Hebrews 9:1-10

Hebrews 9:1-10 NCV

The first agreement had rules for worship and a place on earth for worship. The Holy Tent was set up for this. The first area in the Tent was called the Holy Place. In it were the lamp and the table with the bread that was made holy for God. Behind the second curtain was a room called the Most Holy Place. In it was a golden altar for burning incense and the Ark covered with gold that held the old agreement. Inside this Ark was a golden jar of manna, Aaron’s rod that once grew leaves, and the stone tablets of the old agreement. Above the Ark were the creatures that showed God’s glory, whose wings reached over the lid. But we cannot tell everything about these things now. When everything in the Tent was made ready in this way, the priests went into the first room every day to worship. But only the high priest could go into the second room, and he did that only once a year. He could never enter the inner room without taking blood with him, which he offered to God for himself and for sins the people did without knowing they did them. The Holy Spirit uses this to show that the way into the Most Holy Place was not open while the system of the old Holy Tent was still being used. This is an example for the present time. It shows that the gifts and sacrifices offered cannot make the conscience of the worshiper perfect. These gifts and sacrifices were only about food and drink and special washings. They were rules for the body, to be followed until the time of God’s new way.

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