پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە زەبوورەکان 19:7

3 Big Questions, 1 Little Psalm
3 Days
Some of the toughest questions life throws at us are often some of the simplest to answer Scripturally. This short devotional will examine three such “meaning of life” questions – Is there a God? What does He want? How do we respond? – through the lens of one of the Bible's smallest passages, Psalm 19.

Soul Revival
3 Days
Has your spiritual life ever felt stagnant? Do you want to invigorate and deepen your faith? Where do you usually turn for revival? The theme of these guided audio meditations is soul refreshment. I hope they help you voice joyful praise to the Lord. I believe they will open your eyes to the truth of God in fresh new ways to serve the Lord. I pray they revitalize your soul.

You Are Not Alone
3 Days
Loneliness may feel like a dark gloomy cloud that follows you everywhere, but there is freedom and hope in Christ. This 3-day plan explores God's remedy to address a widespread human emotion that is both multifaceted and exclusive to each individual.

God's Promises For The Hungry Heart, Part 3
4 Days
Promises! Who doesn't want certainty. We CAN depend on God! It has been said there are around 1600 promises in the Old and New Testaments. The following verses can help you draw near to the Lord and rest. God's word has promises you want in your heart regarding dating, anger, hope, money, trust, suffering and even sex. Stop relying on empty promises people make. Lean on God's promises.

True Love Revealed
4 Days
Throughout the Scripture, we see God’s heart to reveal Himself to the world. God displays this in His creation, character, and love in many ways, to many people. Whatever the method, God wants to know you and be known by you. Over the next four days, explore several promises in the Bible that will help you realize God’s desire to reveal His glory and true love to your heart.

Sub·mit (Verb) Let Go, Let God!
4 Days
What does it mean to submit to God, and why should you bother? Believe it or not, submitting to God isn't meant to box you in or restrict you; instead, it will free you! Submitting to God is a daily expression of love that brings you closer to God and produces many blessings, including freedom from worry, peace, and eternal rewards! Are you ready to let go and let God?

Heaven's In Your Routines
5 Days
Busy, busy and busy. Everyone is busy about something and that puts them at risk: a risk of overlooking the peace God has stored for them. In this five-day devotion, you will read Psalm 19 and how God is sending heavens in the midst of your routines. Enjoy reading this practical devotion and respond to a heaven's calling for a stronger relationship with God. Follow JETS @jetslifegroup too.

Father Knows Best – 5 Prayers For Your Kids
5 Days
As fathers, our prayers for our kids sometimes turn into monotony as we pray the same things over and over. We want to say more, but can’t come up with the words. We understand the sentiment. We’ve compiled 5 biblically-based devotions to help you pray for your kids.

Soul Prosperity
5 Days
There are literally hundreds of scriptures on the soul. However, there’s no clear explanation between it, our God given spirit and the importance of keeping it "healthy". This devotional aims to show how important it is to keep our souls nourished so that we may fulfill the will of God for our lives

Social Myths Or Spiritual Truths - Trust Fall Series
5 Days
In the Trust Fall series, Pastor Gregg Matte takes us on a passage-by-passage journey through the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter. The purpose of this series is to show us that we can fall back with confidence into our God’s safe arms. This fifth plan of the series unravels the clever myths that could shape our perspective, purpose, what we expect from life and our response to God and His word.

UNPACK This...For MLB Fans
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan unpacks interesting baseball stories along with relevant applications of Biblical truth. Through a lens of faith, you'll be challenged, encouraged, and inspired as a sports fan to follow Jesus and become more like Him.

Be Refreshed: 5 Days of Refreshing in Gods Word
5 Days
‘Refresh’ is a word that brings a sense of renewal and something we all need, especially now. It's time to be refreshed in God. To refresh ourselves in the Word of God, washing off all of the muck and dirt ready for a new start. So, jump in with us as we spend the next five days looking at the topic of ‘refreshing’ in the Word of God.

Real Hope: The Psalms
5 Days
The Psalms are passages that show us how to truly delight in the God we serve, love and worship, even in the midst of chaos and pain. In this plan we reflect on some of our favorite Psalms and are, once again, reminded of God's faithfulness to us.

I Believe in God, but I Trust in Science, Not the Supernatural
5 Days
Gallup poll researchers recently asked Americans, “Do you believe in God?” and 87% of the people said yes. But if we are honest, most of us have issues when it comes to faith. We would love for you to join us as we explore some common thoughts about Christianity and science being mutually exclusive.

Heaven and Nature Sing: 5 Days to Reflect During Advent
5 Days
What does it mean for both heaven and nature to sing? How does the Advent season reflect the reality that Jesus came not only to save the world but to save the entire cosmos? This plan walks us through five days of reflecting on these truths during Advent.

Sweeter Than Honey: Enjoying God in His Word
5 Days
Our lives feel stuffed to the brink. We struggle to spend time in God’s Word, or when we do, we don’t know where to start. In this five-day devotional, you will discover the sweetness of studying the Bible and learn how to apply it to your life. As you cultivate both discipline and delight in Scripture, you’ll experience the transformative work of building a deeper relationship with God through his Word.

Hearing God's Voice in the Psalms
5 Days
For years, my prayers were a monologue. I shared with God everything I could think of. While my motives and intentions were honorable, the only thing working was my mouth. As I look back on those years, I wonder if God ever hoped I would pause to take a breath so He could speak. In your life, God desires to turn the monologue into a daily dialogue. Are you ready to hear God’s voice?

Finding True Purpose
6 Days
At some point we all ask questions about why we were created, what are we supposed to do and what does God want from us. The world usually tries to answer these questions very differently than scripture. God loves you and made you for a very specific reason. Over the next six days learn how to live the abundant life God desires.

Thriving in Isolation
6 Days
Whether it is sickness, stage of life, or disaster that quarantines you to your home, isolation can be devastating. We are communal people made in the image of a communal God, but isolation can also be a gift. How do you spiritually grow and even thrive in isolation? How do you learn to spiritually self-feed?

Berry Burst: A Refreshed Soul
6 Days
Without a doubt every single person needs refreshing from time to time - but what if this wasn’t meant as a sporadic occurrence but a state of being? The Psalms are a leading light toward this and within the picture of Christ’s finished work we can discover the beauty of living with a refreshed soul, daily!

5 Ways to Live Outside the Enemy's Grasp
6 Days
One of the greatest promises in Scripture is that we can submit to God, resist the devil, and the devil will flee from us. However, there are prerequisites and conditions to this promise. In this Bible Plan, Pastor Jamie Tuttle shares exactly what those conditions are—and how you can position yourself in a place of total safety from the enemy’s attacks.

5 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know
6 Days
When most Christians pick up a Bible, they rarely realize that they are holding a miracle between their hands. On a whim, they can open it and begin reading any chapter or verse from any book they want in their very own language. Today, it’s easier than ever to read what the Bible says. But that doesn’t mean it’s just as easy to understand.

Everyday Disciple 2 - Immersed in Scripture
6 Days
An essential way that everyday disciples of Jesus grow is by saturating themselves in Scripture. Through Scripture, we get to know God, hear His voice and His heart, learn how God works, appreciate His promises, and receive God’s guidance. This Plan focuses on the importance and purpose of Scripture in forging disciples of Jesus.

Hearing God Speak
7 Days
The Bible is the word of God and therefore, when we read the Bible, we hear God’s voice. In this new 7-day devotional, John Piper unpacks key verses that refocus our hearts on the wonder that God speaks to us.

Walls Fall Down: God’s Unusual Plan for Victory
7 Days
The secrets to overcoming any obstacle you are facing are revealed through one of the most extraordinary victories ever recorded—the battle of Jericho. During this seven-day reading plan based on the book, Walls Fall Down, you will learn how Joshua and the Israelites followed God’s unusual plan to walk around the massive walls of Jericho for seven days. Seven spiritual principles from this story are available to you today.