پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە زەبوورەکان 62:1

Being Heard
3 Days
Discover the value, purpose, and healing in having your story heard. In this study, you will explore God's Word and learn about identifying deep wounds, healing by being heard, and applying God's word to your story. This study is part 2 of the Never Alone: Trauma Healing series. While written for the military community, the themes apply to anyone who has experienced intense trials and wants to heal.

Cabrini Devotional
3 Days
Discover the teachings of Mother Francesca Cabrini, also recognized as St. Frances Cabrini, the humanitarian and first American saint. Her writings resonate with a zeal for souls that led her across oceans and continents to touch lives and spread the word of God. Drawn from her letters and her extensive spiritual retreat notes, in collaboration with Sophia Institute Press, these entries speak directly to souls seeking conviction and courage.

4 Days
Few of us like to be stalled, for any reason. Even if it’s just someone cutting us off in traffic and forcing us to slow down. But detours are necessary if any improvement is going to be made on the paths we travel. In this insightful reading plan, Tony Evans guides you through God's process and purpose of detours.

Rivers & Robots - Still
5 days
“Hello, Friend. I know it can be difficult to find a quiet space in our busy lives. I want to invite you to take 5 days and go on a journey with us to let the Lord, the Good Shepherd, lead you beside still waters so that your soul can be restored.” Glenn Packiam with Rivers & Robots

Makers And Monsters
5 Days
Looking for purpose? There's one thing keeping you from it: yourself. We create roadblocks from our past. In return, our purpose is flawed from the beginning. But like a mosaic, your purpose is made from the broken pieces. In the Makers & Monsters Devotional Plan, Josh White takes us through the story of David, and how "the man after God's own heart" was also flawed, yet so close to Jesus.

Bringing Calm into the Chaos of Your Home
5 Days
Parents and kids are both stressed out. Anxiety, fear, and depression are on the rise, especially in the wake of the recent pandemic. While balancing work demands and the pressures of raising kids, how do parents provide a sense of calm? Jesus promised His peace (John 14:7). Discover in this devotional the transformational keys to experiencing peace and how to bring Christ’s calming presence into your home.

Alive & Well
5 Days
Over the last year, the world has gone through a lot, but there is a God who reminds us that He is still Alive & Well. And we were created to be Alive & Well with Him.

How to Take a Break
5 Days
We all need them. A break helps us cope with life, to see things from a new perspective. Yet, we are so busy we often skip those precious times when we can sit idle, pray, and reflect on the moments of life. This devotional is intended to address that problem.

Waiting on God
5 Days
Join us in learning to wait upon God in this 5-day journey through the beloved classic by Andrew Murray.

Thriving in Isolation
6 Days
Whether it is sickness, stage of life, or disaster that quarantines you to your home, isolation can be devastating. We are communal people made in the image of a communal God, but isolation can also be a gift. How do you spiritually grow and even thrive in isolation? How do you learn to spiritually self-feed?

When the Unthinkable Happens: A Journey Through Suffering
6 Days
We know we’re going to die one day, but that seems far away. Then you wake up one morning with a sore throat and an earache. A few tests later, the news comes back that you have cancer. What?! That can’t be! But. it. is. If you are battling sickness or an emotional pain, I pray you will find hope through what God taught me on this journey.

Not A Fan
7 Days
The devotions in this plan are designed to help you live out what it means to be a truly committed and sold-out follower of Jesus. They focus on following Christ, denying yourself, and pursuing Jesus. Taken from the Not A Fan Daily Devotional by Kyle Idleman.

Hollywood Prayer Network On Rest
7 Days
The word rest is used throughout scripture to show God’s love, peace and comfort. God is very strong and very clear on wanting us to have a day of rest. He commands us to observe the Sabbath and He even tells us that His Holy Spirit rests on us. How good are you at resting?

Moving Through Fear
7 Days
"What are you afraid of?" How we answer this question can open the door to spiritual transformation that reveals the path to joy and to the heart of God. Join Gem and Alan Fadling as they lead us on this journey of discovery and help us learn that when we uncover our fears, we are ready to meet God and to trust him more.

Fighting for Love in a Porn Affected Marriage
7 Days
In a world that doesn’t even see pornography as a problem, trying to stand firm against porn in your marriage can be a confusing, challenging and lonely experience. Here are seven messages of hope to comfort you, encourage you, and embolden you to fight on.

I Can't Do This! - How to Overcome Addiction
7 Days
You may have been drawn in by the title ‘I can’t do this!’ We would love to walk alongside you over the next seven days and help you change that way of thinking. This won’t be a quick solution, but true change never is. However, if followed, it will bring you freedom because, in Jesus, this is your assurance.

7 Days
A seven-day reading plan designed to help you chase after God wholeheartedly this year.

Caring for Yourself While Serving God and Others
7 Days
Have you ever wondered how to care for yourself and serve a hurting world? Sometimes those concepts seem to compete — as if we must choose between being healthy and whole or a sold-out-burned-out Jesus follower. Embark on a journey to discover how to better care for yourself and serve a hurting world with this plan, pulled from Hal Donaldson’s latest book: What Really Matters.

Worship Initiative | Psalms From the Well Vol. 2
8 Days
Listen to songs from The Worship Initiative's original record, "Psalms From the Well Vol. 2 (Live)", and read along with the Psalms that inspired them.

SoulSister: Renewing Your Soul With the Word of God
10 Days
This devotional will take us on a 10-day journey of being renewed, reprogrammed, and transformed in our souls (mind, will, and emotions). We are going to fast from wrong thinking, fast from giving into negative emotions, and fast from things that feed our souls anything unhealthy. How? By allowing the Holy Spirit to renew and reprogram our minds through the Word of God.

Becoming Christlike: Loving God With All You Are
10 Days
There are six basic aspects that are inseparable from every human life. Together and in interplay, they make up “human nature.” Jesus highlighted this when He said to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Together we’ll review each aspect to help us learn how we can bring each one, thereby our whole selves, under God’s rule.

The Beach Is Calling: A 10 Day Plan for Rest and Relaxation
10 Days
Whether you live on the beach or wish you did, this Bible plan will transport you to a place where you can rest and relax in the Father’s love. It will provide a haven of rest for the times when you feel like the waves of doubt are crashing all around you or a storm is overwhelming your faith.

The Rest Of Your Life
14 Days
Do you just need a really good rest? When it comes to the subject of rest , it seems that we may have been missing the point. Life is frantic, but it’s not God who is encouraging us to get busy. His desire is to lead us into a life that is productive, fruitful restful. Yet, so often we fight against Him. This devotional plan teaches that rest is ESSENTIAL to your success in life, and that learning to rest can protect, maintain and lengthen whatever God has called you to do!

14 Days
It's time to leave fear behind, move forward in faith, and embrace the adventure. Through this 14-day reading plan, you will strengthen your faith in a good God and learn to live in the joyful freedom of complete trust in Him even in the face of unexpected circumstances.

The Biblical Benefit Of Hindsight
14 Days
The irritating benefit of hindsight is that it is often easier to see why we should have listened to biblical wisdom when we suffer through trials and difficulties. The one thing I keep learning is that the wisdom was there all along; I just needed to look for it. It is one thing to have faith in your head. It is quite another to live out that faith in your heart, day by day.