Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ecclesiastes 8:15
Better Together
5 Days
Better Together is a 5-day marriage devotional that shares the joy of doing life together and using your gifts to serve one another. We pray you are inspired to spend more time loving, encouraging and enjoying your spouse!
Ecclesiastes: The Adventure of a Lifetime
5 Days
The Book of Ecclesiastes is about accepting a proper perspective of reality. Only then can we make effective decisions about who we trust and how we live. Yellow Balloons unpacks the message of Ecclesiastes in a five-day devotional. We pray it challenges and encourages you.
Ecclesiastes: Wisdom to Live for Heaven While on Earth
5 Days
Ecclesiastes is frequently described as pessimistic, but after these 5 days, you’ll see it as one of the most encouraging books of the Bible. Solomon basically takes the filter off the world, exposing its relentless cycle of empty promises, compared to the eternal hope God freely gives us.
Handling Emotions and Grief as Parents
5 Days
The kids are melting down, life keeps throwing curveballs, and you are simply overwhelmed. When family life is harder to cope with, God offers strength, compassion, and tender mercy. This 5-day devotional teaches parents how to cope with the hard things in life by putting on the armor of God, so kids, in turn, can learn by example to deal with emotions in a healthy way.
Finding Deep and Lasting Joy in Jesus
7 Days
People try to find joy in many different areas of life; relationships, work, money, etc. However, to find true and lasting joy you need something else: a living relationship with Jesus Christ! Join us for one week to see what the Bible says about finding deep joy in God.
Real Hope: JOY
7 Days
“Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” (Rick Warren) As you read these devotions, may you be encouraged that even if things in your life aren’t lining up as you’d like, you can still experience true Joy!
Choosing Gratitude
10 Days
So many of us are living frustrated, anxious, and overwhelmed. But we don't have to stay this way. New habits can be formed. Fresh hope can be found. Joy is truly right around the corner. But how do we get there? The spiritual practice of gratitude is often the missing key to unlock the hope, joy, and beauty around us.
What's the Point? (A Study in Ecclesiastes: Part 2)
12 Days
God created us to find meaning in our lives. But we live in a broken world where we’re continually frustrated in our search. So, what’s the point of living life? This is the question the Teacher in Ecclesiastes is asking. At first, the message of this wisdom book seems to lead to despair, but in fact points to the hope of life found in God alone.
Vanity: A Study in Ecclesiastes
12 Days
Written by an elderly King Solomon, Ecclesiastes reflects on a life of meaningless pursuits. Solomon writes that the world's pursuits, from wealth to self-indulgence, are vain and unfulfilling. Ecclesiastes determines that God and his presence make life fulfilling, and true wisdom is to fear God and keep his commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
Ecclesiastes Book Study - TheStory
15 Days
Ecclesiastes is tough to read! The author, Solomon, is deeply reflective and concludes that everything is meaningless. Interestingly, these words are still relatable three thousand years later. Is everything meaningless? Why is this book in the Bible? Study the book of Ecclesiastes with the Story Bible guide, exploring what it meant when it was first written and what it means to us today.
Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 6
30 Days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Six of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled ‘The Nation Rebels, Divides and Declines, 975 BC–730 BC’.