when He doesn’t answer our prayers in the timeframe we want Him to? This week’s devotional explores what it looks like to choose joy even in the waiting seasons.

The Gift of Rejection
5 Days
Based on her widely acclaimed book, The Gift of Rejection, this 5-Day Bible Plan by author, preacher, and YouVersion Global Ambassador Nona Jones will take you on a powerful journey to changing the way you see rejection. Instead of being a pain to manage, it becomes a gift to open and learn from. Order The Gift of Rejection book for deeper insights and study wherever books are sold online!

Bolder Faith
5 Days
Are you feeling tired or anxious today? This 5-day devotional reminds us that sitting at the feet of Jesus gives us the energy and focus we need to move forward in hope. Sitting at Jesus’ feet is not just about listening for His Word. It’s about worshipping Him. It’s about talking with Him. It’s about believing that He will give us boldness and courage to follow His call.

Conquering Death
6 Days
Coming face to face with death can bring deep and fear-filled questions. Will I die alone? Will it be painful? What comes after death? When you’re gripped with this anxiety, you need to know there’s a God who understands and has gone before us to conquer death. This plan will share God’s hope-filled answers to help you make peace with death.

Jesus: The Death Killer
6 Days
Spend six days with Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, as he explores Christ’s work as the Death Killer. Though physical death is a reality for us all, there is hope—eternal life in Jesus’ name.

Through the Fog: 6 Days of God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering, Chronic Pain, and Chronic Illness
6 Days
Physical suffering and chronic pain can feel a lot like walking through fog. Pain consumes you until you feel lost, unable to find your way out of the mess. But, you are seen, known, and loved. Discover God's goodness and His plan to redeem your losses in this 6-day plan.

7 Days
Not finding the quality of friends you need? Are you looking in the right place? Not only does God promise to always be with us, but trusting him will help us discern the kinds of friendships we truly need.

This I Know
7 Days
Jesus loves me, this I know … how? For the Bible tells me so. What else can we know because of the Bible? What does the Bible do for us? If you want to love reading the Bible every day, start this seven-day Bible Plan with Life.Church. In seven days, you’ll discover the life-filling power of your new Bible reading habit.

7 Days
Do you have the feeling that no one really gets you—even your friends? Do you long for close relationships, but haven’t been able to find them? Not only does God promise to be close to us, he also provides companionship—and through his church, he even gives us a family.

Cry Out: How to Bring Your Anxiety, Depression & Trauma to God
7 Days
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or trauma? If so, you know that the weight of emotional pain makes it hard to talk to God or know what to say to Him. Licensed trauma therapist and Christian counselor Kobe Campbell will walk you through this 7-day plan where she'll teach you how to draw near to God in a way that improves both your mental and spiritual health.