Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Thessalonians 4:4

Divine Demolition: A 3-Day Plan
3 Days
Have you ever been tempted to think the work of God in your life appears to be more destructive than constructive? In this plan, we will look at how God’s sanctifying work in our lives is a controlled and loving demolition of the old in order to make way for the new.

How to Save Sex for Marriage?
3 Days
Whenever someone asks us if we believe in premarital sex we respond by saying “yes and no.” It’s a confusing answer at first, but it gives us an opportunity to make an important point. God affirms our sexuality as human beings and we can’t suddenly become asexual. For this reason, we believe in premarital sexuality. We are quick to follow up, however, by saying that having genital sex before marriage is clearly not in line with God’s principles.

Vessel of Honor
3 Days
God molds us to be vessels of honor, carrying God’s glory in jars of clay, but many things can take a believer toward a vessel of dishonor. These things include alcohol and substance abuse, pornography and premarital sex, and cursing and defiled conversation. This devotional plan will help you, as a vessel of honor, carry the glory of God.

A U-Turn From Sexual Sin
3 Days
When your life is out of alignment with God’s Word, you will almost certainly experience painful consequences. Many have experienced the life-shattering results of making poor decisions about their sexual morality. Improper relationships, pornography, and sexual confusion are common in our world today, and they have destroyed many lives. Let best-selling author Tony Evans show you how to break free from sexual sin.

Modesty, Purity, and Honoring God With Your Body.
3 Days
Modesty, Purity, and Honoring God with your body.

How to Set Boundaries in Christian Dating
3 Days
When you start dating as a single Christian, certain situations and interactions may make you or your partner uncomfortable. Whether it’s a personal or moral dilemma for you, your partner, or both of you, the issue is worth considering. So join us for ten minutes for three days to learn about boundaries, essential rules for a relationship, and how to set them up.

How to Overcome Lust
3 Days
Many people have a hidden battle with lust and the enemy thrives in secrecy. When I was younger I battled with lust and pornography, until I experienced God's freedom. If you have been struggling with lust, true freedom is possible. Learn how to overcome it in this plan.

Overcoming Lust
3 Days
Do you feel trapped by lust? Does it seem like there’s no way out? This 3-day devotional plan gives you practical steps to gain victory over lustful thoughts, porn, and unwanted sexual behaviors. There’s hope. With biblical truth and brain science, you can overcome lust and experience true freedom.

Setting Boundaries in Christian Courtship
3 Days
Setting boundaries is an integral part of maintaining a healthy and God-honoring courtship, especially in the context of Christian relationships. Boundaries are like the guardrails that guide couples in their journey. In this 3 day plan, we will explore the significance of setting boundaries in Christian courtship, how to establish them, and the role they play in nurturing a relationship that glorifies God.

Scattered: Cleanse the Temple
4 Days
This plan pulls lessons from John 2:15.This verse details the moment Jesus scattered merchants from the temple courtyard who took advantage of travelers who came to offer sacrifices in the temple. We partner with God in driving out and scattering the obstacles that distract us from becoming bodily temples of unceasing prayer/communion with God and that interfere with the fullness of Christ being expressed in our lives.

Focusing Effort
4 Days
God wants you to have a clear vision for your life! God didn’t save your life just to leave you aimless in life. This four-day study is going to equip you to discern the way God has wired you so that you can focus your effort on what matters most and take hold of the abundant life God has promised you.

KNOW 1 Thessalonians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of 1 Thessalonians teaches us in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

One Minute Apologist - God's Design For Sex
5 Days
It's almost impossible to read an article, turn on the TV, or get on the web without being bombarded by sex. The world says, “do it,” while the church is often too silent on the issue. God designed sex, so doesn’t it make sense to go to the designer and ask how we should handle it?

Battling Porn
5 Days
The average age for first exposure to pornography is 11. And by age 15, 80 percent of boys have had multiple exposures to hard-core pornography. Since porn exposure is so common , the reasoning goes, it must be relatively harmless. But truth be told, porn can wreak havoc on a person’s life and family. Unless you learn to battle it successfully.

Parenting In A Sexualized, Digital Age
5 Days
Parenting is hard work in this sexualized, digital age. Yet, with vision and strategies rooted in God’s Word, we can guide our children in truth and grace… creating space for conversation, helping them understand God’s story of sex, equipping them to navigate the challenges of their world, and modeling the pursuit of purity—which is the pursuit of Jesus. This resource is a toolkit for your parenting journey!

God Has Given Your Life Meaning
5 days
This plan will look at how God has a specific purpose for all of His people. All of humanity was created to live their life in a way that glorifies God, and He has given us all we need to live out our purpose no matter where we are in life.

All About Heaven - What Happens When We Die?
5 Days
It's a question that we often ask only when confronted with the death of a loved one or following a diagnosis of terminal illness. Yet the answer to this fundamental of all questions will determine how we live our lives.

Beyond Awkward Side Hugs
5 Days
Learn how to live and love like Jesus did—as brothers and sisters in intimate, life-giving community with each other. Leave behind eroticized, fear-based patterns and explore how the Bible invites us into gendered, generous relationships between men and women of character as we love one another as Jesus did.

Sex and the Christian Woman
5 Days
Sexual expression is everywhere: movies, music, videos, conversations, social media…everywhere. Our culture is selling sex, promoting sex, and proclaiming that sexual activity is the norm. Those who are following Christ are being bombarded with the lie that being sexually active will satisfy the deep need for intimacy. We cannot look to society to learn what God’s call in the area of sexuality is.

5 Days
Jesus came to give us life and life to the full. Join us on a journey of freedom as we uncover many common strongholds that stop us living free. Get some practical tools on how you can find your true identity in Jesus, forgive & overcome offence, break free from addiction, let go of your past and run free. You'll never be the same again!

God and Dating: Thoughts on Relationships.
5 Days
God doesn't hate dating, but He does have an opinion on relationships. He doesn’t hate dating apps, but He does want you to be wise in how you go about finding love. Explore what God thinks about where you date, who you date, how you date, and what you do on dates to ensure you’re ready to date for the right reasons in a way that honors and glorifies God.

Combating the Battle of Lust
5 Days
Living a lust-free lifestyle, is not only a calling to set you free, but to help free other men in the church! It is possible to walk in freedom from lust. In this study, you will be given practical tips to help combat the battle of lust that is waging war on men in the Christian community.

Encouragement: A Study in 1 Thessalonians
5 Days
Paul’s encouraging letter to the Thessalonian church is a beautiful treatise on unity, sanctification, and the coming of Christ. 1 Thessalonians reminds us to remain sober and steadfast, hopefully anticipating the return of the Lord.

Overcoming Porn
5 Days
Drawing on biblical truth, psychology, and brain science, Ben Bennett offers steps to help you break free from porn and unwanted sexual behaviors. God wants you to live a life of sexual wholeness. This 5-day devotional plan will help you kickstart your journey to healing and freedom in your daily life.

Living for God in a Godless Society Part 1
5 Days
How do we live as Christ-followers in a world that seems to be spinning out of control? The spiritual resolve of Daniel and his three friends sets an example for us of courage, confidence, and hope for God’s people then and now. Learn from Daniel how to live a life that glorifies and serves God with integrity and spiritual power in a godless society