(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:40
First Nations Version
“‘I speak from my heart,’ he answered them, ‘whatever you did for the least important of my fellow human beings who needed help, you did for me.’
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:40
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:21
“‘You have served me well, my good and trusted friend,’ the headman said, ‘You have done well with a small amount, now I will give you much more. Come and live with my family and enjoy all I have.’
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:21
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:29
and said, ‘The ones who do well with what they are given will be given more, but the ones who do nothing with it will lose even what they have been given.’
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:29
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:13
“Here is what I am saying to you: be prepared like the wise women in this story and always be ready, for you do not know the time of day or night that the True Human Being will appear.”
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:13
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:35
For I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was hungry and you fed me. I was a stranger and you gave me lodging.
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:35
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:23
The headman honored him and did the same for him as the one with ten.
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:23
(Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:36
When I needed clothes, you gave me something to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in prison, you visited me.’
Διαβάστε (Matthew) Gift from Creator Tells the Good Story 25:36
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