Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Corinthians 3:10

Every Day With Jesus
3 Days
Through these daily readings, embark on the adventure of knowing God and understanding His Word. It isn't like getting a new pair of glasses. It's like getting a new pair of eyes!

Different: A 3-Day Devotional by Building 429's Jason Roy
3 Days
“Different…why can’t they see it’s hard to be different.” This devotion explores our identity, purpose, and strength in Christ. Be encouraged that God LOVES differences and variety, and that these are actually gifts. Stand your ground, be proud of who you’ll become, and don’t ever run or hide from who you really are.

The Foundation of Ministry
3 Days
This plan will give an understanding of the basic foundation of ministry. This plan also encourages every one of us to get involved in the ministry and reach out to other people.

Get on My Level
3 Days
Do you believe you are capable of living life on the level God has reserved for you? Much of our lives are influenced by culture, and many times, culture gets it wrong. We can settle for the mediocrity that culture accepts or we can live on the level God has designated for us. This plan is designed to help you reimagine your life and how to do it God’s way.

Share Christ at Work
4 Days
This 4-day plan on being open about your faith addresses the fact that it's not always easy. Each day provides effective steps to equip you to share your faith powerfully at work or anywhere you go so you can share your faith with confidence.

The Worship Priority
5 Days
This five-day plan will help you recall and renew your focus as a worshiper so that you can become a more effective leader.

Paul And The Body
5 Days
Of all the apostles, Paul’s conversion/calling story was arguably the most notable and miraculous, his assignment to take the Gospel to the Gentiles the most unique, and the tangible results of his obedience the most impressive by human standards. Even so, Paul did not operate as a lone wolf, set apart from the pack and self-sufficient. On the contrary, this hero of the Christian faith understood the essential role his brothers and sisters played in his life and stayed connected to them even when his assignment to preach and live truth called him away for long stretches of time.

5 Misconceptions About Sharing The Gospel
5 Days
Have you ever doubted your effectiveness as a witness? I’ll admit, I have. Over the next 5 days, we'll discuss five misconceptions about sharing the gospel that have grown a fear of witnessing in our hearts. If you’ve struggled with any of these, my heart is not to discourage you. Instead, I pray you will be fully equipped to boldly take the message of grace and truth to the world.

Exploring Evangelism Myths
5 Days
EVANGELISM…what do you feel when you hear this word? Most Christians we talk to these days feel a mix of emotions from discomfort to dread. You are not alone. Christians—regardless of age—feel stuck when it comes to being open about who Jesus is in their life. In the Exploring Evangelism Myths plan we discuss five myths that hold people back from sharing the Gospel. Let’s rediscover evangelism together.

Called Out
5 Days
At Hillsong College, we believe that each one of us have been called out to advance God's Kingdom here on earth. This discipleship study will help you discover and embrace the call of God. This 5 Day plan was written by students and staff of Hillsong College.

5 Days
To build a successful and progressive life for ourselves, we must rely on the blueprint that God has created for us! In this five-day plan, David Villa goes over the blueprint that God made specifically for us so that not only we prosper, but future generations prosper as well!

Christian Leadership Foundations 4 - Crop
5 Days
Christian leadership is radically different from any other form of leadership. The church and community are desperately needing good leaders. This plan is the fourth of seven foundations for Christian leaders God calls to have a powerful godly influence. Christian leaders are empowered to join with God in producing a "crop." They need to generate results. This plan explains how.

Life Starts Now
5 Days
Certified Life Planner and Relationship Expert, Chanel Dokun, shows women how to leave behind the stress and disappointment of a life spent chasing external significance and success, in order to find profound joy and fulfillment in building a new life rooted in living out one's unique God-gifted purpose.

Growing Our Church Family Part 3
5 Days
When Jesus called his disciples to follow Him, they made a commitment to discipleship in the context of community. And from that point forward, the Church has been built on this same idea. But how can broken and sinful people who disagree about so many things work together for God’s Kingdom? Join us as we explore what it means to be the church: devoted, connected, and discipled brothers and sisters.

Wisdom for Parenting
5 Days
A day in the life of a parent can have many highs and lows: we celebrate our children's wins, but we also struggle with many frustrations. With so many emotions tied to one of the greatest responsibilities on earth, the opportunities for joy and growth are limitless!

Weird Ideas: Coming to Judge
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to “weird ideas” and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s and help us see reality through Jesus’ eyes.

Every Home a Foundation: A Theology of Home
5 Days
A biblical theology of home frees us to not just enjoy the place we live but to live with purpose and dignity. Theology simply means the study of God: who He is and how He interacts with the world. A theology of home—and the stewardship, hospitality, diligence, and food within it—is simply God’s perspective and heart for how His children experience homelife.

True North: Going Through Hell for Heaven
6 Days
How often are we given the idea that being a Christian is a joyful, peaceful and carefree life? As well as the idea that you may have some bumps in the journey here and there, yet with a prayer or two, everything will be right-as-rain? There are those times when these ideas are fulfilled in our Christian lives. However, what often is not talked about is the hell you will have to endure to reach the Heaven that is promised. In this 6-Day reading plan, we will journey through the reality of the Christian walk to capture the hope that is total devotion to and love for Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians on Work
6 Days
1 Corinthians is one of the richest books of the Bible on the topic of work. Paul talks about everything from why he worked so hard as a tentmaker to the fact that there are eternal rewards for how we work in this life. Over the next 6 days, we’ll dive deep into 6 passages from this letter and apply them to the work we’re all doing today.

Who, Me? Make Disciples? - How God Has Equipped You
6 Days
When the disciples heard Jesus say, “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19), they responded, “Yes, Lord,” and did it. Today, when we hear this same command, we respond, “Who, me? I’m not eloquent. No one’s ever shown me how to do this.” But the qualities of a disciplemaker are available to all of us. Over the next six days, let’s look at how God has equipped you to “make disciples”!

From Broken to Whole
6 Days
Jesus was a carpenter and knows how to build beautiful things. We see that when we look around at creation - and we can also see it when he takes our broken pieces and makes them whole. This 6 day plan helps us journey from broken to whole through the power of the Holy Spirit. May it be an encouragement to you in the week ahead!

Everyday Disciple 6 - Finishing Well
6 Days
Everyday disciples of Jesus are running a marathon. They follow Jesus until the end . Finishing the discipleship marathon well involves patience and perseverance. This Plan explores how to overcome some of the barriers to finishing well and how to keep going, anticipating the great reward in store for you.

The Parable of the Ten Minas
6 Days
The Lord Jesus promised that one day He will return to rule over all the earth. But how should believers shape their lives here on earth until that day comes? Jesus teaches us more about that in a parable. Will you read along?

Planting a Healthy Church
7 Days
When God calls you to ministry, it can be overwhelming, but it can also be the best thing that ever happens to you. If your heart’s been stirred to plant a church, start here in God’s Word. Dig in to this seven-day reading plan, and find the encouragement you need to step out into God’s calling.

Build The House: A Call To Build The Church
7 Days
Is there anything sacred about the place we worship? Is the church really God's House? What is my part in the church? These and many more questions are answered in this study of God's House from the pages of Scripture. Not only are we called to gather in God's House, but we are also called to help build it.