Isaiah 7:2-9

Isaiah 7:2-9 NCV

Ahaz king of Judah received a message saying, “The armies of Aram and Israel have joined together.” When Ahaz heard this, he and the people were frightened. They shook with fear like trees of the forest blown by the wind. Then the LORD told Isaiah, “You and your son Shear-Jashub should go and meet Ahaz at the place where the water flows into the upper pool, on the road where people do their laundry. Tell Ahaz, ‘Be careful. Be calm and don’t worry. Don’t let those two men, Rezin and Pekah son of Remaliah, scare you. Don’t be afraid of their anger or Aram’s anger, because they are like two barely burning sticks that are ready to go out. They have made plans against you, saying, “Let’s fight against Judah and tear it apart. We will divide the land for ourselves and make the son of Tabeel the new king of Judah.” But I, the Lord GOD, say, “ ‘Their plan will not succeed; it will not happen, because Aram is led by the city of Damascus, and Damascus is led by its weak king, Rezin. Within sixty-five years Israel will no longer be a nation. Israel is led by the city of Samaria, and Samaria is led by its weak king, the son of Remaliah. If your faith is not strong, you will not have strength enough to last.’ ”

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