Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 22:46

Open and Unafraid: A 5-day Journey Through the Psalms
5 Days
Jesus quoted the Psalms more than any other book in the Old Testament. It has been the church's hymn book for centuries. Dive deeper into the riches of the Psalms and discover how they help us live more fully and walk with God more honestly as we wrestle with anger and sadness, enemies and justice, life and death.

Holding on to Hope: Easter in Old Testament Poetry
5 Days
In the midst of despair, find hope. In the depths of doubt, fuel your faith. In a season of struggle, rest in your Savior’s embrace. Experience the profound hope of Easter through Old Testament poetry that foretold Christ’s resurrection. This illuminating 5-day plan from poet and Bible teacher Jen Weaver guides you on a pilgrimage to rediscover God’s unwavering presence and pursuit of your heart.

The God-Kind of Love
6 Days
God's type of love is the highest kind of love. We will never be as good at loving as God, but we can strive to be close! Let this 6-day reading plan be your guide to the God-kind of love.

Simply Church
7 Days
I LOVE MY CHURCH. People talk about what they love. They love their spouse, love their children. Or they love their job, sports team or pet, but how many people say they love their church? My prayer is that as you follow this plan, you may re-discover your love of the church and its purpose. Helping our churches today to be authentic, mirroring the original church. That is Simply Church.

Holy Week
8 Days
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. By following Christ's footsteps through daily scripture readings, take your own spiritual journey and prepare your heart for honoring him this Easter.

Faith: Fig Tree vs Mountain
14 Days
God does not want you to be impressed with the simple things. S.F.P (Scripture. Faith. Prayer) is the breakdown of each day.

The Gospel According To Matthew
14 days
This reading plan explores the first Gospel. This Gospel explains that Jesus was the king of Jews that brought the kingdom of heaven, even though Jesus didn't arrive in the way people expected.

14 Days
Finding rest for your soul during restless times. A bible reading plan grounding your soul in the steadiness and security of Jesus. Produced by Generation Ministries

Preparing Your Heart for Easter
15 Days
Mama, do you need encouragement? Would you like to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus this Easter season? Join the Help Club for Moms as we focus our eyes on Jesus and center our lives on His Word. This devotional plan will help you awaken this Resurrection Sunday with a heart full of joy and a deeper understanding of our Savior's love.

Introduction to the Gospels & Matthew
18 Days
The first four books of the New Testament are called “gospels,” which means “good news.” They are fundamental to the revelation of God’s eternal plan to redeem and save lost humanity. They are often called biographies for they each tell the story of Jesus, his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. The good news of the Gospels is that Jesus has come, that he is both Savior and King, and people can know this is true because God has raised him from the dead. This section specifically focuses on the longest of the four Gospels, the Gospel of Matthew.

21 Days
Favor is simply God's supernatural provision that enables us to live beyond our natural abilities. It is available to everyone, and it comes by grace. Learn how to pursue God's favor over the next 21 days, and ready yourself for an outpouring of favor that will accelerate your kingdom assignment!

Belmont University Advent Guide
27 Days
This Advent Guide comes from students, faculty and staff at Belmont University. Advent is that season of waiting that carefully and purposefully helps us to realign our priorities and to glimpse, anew, our place before God. Our humble hope is this guide helps people focus more fully on Jesus Christ through the Advent season.

Christmas Advent Bible Reading Plan: Jesus Is Born
27 Days
Whatever December looks like for you, wherever you are, whoever you are with or not with, our hope is that you will set aside time every day over the next four weeks to open God’s Word. We will have short devotionals each day to help you reflect on the day’s reading. We pray that you will see Jesus in a new light this Christmas.

Christ as King: A Study in Matthew
28 Days
Matthew’s Gospel opens the New Testament by brilliantly introducing the culmination of the entire Old Testament story. After thousands of years and dozens of generations, Jesus had come “to save his people from their sins” (Mathew 1:21). Matthew focuses on Jesus as King of Kings, who had come to reign on the throne of David forever.

Daily Bible Reading - September 2020 God's Life-Giving Word of Wisdom
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Wisdom.”

Daily Bible Reading – September 2023, God’s Saving Word: Wisdom
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme, “God’s Saving Word: Wisdom.” [Note: All Scriptures are quoted in the GNT.]

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 10
31 days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Ten of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled ‘The Messiah Comes, Few Believe Him: 5 BC–AD 33’.

New Testament in a Year: January
31 Days
This is part of a series that will take you through the entire New Testament in a year. Each month's plan covers a specific book(s). January completes Matthew, then focuses on Ephesians, Philippians, 2 Thessalonians, and 2 and 3 John. The plan is designed to be used with a small group of friends. Read the daily passage first, reflect on one or more questions, and try the engagement practice.

Reading With the People of God - #4 Comfort
31 Days
This is the fourth part of a reading plan through the Bible following the lectionary pattern of reading in the Psalms, Old Testament, and New Testament each day. In addition, this part of the plan will also focus on our only comfort in life and death from questions 1 & 2 of the Heidelberg Catechism.